Marauding Elephant takes bitter revenge - Germany


Nov 14, 2012
Elephants have a good memory - and they don´t forget good things that were done to them but they also never forget agony and pain humans inflicted on them. On her third attack Lady Elephant* killed a 65 years old man.

Too bad that only 100 meters away from her cage a circus employee could calm her down and take her back to her cage where she has to continue her sad life. The circus was often criticized for bad living conditions for the animals.

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* I changed the name
Put that page through google translate, was fairly funny:
It was already the third attack on a human baby
Already twice attacked the elephant, the "baby" answers to the name, people, injuring them, then under the name Benjamin. Because the elephant is indeed out in the documentation as "Baby" became public at that time but called "Benjamin", reports the "Südwestpresse".In September 2010, "Benjamin" threw a man into the air and hurt him significantly, reports the "Heilbronner Stimme".This had no penal consequences because the man had himself wedged between a fence and the animal.

2012 broke the cow a 12-year-old boy's jaw when she hit him with her trunk in the face.He had, however, entered a security zone, the newspaper writes.
It is a sad story, but Google did it a major disservice.

Never heard of a elephant with multiple personality disorder and a double life as a homosexual elephant called 'Baby'. o_O
"The bears in the circus and the Elephant Benjamin have become unpredictable through years of tormenting animals in circuses by animal rights organization believes."
The bear and the Elephant also torment other animals in circuses through belief in animal rights organizations. :tinfoil:

Still needs a lot of work.

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