Manafort being treated worse than Charles Manson by New York Bureacracy

Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
Why is Adam Schiff not in jail for leaking classified information like Hillary Clinton did?

Those are really serious crimes, they have been protected from being prosecuted for.

Probably has something to do with no indictment or trial or conviction.

See you can run your dummy partisan mouth on the internetz all day long and assert all kinds of bullshit, doesn’t mean there is any actual provable case there.
Not yet. Schiff clearly perjured himself multiple times. He also leaked classified information.

Idiot, to perjure yourself you have to be testifying to congress or other investigators.

Who did he testify to and when?
There wouldn't bee an safety considerations if he wasn't going to Riker's island. Quit pretending this is anything other than pure vindictiveness. All you Trump hating morons are going straight to hell.

There’s a Russian concern wherever he is. I’m sure he’s fine staying out of gen pop and away from Plutonium soup.
What the fact is a "Russian concern?" Are you afraid he might pass notes to another inmate who will intern pass it to the Kremlin?

The whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" conspiracy is a hoax, you astounding dumbass.
No, I'm thinking he's concerned with Russia having him disappeared because of what he knows.

There was and is no collusion between Manafort and the Russians. Mueller did everything he could to squeeze Manafort. There was nothing.

Well, let's see. There was that meeting about "adoptions" and then for some silly reason Manafort shared internal polling data with the Russians. Didn't the Gateway Pundit fill you in?
Nothing, in other words.
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
Why is Adam Schiff not in jail for leaking classified information like Hillary Clinton did?

Those are really serious crimes, they have been protected from being prosecuted for.

Probably has something to do with no indictment or trial or conviction.

See you can run your dummy partisan mouth on the internetz all day long and assert all kinds of bullshit, doesn’t mean there is any actual provable case there.
Not yet. Schiff clearly perjured himself multiple times. He also leaked classified information.

Idiot, to perjure yourself you have to be testifying to congress or other investigators.

Who did he testify to and when?
He lied to Congress multiple times: perjury.
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
Why is Adam Schiff not in jail for leaking classified information like Hillary Clinton did?

Those are really serious crimes, they have been protected from being prosecuted for.

Probably has something to do with no indictment or trial or conviction.

See you can run your dummy partisan mouth on the internetz all day long and assert all kinds of bullshit, doesn’t mean there is any actual provable case there.
Not yet. Schiff clearly perjured himself multiple times. He also leaked classified information.

Idiot, to perjure yourself you have to be testifying to congress or other investigators.

Who did he testify to and when?
Any Congressman making a statement to The American People and lies about Official Business is committing Perjury. It does not have to be in a hearing. He also should go on trial for leaking classified intel.
The good will prevail! God bless you Paul America has your back!
Why should Mr. Manafort's "safety" be any more of a concern that any of the others thousands of inmates in that jail?

Manafort is a former lawyer, unlike the majority of guys on ice at Rikers. If I were serving time, I'd ask Manafort to help me with my appeal before I'd ask Jared Fogle or Mike Tyson or the Shoe Bomber guy.

They put a lot of felons in solitary for safety reasons like they are for Manafort. Pedophiles for one.
There wouldn't bee an safety considerations if he wasn't going to Riker's island. Quit pretending this is anything other than pure vindictiveness. All you Trump hating morons are going straight to hell.

There’s a Russian concern wherever he is. I’m sure he’s fine staying out of gen pop and away from Plutonium soup.
What the fact is a "Russian concern?" Are you afraid he might pass notes to another inmate who will intern pass it to the Kremlin?

The whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" conspiracy is a hoax, you astounding dumbass.
No, I'm thinking he's concerned with Russia having him disappeared because of what he knows.
If anyone was going to knock off Manafort, they'd knock him off because of what he knows about The Podesta Group, Clinton, Obama and Biden, since everything he allegedly did was on their behalf when he worked for John Podesta.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

Joe Biden and the rest told Manafort to commit bank and tax fraud to personally benefit himself? Crazy, man.
And Biden’s son received how much from China
In excess of a billion I recall
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)

There is nothing "allegedly" about any of Paul Manafort's crimes. He was found and/or plead guilty to more than 20 federal indictments - pleade GUILTY and admitted to bank fraud amounting to millions of dollars, and to tax evasion amounting to millions of dollars, and paid over $40 million dollars in back taxes and fines, in addition to spending 15 years behind bars.

Furthermore, he sold out his COUNTY to the Russians for money and influence. You're trying to pin the "treason" label on members of the FBI and the CIA for investigating Trump. What Manafort did really does come far closer to "treason", in that he provided the Russians with Republican polling data on the US electorate - something that political parties guard jealously. This is the same polling date collected by Cambridge Analytica from FaceBook.

What Paul Manafort did, could cause far more damage to America than anything Charlie Manson ever dreamed of doing, and bear in mind Manson dreamed of starting a race war in America. Manafort is helping Russian destroy the American people.

