Marco Rubio is such an asshole

Reality check, I'm voting for Trump. He is doing exactly what I want him to do. Republican voters have woke up, the party must be destroyed and built from the ground up.

Correct. It must be purged of people like you and those who coalesced around Trump from the beginning, thriving on his message of hate and division.

Fuck off cuck, we are the future of the GOP. Trumps platform had revolutionized the Republican Party.

Trump is going to lose decisively and I'm fairly certain the party leaders aren't going to let a mistake like this happen again.

If you think we are going back to voting for cuckservative hacks like Romney, McCain, Jeb, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, etc. then you are an idiot. The political winds are blowing in our direction and our numbers will increase even if Trump loses.

We are here to stay, and you can either join us or become irrelevant.
Reality check, I'm voting for Trump. He is doing exactly what I want him to do. Republican voters have woke up, the party must be destroyed and built from the ground up.

Correct. It must be purged of people like you and those who coalesced around Trump from the beginning, thriving on his message of hate and division.
and exactly the difference between the parties, those following the GOP think for themselves and don't move because someone said jump.

The dems on the other hand, all lock stock and barrell bubba, all for one and one for all. LOL. Never question anyone of authority the theme.
Reality check, I'm voting for Trump. He is doing exactly what I want him to do. Republican voters have woke up, the party must be destroyed and built from the ground up.

Correct. It must be purged of people like you and those who coalesced around Trump from the beginning, thriving on his message of hate and division.
You're emotional right now. Using emotions to come to any conclusion is not good. The hate and division is coming the left, this is a fact. I married into a Hispanic family and they are voting about 50/50 trump Clinton. The trump supporters have their eyes open. One Clinton supporter looked at me and said "he is going to deport your wife". This is just pure stupidity and fear from being ignorant. My wife is a citizen, never going to happen. It's like me telling Jews that Hillary will put them in camps......stupid. It's like trump said we can't afford to be so nice anymore. He's right.

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