Manipulated videos of Nancy Pelosi edited to falsely depict her as drunk spread on social media

I don't see Trump desperate at all!

I only see you..... and the losing Left, desperate. :dunno:
Unedited video of tRump having a ministroke during a speech.

Seriously? The video you had to fetch was December 6th, 2017? Lol

Man, I thought you could have at least pulled a recent one. By the way, he wasn't haven't a ministroke as CNN was "proclaiming" (or even you). He was explaining about Jerusalem. And the fact, he was recognizing it as the Capital of Israel.
Trump worst enemy is himself as he continues to make a case for obstruction

and that love fest with employees was so surreal that I was waiting for Melania to pop her head through the door and say

He is more of a manly man than Mueller with a wink and a smile
Trump allies spread distorted videos of Pelosi

This is what happens when you destroy Trump politically. He doctors videos as a distraction to his cover ups with Russia. So pitiful.

I saw none of the doctored video on Fox News
Trump worst enemy is himself as he continues to make a case for obstruction

and that love fest with employees was so surreal that I was waiting for Melania to pop her head through the door and say

He is more of a manly man than Mueller with a wink and a smile

Democrat talking points ^^^^^^^^^
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I think Trump could have dealt with this in a more Presidential manner. But that's just me.

What would be a "more presidential manner"?

Just rolling over and letting the libs say what they want without rebuttal?

I don't think that's going to happen. Donald J Trump grew up in the tough streets of New York- he had to fight his way just to go down to the corner store. He spent his whole life not taking crap, and he's 72 years old and he isn't going to start now.
Unedited video of tRump having a ministroke during a speech.

Seriously? The video you had to fetch was December 6th, 2017? Lol

Man, I thought you could have at least pulled a recent one. By the way, he wasn't haven't a ministroke as CNN was "proclaiming" (or even you). He was explaining about Jerusalem. And the fact, he was recognizing it as the Capital of Israel.
Are you stupid or what?

Watch it again.

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