The only way that what Manafort did falls short of a legal definition of "treason", is that there is no declared war between Russia and the USA. But no one knows better than you, a card carrying member of the Russian troll farmer contingent on this board, what Russia has in mind.
There’s a Russian concern wherever he is. I’m sure he’s fine staying out of gen pop and away from Plutonium soup.
What the fact is a "Russian concern?" Are you afraid he might pass notes to another inmate who will intern pass it to the Kremlin?

The whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" conspiracy is a hoax, you astounding dumbass.
No, I'm thinking he's concerned with Russia having him disappeared because of what he knows.

There was and is no collusion between Manafort and the Russians. Mueller did everything he could to squeeze Manafort. There was nothing.

Well, let's see. There was that meeting about "adoptions" and then for some silly reason Manafort shared internal polling data with the Russians. Didn't the Gateway Pundit fill you in?
So where's the collusion, shit for brains? Yeah, I'll bet that polling data was classified. Ya know, none of the articles I've read about this episode say exactly when the polling data was shared. Why do you suppose that is?

I just told you, you must be functionally illiterate.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

Joe Biden and the rest told Manafort to commit bank and tax fraud to personally benefit himself? Crazy, man.
And Biden’s son received how much from China
In excess of a billion I recall

All the terrible things right wingers on the USMB have said about felons.
Now all of a sudden they’re worried about this felon. Is it because he’s white? Or because he’s a Trumpstir?
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation of a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
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What the fact is a "Russian concern?" Are you afraid he might pass notes to another inmate who will intern pass it to the Kremlin?

The whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" conspiracy is a hoax, you astounding dumbass.
No, I'm thinking he's concerned with Russia having him disappeared because of what he knows.

There was and is no collusion between Manafort and the Russians. Mueller did everything he could to squeeze Manafort. There was nothing.

Well, let's see. There was that meeting about "adoptions" and then for some silly reason Manafort shared internal polling data with the Russians. Didn't the Gateway Pundit fill you in?
So where's the collusion, shit for brains? Yeah, I'll bet that polling data was classified. Ya know, none of the articles I've read about this episode say exactly when the polling data was shared. Why do you suppose that is?

I just told you, you must be functionally illiterate.
How does that meeting constitute collusion with the Russian government?
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation by a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Wrong, shit for brain. You don't even know all the people the Mueller investigated. You only know about the ones he prosecuted. He certainly investigated Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
All the terrible things right wingers on the USMB have said about felons.
Now all of a sudden they’re worried about this felon. Is it because he’s white? Or because he’s a Trumpstir?
It's because he's the victim of a witch hunt, you piece of shit.
No, I'm thinking he's concerned with Russia having him disappeared because of what he knows.

There was and is no collusion between Manafort and the Russians. Mueller did everything he could to squeeze Manafort. There was nothing.

Well, let's see. There was that meeting about "adoptions" and then for some silly reason Manafort shared internal polling data with the Russians. Didn't the Gateway Pundit fill you in?
So where's the collusion, shit for brains? Yeah, I'll bet that polling data was classified. Ya know, none of the articles I've read about this episode say exactly when the polling data was shared. Why do you suppose that is?

I just told you, you must be functionally illiterate.
How does that meeting constitute collusion with the Russian government?

The ethnic Russian Honey Pot that met with Manafort, Trump Jr., et al in the Trump Tower about adoptions was working for the Democrats and the Deep State. The gal was working on a scheme to "sting" the Trump Campaign, and was in no way affiliated with Uncle Pooty.
There was and is no collusion between Manafort and the Russians. Mueller did everything he could to squeeze Manafort. There was nothing.

Well, let's see. There was that meeting about "adoptions" and then for some silly reason Manafort shared internal polling data with the Russians. Didn't the Gateway Pundit fill you in?
So where's the collusion, shit for brains? Yeah, I'll bet that polling data was classified. Ya know, none of the articles I've read about this episode say exactly when the polling data was shared. Why do you suppose that is?

I just told you, you must be functionally illiterate.
How does that meeting constitute collusion with the Russian government?

The ethnic Russian Honey Pot that met with Manafort, Trump Jr., et al in the Trump Tower about adoptions was working for the Democrats and the Deep State. The gal was working on a scheme to "sting" the Trump Campaign, and was in no way affiliated with Uncle Pooty.
Once again, the evidence for collusion points at the Democrats.
If you guys are angry that Trumpstirs keep going to prison, you better hold onto that anger.


Because every completed criminal investigation by a Trumpstir so far has ended up with a Trumpstir being in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Wrong, shit for brain. You don't even know all the people the Mueller investigated. You only know about the ones he prosecuted. He certainly investigated Jared Kushner and Ivanka.
Let me say it again dumdum, Every single completed criminal investigation of Donald Trump has resulted in felony convictions and someone either in prison or waiting to go to prison.
Can it be any more clear?

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