Manafort being treated worse than Charles Manson by New York Bureacracy

All the terrible things right wingers on the USMB have said about felons.
Now all of a sudden they’re worried about this felon. Is it because he’s white? Or because he’s a Trumpstir?
It's because he's the victim of a witch hunt, you piece of shit.
How is it you don’t get banned? I get banned for sneezing the wrong way.
Well, let's see. There was that meeting about "adoptions" and then for some silly reason Manafort shared internal polling data with the Russians. Didn't the Gateway Pundit fill you in?
So where's the collusion, shit for brains? Yeah, I'll bet that polling data was classified. Ya know, none of the articles I've read about this episode say exactly when the polling data was shared. Why do you suppose that is?

I just told you, you must be functionally illiterate.
How does that meeting constitute collusion with the Russian government?

The ethnic Russian Honey Pot that met with Manafort, Trump Jr., et al in the Trump Tower about adoptions was working for the Democrats and the Deep State. The gal was working on a scheme to "sting" the Trump Campaign, and was in no way affiliated with Uncle Pooty.
Once again, the evidence for collusion points at the Democrats.
He said in a wistful voice looking off into the distance while talking to no one in particular.
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)

I have no problem putting him in general population. I wonder how Manafort feels about that.

Actually, Manafort is going to be held in solitary, in the same wing that they keep cops, cop killers, and other high profile inmates. Post 2 has a link.

Somebody better tell the world's worst grammar Nazi then, he thinks it's additional punishment.
The 'E" is silent.

Kinda like the talk about 'Russian Collusion" these days.

Yeah, the "e" is silent in" Manafort" because it's not fucking there. :21:

And the Trump campaign did collude, it's in the report.

Careful now...

Next thing the OP will claim Hillary and Obama stole the 'e' .....
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation by a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Wrong, shit for brain. You don't even know all the people the Mueller investigated. You only know about the ones he prosecuted. He certainly investigated Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
Let me say it again dumdum, Every single completed criminal investigation of Donald Trump has resulted in felony convictions and someone either in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Can it be any more clear?
A "completed criminal investigation" is one that resulted in a conviction. One that didn't result in a conviction is not completed. Your logic is circular. You only proved that you're a fucking dumbass.
All the terrible things right wingers on the USMB have said about felons.
Now all of a sudden they’re worried about this felon. Is it because he’s white? Or because he’s a Trumpstir?
It's because he's the victim of a witch hunt, you piece of shit.
How is it you don’t get banned? I get banned for sneezing the wrong way.
I don't get banned because I know the rules, dumbass.
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
Why is Adam Schiff not in jail for leaking classified information like Hillary Clinton did?

Those are really serious crimes, they have been protected from being prosecuted for.

Probably has something to do with no indictment or trial or conviction.

See you can run your dummy partisan mouth on the internetz all day long and assert all kinds of bullshit, doesn’t mean there is any actual provable case there.
Not yet. Schiff clearly perjured himself multiple times. He also leaked classified information.

Idiot, to perjure yourself you have to be testifying to congress or other investigators.

Who did he testify to and when?
He lied to Congress multiple times: perjury.

Damn, you just don't know when to quit the stupid do you?

I'll explain this to you one more time - you can only perjure yourself if you are a witness and/or testifying before the congress. Since Schiff never testified in that capacity he COULD NOT legally perjure himself.
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
Why is Adam Schiff not in jail for leaking classified information like Hillary Clinton did?

Those are really serious crimes, they have been protected from being prosecuted for.

Probably has something to do with no indictment or trial or conviction.

See you can run your dummy partisan mouth on the internetz all day long and assert all kinds of bullshit, doesn’t mean there is any actual provable case there.
Not yet. Schiff clearly perjured himself multiple times. He also leaked classified information.

Idiot, to perjure yourself you have to be testifying to congress or other investigators.

Who did he testify to and when?
You need to look up the word.....
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
Why is Adam Schiff not in jail for leaking classified information like Hillary Clinton did?

Those are really serious crimes, they have been protected from being prosecuted for.

Probably has something to do with no indictment or trial or conviction.

See you can run your dummy partisan mouth on the internetz all day long and assert all kinds of bullshit, doesn’t mean there is any actual provable case there.
Not yet. Schiff clearly perjured himself multiple times. He also leaked classified information.

Idiot, to perjure yourself you have to be testifying to congress or other investigators.

Who did he testify to and when?
You need to look up the word.....

You should post the definition of perjure. That'l teach...somebody.
All the terrible things right wingers on the USMB have said about felons.
Now all of a sudden they’re worried about this felon. Is it because he’s white? Or because he’s a Trumpstir?
It's because he's the victim of a witch hunt, you piece of shit.
How is it you don’t get banned? I get banned for sneezing the wrong way.
I don't get banned because I know the rules, dumbass.
And therein lies the rub with this suck ass place.
It's OK.

We will simply infest the justice system, and after we take over we can do "Trial by Helicopter" in response.

Who is the "we", as in "after we take over"? Purportedly Trump and his supporters are in charge of both the White House and the Senate, and until January, they also held the House. Trump and the Republicans "took over" in January, 2016, so who exactly is waiting to take over?

I love it when Russian trolls out themselves with these little slips of the keyboard.
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....

Members of the House and Senate handed over confidential computer data on millions of Americans, to the Russians?

Members of the House and Senate lied to their bankers and committed bank fraud?

