Manchin slams Kamala Harris

In the history of North America that border has never been secure

Oh right? then why does the dumb fuck harris blame border deterioration on Trump when it was Trump who had made negotiation with some of our neighbors to the south to slow down the influx North?

It was Trump who began construction of the wall..... something which Democrats in past years had clamored for but never had the balls to actually do.

Then Harris actually says we need to come up with a pathway to citizenship? You do realize we already have legal immigration allowing one million a year to assimilate right? I think that is called a pathway to citizenship... she's an Idiot and liar. We also have work visa programs and theres nothing wrong with that.
The immigration system is broken because Politicians have made it that way and they refuse to take any of the blame on themselves or responsibility.
Manchin should just shut the hell up. If he was truly worried about border security why didn't he demand it as part of the IRA bill? Because he's full of shit that's why. Just another lying dishonest Democrat pretending to be moderate. Just the illegals that have flooded in under Biden are costing us over $20 billion a year. There's $20 billion worth of inflation reduction.
Manchin should just shut the hell up. If he was truly worried about border security why didn't he demand it as part of the IRA bill? Because he's full of shit that's why. Just another lying dishonest Democrat pretending to be moderate. Just the illegals that have flooded in under Biden are costing us over $20 billion a year. There's $20 billion worth of inflation reduction.
Manchin could have been a hero if he stood up to fellow democrats on the anti-inflation bill but wound up caving in and destroying his credibility.
So here is the question that nobody is asking: How does this Administration get away with FLOUTING THE EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, and INTERNATIONAL LAW CONCERNING REFUGEES???

This is not a complicated matter. Essentially NONE of these wretched bastards is entitled to refugee status in the United States. And yet with the way the Biden Administration is handling these people, 90% of them will remain in the country illegally, sucking up costly benefits provided by the taxpayers, spawning children will be U.S. CITIZENS.

It is the first invited cancer in the history of this country, and nobody is taking is seriously except "extreme MAGA Republicans," like me.
You do know that Biden's open borders will be an Impeachment Article.

Manchin slams Kamala Harris​

Let's hope it was one of those over-the-shoulder body slams like what wrestlers use!

Too bad you would never do such a thing .Hack.
My statements on Kamala are a matter of record here on this board. You can look them up. Same as my statements of Joe's border fkup. Don't be a partisan lil bitch, at least read the board before embarrassing yourself.
My statements on Kamala are a matter of record here on this board. You can look them up. Same as my statements of Joe's border fkup. Don't be a partisan lil bitch, at least read the board before embarrassing yourself.
If there is a partisan little bitch it is you pussy. You are nothing more then an anti America pos . You fool nobody .
How's that stack up against Trump's coup attempt?
What coup attempt? Coups are attempted by organized, armed forces with an obvious leader. The J6 protestors were NOT organized, NOT armed, and they had no obvious leader. FAIL. The only death associated with the riot was that of an unarmed, civilian trespasser who was summarily executed by one of Pelosi's Gestapo.
Rattled your little shit, lil girl. Like I said and you can look for yourself. Never been a fan of that woman. You blowhards fall to the truth in your stupid belief people will believe your BS every time, because reality is real and you can't deal with when you can't convince anybody. Suck it up buttercup.

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