Man Who Let Darrell Brooks Out Said That Individuals Like Brooks Would Get Out And Kill People...Guaranteed

No, for the most part they have zero merit.

Rehabilitation is not about time, it is about reforming the prison system altogether. Right now, prison has nothing to do with reform and is actually specifically designed not to reform. If you really are serious about rehabilitation, you do not run to sentencing guidelines, you go straight to the piss poor system we have for reintegrating offenders and having more options in prison to gain a marketable skill.

Bail reform sounds good. It is bullshit though as has been shown the instant such policies were put into place. There are many things wrong with the legal system, bail is not even in the top 10.

What does defund the cops mean? Now you are just being dishonest. I don't care what particular lie you want to drag out of the closet to defend the asinine mantra picked up by the left, every interpretation of this idea is beyond asinine.

Utterly irrelevant. Anecdotal stories are meaningless and should never be the drivers of policy nor does anything I have mentioned have squat to do with traffic policy.

No but then again I have never advocated for 'putting people in prison forever' so it is anyone's guess as to why you feel the need to lie about my position to defend your own.


If convicted of murder, probably. What do you think a murderer should get, 6 months? What does that have to do with anything stated thus far? Nothing at all. Since he was innocent of any charges he got nothing. Perhaps if the child rapist was in prison he would not have been killed.

Yes, cops who murder people while they are on duty should be in prison for a damn long time. One of the largest problems we have with the police force is that they are not held to account.

And of course circumstances matter. Nowhere have I argued anything different. You seem to be setting up straw man after straw man after straw man.
So if a jury found Kyle guilty, you think he should have been given life? So the circumstances don't matter? I would say if I found Kyle guilty that murder should be a 20 year sentence and you get out in 10 for good behavior. But I'm sure if I were a family member of the victims I would say bullshit.

And you would say bullshit too because a lot of these guys we let out repeat offend.

So, to be extra safe, you would make it so even a guy like Kyle never got out? I understand not letting a cold hearted killer out ever again but even I don't believe Kyle is a cold blooded killer. Even if he was convicted of murder, I wouldn't say he should spend the rest of his life in prison. But according to you cons he should if he was convicted? So not even circumstances matter to you?
Why do you feel the need to continue to directly lie about things I have stated.
Is the point I'm trying to make going over your head?

Let me get this straight. So you would let a convicted murderer out after 10 years? Then you are guilty if that person gets out and repeat offends. Right? I mean you are blaming liberals for the justice system letting violent felons out but then I'm assuming you wouldn't agree with giving Kyle a life sentence right?
Is the point I'm trying to make going over your head?

Let me get this straight. So you would let a convicted murderer out after 10 years? Then you are guilty if that person gets out and repeat offends. Right? I mean you are blaming liberals for the justice system letting violent felons out but then I'm assuming you wouldn't agree with giving Kyle a life sentence right?
I would not agree to giving Kyle one day, he was innocent.

You are so fixated on an INNOCENT person, you cant even go into a topic without bringing it up.
I would not agree to giving Kyle one day, he was innocent.

You are so fixated on an INNOCENT person, you cant even go into a topic without bringing it up.
I agree now. He is innocent. Why do rioters have the right to be violent and cause damage to cities? Citizens should arm. The cops sometimes are outnumbered and can’t stop rioters. They need good citizens to protect their streets.

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