One of the Jurors in his first trial was a MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter who was convinced the whole investigation was a witch hunt, and she not only voted guilty on all 18 counts, but she said the evidence was overwhelming.

Manafort lied, cheated and stole, and he PLEAD GUILTY TO ALL OF IT.
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)

This is basically a vindictive 'F* YOU' move from Mueller, perhaps because the evidence-hiding criminal pr!ck could not indict / convict Trump'....or anyone else associated with him...on the proven bogus claim of 'collusion'.

If something can't be done about this, I hope Barr makes sure Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Strzok, Baker, and Lynch have reserved Solitary Confinement cells in Rikers, if not down in GITMO for their time in prison after the US IG report on FISA Court abuses and the DOJ's other investigations of the investigators is released.


Legal experts stunned by DA's 'barbaric' move to send Manafort to Rikers Island

"It is yet another example of the weaponization of the criminal process for partisan advantage"
-- Defense attorney Alan Dershowitz .

"Rikers Island & Solitary Confinement are both tortures *no one* should be subjected to"
-- Brooklyn Scott Hechinger Public Defender

"Rikers is a "hell hole" that nobody should go to, not even "enemies."
-- Liberal activist Shaun King

"A prison sentence is not a license for gov torture and human rights violations. That‘s what solitary confinement is. Manafort should be released, along with all people being held in solitary."

-- D-NY Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
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Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....

Members of the House and Senate handed over confidential computer data on millions of Americans, to the Russians?

Members of the House and Senate lied to their bankers and committed bank fraud?

One of the Jurors in his first trial was a MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter who was convinced the whole investigation was a witch hunt, and she not only voted guilty on all 18 counts, but she said the evidence was overwhelming.

Manafort lied, cheated and stole, and he PLEAD GUILTY TO ALL OF IT.


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Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW

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Manson was as nutty as a shit eating possum......BUT....he never killed anyone.
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation by a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Wrong, shit for brain. You don't even know all the people the Mueller investigated. You only know about the ones he prosecuted. He certainly investigated Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
Let me say it again dumdum, Every single completed criminal investigation of Donald Trump has resulted in felony convictions and someone either in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Can it be any more clear?
For something that had nothing to do with Trump.
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation by a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Wrong, shit for brain. You don't even know all the people the Mueller investigated. You only know about the ones he prosecuted. He certainly investigated Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
Let me say it again dumdum, Every single completed criminal investigation of Donald Trump has resulted in felony convictions and someone either in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Can it be any more clear?
For something that had nothing to do with Trump.

Trump hired criminals, liars, and a LOT of people who had strong ties to Russia. Birds of a feather. And Trump himself operates in a criminal fashion. Not to mention he doesn't vet anyone. Trump trusts his instincts. The same instincts that helped him lose more money than any businessman in the USA, lead his companies into 7 business bankruptcies - also a record.
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation by a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Wrong, shit for brain. You don't even know all the people the Mueller investigated. You only know about the ones he prosecuted. He certainly investigated Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
Let me say it again dumdum, Every single completed criminal investigation of Donald Trump has resulted in felony convictions and someone either in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Can it be any more clear?
For something that had nothing to do with Trump.

Trump hired criminals, liars, and a LOT of people who had strong ties to Russia. Birds of a feather. And Trump himself operates in a criminal fashion. Not to mention he doesn't vet anyone. Trump trusts his instincts. The same instincts that helped him lose more money than any businessman in the USA, lead his companies into 7 business bankruptcies - also a record.
7 bankruptcies vs 250 multimillion dollar businesses successfully run. What have you done lately? Do you know some corporations higher CEO's who specialize in bankruptcy's. It isn't considered a bad thing for a CEO to be in charge of a company that files bankruptcy.

Let he without sin cast the first stone. One thing I learned in life, driven into me time and time again. Nobody is a saint, everyone has skeletons. Too many times I've learned this lesson the hard way. And especially so, the rich Business man.
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation by a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Wrong, shit for brain. You don't even know all the people the Mueller investigated. You only know about the ones he prosecuted. He certainly investigated Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
Let me say it again dumdum, Every single completed criminal investigation of Donald Trump has resulted in felony convictions and someone either in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Can it be any more clear?
For something that had nothing to do with Trump.

Trump hired criminals, liars, and a LOT of people who had strong ties to Russia. Birds of a feather. And Trump himself operates in a criminal fashion. Not to mention he doesn't vet anyone. Trump trusts his instincts. The same instincts that helped him lose more money than any businessman in the USA, lead his companies into 7 business bankruptcies - also a record.
7 bankruptcies vs 250 multimillion dollar businesses successfully run. What have you done lately? Do you know some corporations higher CEO's who specialize in bankruptcy's. It isn't considered a bad thing for a CEO to be in charge of a company that files bankruptcy.

Let he without sin cast the first stone. One thing I learned in life, driven into me time and time again. Nobody is a saint, everyone has skeletons. Too many times I've learned this lesson the hard way. And especially so, the rich Business man.

What 250 successful companies? I don't know of a single Trump business which has been successful other than Trump Tower, and I firmly believe Fred did a lot behind the scenes to make that happen for Dumb Donald. The TV show was a success, but that's not the same thing as having business successes.

$1 billion in business losses in the 1980's. $100 million lost each year, all bankrolled by Fred. After Fred wasn't in a position to cover his losses, then came the bankruptcies, the latest of which was the Trump Hotel Toronto, in 2016, during the election campaign.

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