Many Republicans now backing Biden

WHo knows if any of this is actually true, but of it - I have little doubt.
There are MANY in Washington that want to get back to "business as usual".... and that... is serving the corporatocracy.
The choice here does not have to be between:
  • (a) The bullshit and corruption that have saturated and damaged our political system across the board for decades, and
  • (b) A damaged, unstable, blatantly dishonest, ignorant, childlike, pseudo-authoritarian buffoon who clearly enjoys dividing us for the adulation it brings him.
It really doesn't. Maybe we can raise our standards a bit and start expecting more. Or, on the other hand, maybe we no longer can.
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We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.

If that is how you feel about Trump, how can you justify supporting Biden for any office? The man does not know where he is, what the date is, not who he is talking to!
We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.

If that is how you feel about Trump, how can you justify supporting Biden for any office? The man does not know where he is, what the date is, not who he is talking to!


Trump blasts Biden over silence on court-packing question, predicts Biden won't last three months in office
Trump blasts Biden over silence on court-packing question, predicts Dem won't last three months in office
If that is how you feel about Trump, how can you justify supporting Biden for any office? The man does not know where he is, what the date is, not who he is talking to!
Because the alternative is ugly, ignorant, destructive, and a clear and present danger to America.

Two lousy choices, indeed, but not particularly difficult under these specific circumstances.
Speaking of tramps, how many homeless guys with STDs you have screwed recently?

Well now there's no way THAT could be construed as a personal there?
Sentiment: True
Tactic: Questionable
She calls my President names at every opportunity! That makes her fair game to have her true motivations for her liberalism exposed.
If that is how you feel about Trump, how can you justify supporting Biden for any office? The man does not know where he is, what the date is, not who he is talking to!
Because the alternative is ugly, ignorant, destructive, and a clear and present danger to America.

Two lousy choices, indeed, but not particularly difficult under these specific circumstances.

That's about as clear as muddy water.
The Democrats are running Harris....NOT Biden. wake up!

Then go look at harris' political history. She's a Socialist with plans to disarm Americans. deny it all you like but it's there.
If you're OK with Socialism, Communism and loss of personal liberties then I can see how you could say such a thing.

Not sure how the Left has willfully ignored ALL the good Trump has done.
I guess CNN told them too.

Trump is no Saint, but at least he's "mostly" pro America. Even Right wingers have no clue.
He IS NOT a Constitutionalist President.
WHo knows if any of this is actually true, but of it - I have little doubt.
There are MANY in Washington that want to get back to "business as usual".... and that... is serving the corporatocracy.
The choice here does not have to be between:
  • (a) The bullshit and corruption that have saturated and damaged our political system across the board for decades, and
  • (b) A damaged, unstable, blatantly dishonest, ignorant, childlike, pseudo-authoritarian buffoon who clearly enjoys dividing us for the adulation it brings him.
It really doesn't. Maybe we can raise our standards a bit and start expecting more. Or, on the other hand, maybe we no longer can.
Not likely. At all.
If that is how you feel about Trump, how can you justify supporting Biden for any office? The man does not know where he is, what the date is, not who he is talking to!
Because the alternative is ugly, ignorant, destructive, and a clear and present danger to America.

Two lousy choices, indeed, but not particularly difficult under these specific circumstances.

Biden is not a threat to our way of life? You are demented. His lies about fracking, the Green New Deal, packing the Supreme Court, raising taxes, providing government sponsored health care for everyone are just a few of the reasons no one in their right mind should vote for the pathetic old geezer!

Show us on the doll where Biden touched you!
We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.
What I see is chaos being created by Democrats and Trump is just trying to do his job.
You're mistaking fighting against the swamp and the creatures in that swamp as a bull in the china shop.
What you want is the don't like anyone who rocks the boat and tries to do something about the corruption in Washington.
I know that's what you see. I'm not denying that, and I'm not trying to change that.
What you're doing is blaming the victim for being raped.
If that is how you feel about Trump, how can you justify supporting Biden for any office? The man does not know where he is, what the date is, not who he is talking to!
Because the alternative is ugly, ignorant, destructive, and a clear and present danger to America.

Two lousy choices, indeed, but not particularly difficult under these specific circumstances.

Biden is not a threat to our way of life? You are demented. His lies about fracking, the Green New Deal, packing the Supreme Court, raising taxes, providing government sponsored health care for everyone are just a few of the reasons no one in their right mind should vote for the pathetic old geezer!

Show us on the doll where Biden touched you!
Okay, got it.
We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.
What I see is chaos being created by Democrats and Trump is just trying to do his job.
You're mistaking fighting against the swamp and the creatures in that swamp as a bull in the china shop.
What you want is the don't like anyone who rocks the boat and tries to do something about the corruption in Washington.
I know that's what you see. I'm not denying that, and I'm not trying to change that.
What you're doing is blaming the victim for being raped.
Okay, got it.
We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.
What I see is chaos being created by Democrats and Trump is just trying to do his job.
You're mistaking fighting against the swamp and the creatures in that swamp as a bull in the china shop.
What you want is the don't like anyone who rocks the boat and tries to do something about the corruption in Washington.
I know that's what you see. I'm not denying that, and I'm not trying to change that.
What you're doing is blaming the victim for being raped.
Okay, got it.
Is someone paying you for this?

Because you suck at it.
A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

A bunch of sore losers who got Trumped.
We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.
What I see is chaos being created by Democrats and Trump is just trying to do his job.
You're mistaking fighting against the swamp and the creatures in that swamp as a bull in the china shop.
What you want is the don't like anyone who rocks the boat and tries to do something about the corruption in Washington.
I know that's what you see. I'm not denying that, and I'm not trying to change that.
What you're doing is blaming the victim for being raped.
Okay, got it.
Is someone paying you for this?

Because you suck at it.
Nope. I just don't see any reason to waste bandwidth.
I wonder how much they got paid for that.

Shills are gonna shill.


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