Many Saints of Newark - don't fall for it.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Brazenly marketed as a prequel film about young Tony Soprano... only it most certainly is not.
Sure the young Soprano is tossed in a few scenes here and there... but the first 30 minutes concentrate on two characters.
The main story - a young black criminal who faces racism from the Italian mob, police brutality is tossed in - you know the drill.
The secondary plot - about Tony's uncle as he makes his way around the somewhat disorganized mob of the time.
Occasionally young Soprano tossed in here and there to extend the illusion of a story that isn't being told.
At this point the movie changes, now the filmaker wants to toss in a few more early Soprano characters in niche cameos perhaps to make him feel like he isn't lying to the viewers too bad.
Another 20 minutes in is where I got bored and quit watching.
Nevermind the facade of being a Soprano prequel, just weigh the movie on itself. And what it is, is a mess. This constant flashing around with cameo characters that are never developed is distracting to a story that is already not that interesting. And then... WHAM... lots of violence. And then back to a lackluster gang movie that is... well... boring.


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