March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

The weeks of March 6th to March 15th of this year the earth will go through a series of changes that includes a pole shift:

The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center maintains a data set of annual magnetic north pole coordinates going back to the year 1590, derived from early measurements from ships logs to modern day techniques.

Noting that there has been lots of reporting of pole shift lately, to the point where the phenomenon is actually causing real-world issues such as temporary airport closures, a deeper investigation was in order.

After transferring 420 years of north pole position data from the NOAA Geo Data Center, configuring it to fit in an Excel spreadsheet, adding a complicated formula to determine exact distance between 2 sets of latitude-longitude coordinates, applying the formula to each data point in the series, and then finally plotting it all in a visual graph, it is alarming to discover the amount of magnetic pole shift – just over the past 10 to 20 years.

Here is one very interesting fact…
Since 1860, the magnetic pole shift has more than doubled every 50 years. That is pretty significant. In geological terms, that seems to be pretty ‘rapid’.

Here is another very interesting fact…
During the past 150 years, the pole shift has been in the same direction.

The following fact is even more astonishing…
During the past 10 years, the magnetic north pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! In other words, the pole shift has apparently sped up substantially. [Way More]
Click on the map and look how far the pole has shifted in the last 10 years. This problem is going to escalate and the poles are going to shift on Tuesday March 15, 2011 ending a week of global chaos with the oceans sloshing giant tidal waves and things far worse.

[ame=""]Listen To This Insider[/ame]

Everyone reading these words should be getting all of your dollars into silver (my Topic) and gold right now. The dollar is going to die in about 40 days and a little bit of silver will buy a whole lot of dollars. At 1/16 to the gold price means silver should be selling for 80 dollars and the spot price right now is (check) $28.65 @ .99 cents. Thirty bucks for an ounce of silver seems high to people buying in at 5 -10 dollars; but if the price goes 100 or 250 or 500 as some experts say, then 30 bucks in worthless paper is a great deal! ;0) Small denominations like this at 1 buck over spot will barter in survival mode, when ten dollars will buy a loaf of bread. The best part about owning silver and gold is every ounce is one share of stock in the death of the dollar and the coming crash and one step nearer to survival.

Information in my Martial Law topic will help to inform you about how the United Nations and FEMA will team up using international troops to corral and detain and neutralize a large portion of the population. Information on the March 13, 2008 secret meeting in Congress explains a lot of things that are about to happen.

A good survival list with more information is on my Surviving The Coming Crash topic. You should have six months of food and as much water as you can store and guns and ammo to protect your supplies. There are a lot of con men out there and chances are the guy that hurts you will not be after gold or silver. He will be hungry.

Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy; 'cause Kansas is going [ame=""]bye bye![/ame] If anything in my work is a help, then God bless you,


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But WAIT!!!!!!!!

This shouldn't be happening until next year. The Mayans said so.
Hi Obamaidiot:


We'll see and if you're wrong you will get trashed like the bitch you are.:lol::lol:

Many people come to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theory Forum with no clue about how topics are started, so let me inform you: A truther is the guy that sees evidence to support a hypothesis about a particular person or event. We have evidence that a particular event will take place on a specific day and my job as a real truther is to show these readers that evidence, so they have the opportunity to make up their own minds one way or the other. Whether I agree with the thesis or not, my duty is to serve the topic, these readers and the truth to the best of my God-given ability.

Most of my money is in silver, cabbed pickup, travel trailer, tents, guns, ammo, animal traps, food, water, etc..


If we lay enough magnets out on the earths surface oriented properly we can avoid this catastrophe.
If we lay enough magnets out on the earths surface oriented properly we can avoid this catastrophe.

Yeah but they would have to be really big magnets!!! I still can't figure out how a pole shift is going to kill billions, our compasses will read N when they should read S, AAHHHH hurry kill yourselfs now!!!!!
If we lay enough magnets out on the earths surface oriented properly we can avoid this catastrophe.

Yeah but they would have to be really big magnets!!! I still can't figure out how a pole shift is going to kill billions, our compasses will read N when they should read S, AAHHHH hurry kill yourselfs now!!!!!

Ahh those people with the enlarged fear portion of their brains.
The world is always ending. A date on a calendar, Jesus coming back, etc.
That is just a constant wigh some unstable elements of our societies and always has been.

Remember the great Dinosaur stampede that was going to end the earth?
Every time there was a solar eclipse?
When Star Trek got canceled?
And on and on.
If we lay enough magnets out on the earths surface oriented properly we can avoid this catastrophe.

Yeah but they would have to be really big magnets!!! I still can't figure out how a pole shift is going to kill billions, our compasses will read N when they should read S, AAHHHH hurry kill yourselfs now!!!!!

Yeah but laying out the magnets would give the fools something to do?
If we lay enough magnets out on the earths surface oriented properly we can avoid this catastrophe.

Yeah but they would have to be really big magnets!!! I still can't figure out how a pole shift is going to kill billions, our compasses will read N when they should read S, AAHHHH hurry kill yourselfs now!!!!!

Ahh those people with the enlarged fear portion of their brains.
The world is always ending. A date on a calendar, Jesus coming back, etc.
That is just a constant wigh some unstable elements of our societies and always has been.

Remember the great Dinosaur stampede that was going to end the earth?
Every time there was a solar eclipse?
When Star Trek got canceled?
And on and on.

Whoa! Whoa! Star



Liar, liar pants on fire. They are still on TV for your information.
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Hi Obamaidiot:


We'll see and if you're wrong you will get trashed like the bitch you are.:lol::lol:

Many people come to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theory Forum with no clue about how topics are started, so let me inform you: A truther is the guy that sees evidence to support a hypothesis about a particular person or event. We have evidence that a particular event will take place on a specific day and my job as a real truther is to show these readers that evidence, so they have the opportunity to make up their own minds one way or the other. Whether I agree with the thesis or not, my duty is to serve the topic, these readers and the truth to the best of my God-given ability.

Most of my money is in silver, cabbed pickup, travel trailer, tents, guns, ammo, animal traps, food, water, etc..




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