Manufacturing at lowest point in a decade.

Here is the ISM report: Institute for Supply Management | Established in 1915

No one in that report blames the Fed or the strong dollar. Trump is simply chock full of shit.

Some direct quotes:

“Continued softening in the global automotive market. Trade-war impacts also have localized effects, particularly in select export markets. Seeing warehouses filling again after what appeared to be a short reduction of demand.” (Chemical Products)

Chinese tariffs going up are hurting our business. Most of the materials are not made in the U.S. and made only in China.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)

“We have seen a reduction in sales orders and, therefore, a lower demand for products we order. We have also reduced our workforce by 10 percent.” (Plastics & Rubber Products)

“Economy seems to be softening. The tariffs have caused much confusion in the industry.” (Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components)
Trump started his idiotic trad war in January 2018. Note when the PMI begins its plunge. That's the same time the Dow's 9 year steady climb came to a screeching halt.

What a dumb fuck.

The worlds economy is entering a recessionary period which is reflected in the decline of manufacturing worldwide. Europe is a mess, has been for several years, with Asia and India’s economies showing signs of weakness.
One should expect deflationary pressure to follow.
To indicate that America’s trade dispute with China as the basis for the worlds decline in manufacturing is absurd.

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