Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South Africa


Mar 18, 2016
Welcome to the "Demand For Free Independent Afrikaner(Boer) State(s)" !!! Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites(Boers and white Afrikaners) in South Africa where over 90.000 of them were already massacred (not just killed, but often times cooked/burned alive.... talking about elderly and children as well) !!!

Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South Africa

And if you can afford, please stop by also at "South African Family Relief Project" where kids, elderly, and everything in between(totally impoverished whites living in squatter camps) are waiting for your help !!!

South African Family Relief Project OR South African Family Relief Project NPC

I hope that this video will open not only your eyes, but also your hearts !!! This is how one million of white Afrikaners(out of total 4.5 mil in South Africa) lives in extreme poverty(1/3 of the white population)...

Our white minority in South Africa is treated in such racist way that they were for a very long time not even allowed to participate(receive aid) with charity organizations that would benefit them...


Sincerely yours,

Bastian Auser
Bastian Auser | Facebook

ps. I am asking for you folks for help because your(our) governments wouldn't want to know anything about us !!! Main stream media is prohibited from disclosing the truth about whites in South Africa !!!
Welcome to the "Demand For Free Independent Afrikaner(Boer) State(s)" !!! Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites(Boers and white Afrikaners) in South Africa where over 90.000 of them were already massacred (not just killed, but often times cooked/burned alive.... talking about elderly and children as well) !!!

Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South Africa

And if you can afford, please stop by also at "South African Family Relief Project" where kids, elderly, and everything in between(totally impoverished whites living in squatter camps) are waiting for your help !!!

South African Family Relief Project OR South African Family Relief Project NPC

I hope that this video will open not only your eyes, but also your hearts !!! This is how one million of white Afrikaners(out of total 4.5 mil in South Africa) lives in extreme poverty(1/3 of the white population)...

Our white minority in South Africa is treated in such racist way that they were for a very long time not even allowed to participate(receive aid) with charity organizations that would benefit them...


Sincerely yours,

Bastian Auser
Bastian Auser | Facebook

ps. I am asking for you folks for help because your(our) governments wouldn't want to know anything about us !!! Main stream media is prohibited from disclosing the truth about whites in South Africa !!!View attachment 67988

Yes these people need both help and justice, it's tragic situation for them, they are our people, we need to help them, we have a moral obligation to help them.
Welcome to the "Demand For Free Independent Afrikaner(Boer) State(s)" !!! Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites(Boers and white Afrikaners) in South Africa where over 90.000 of them were already massacred (not just killed, but often times cooked/burned alive.... talking about elderly and children as well) !!!

Washington Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South Africa

And if you can afford, please stop by also at "South African Family Relief Project" where kids, elderly, and everything in between(totally impoverished whites living in squatter camps) are waiting for your help !!!

South African Family Relief Project OR South African Family Relief Project NPC

I hope that this video will open not only your eyes, but also your hearts !!! This is how one million of white Afrikaners(out of total 4.5 mil in South Africa) lives in extreme poverty(1/3 of the white population)...

Our white minority in South Africa is treated in such racist way that they were for a very long time not even allowed to participate(receive aid) with charity organizations that would benefit them...


Sincerely yours,

Bastian Auser
Bastian Auser | Facebook

ps. I am asking for you folks for help because your(our) governments wouldn't want to know anything about us !!! Main stream media is prohibited from disclosing the truth about whites in South Africa !!!View attachment 67988

Yes these people need both help and justice, it's tragic situation for them, they are our people, we need to help them, we have a moral obligation to help them.

How do you help someone with a fantasy ?
Give them more lube?
What genocide?

Are there mass graves or something?
What genocide?

Are there mass graves or something?

Yes Genocide, the text I've bolded covers it....WHERE you get Genocide = "mass graves or something" I don't know, but you're incorrect:

"Legal definition of genocide Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1 ; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
I understand what genocide is...but fail to see evidence of it in South Africa.
I understand what genocide is...but fail to see evidence of it in South Africa.

Yet IF those pictures were of black people ALL the Leftists would be having a fit and saying OMG! we need to help them, George Clooney, Bono and Angelina Jolie would be giving interviews about the "scandal"....white people in those awful conditions don't matter though....must be because of that "white privilege" we're always hearing about.
I understand what genocide is...but fail to see evidence of it in South Africa.

Yet IF those pictures were of black people ALL the Leftists would be having a fit and saying OMG! we need to help them, George Clooney, Bono and Angelina Jolie would be giving interviews about the "scandal"....white people in those awful conditions don't matter though....must be because of that "white privilege" we're always hearing about.

What are you talking about? What pictures?
I understand what genocide is...but fail to see evidence of it in South Africa.

Yet IF those pictures were of black people ALL the Leftists would be having a fit and saying OMG! we need to help them, George Clooney, Bono and Angelina Jolie would be giving interviews about the "scandal"....white people in those awful conditions don't matter though....must be because of that "white privilege" we're always hearing about.
Not the lack of photos ploy.
I understand what genocide is...but fail to see evidence of it in South Africa.

Yet IF those pictures were of black people ALL the Leftists would be having a fit and saying OMG! we need to help them, George Clooney, Bono and Angelina Jolie would be giving interviews about the "scandal"....white people in those awful conditions don't matter though....must be because of that "white privilege" we're always hearing about.

What are you talking about? What pictures?

The video pictures, also more pictures:





The 'white squatter camps' of South Africa

As I said they are OUR people, they are of European Heritage, but of course they're white and of European Heritage....who cares, let's just let hundreds of thousands of angry Muslim's from the Middle East in instead.

White South Africans 'fearing for their lives' ask EU for right to 'return'

WHITE South Africans are asking the European Union to give them the "the right to return home" after claims they are facing "ethnic cleansing".

White South Africans 'fearing for their lives' ask EU for right to 'return'

I understand what genocide is...but fail to see evidence of it in South Africa.

Yet IF those pictures were of black people ALL the Leftists would be having a fit and saying OMG! we need to help them, George Clooney, Bono and Angelina Jolie would be giving interviews about the "scandal"....white people in those awful conditions don't matter though....must be because of that "white privilege" we're always hearing about.

What are you talking about? What pictures?

The video pictures, also more pictures:





The 'white squatter camps' of South Africa

As I said they are OUR people, they are of European Heritage, but of course they're white and of European Heritage....who cares, let's just let hundreds of thousands of angry Muslim's from the Middle East in instead.

White South Africans 'fearing for their lives' ask EU for right to 'return'

WHITE South Africans are asking the European Union to give them the "the right to return home" after claims they are facing "ethnic cleansing".

White South Africans 'fearing for their lives' ask EU for right to 'return'
Where are the heaps of corpes that actual genocides have.
That town could be anywhere there are poor whites.
Ahhh ok. We are talking about poverty. Poverty is not genocide. Just saying...

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