Zone1 Marcus Garvey would have been called an uncle Tom today


Senior Member
May 3, 2024
I'm ashamed I'm just stumbling on this man. He's brilliant. Everything I've heard him say, is what I've also said. Most of the white shill black conservatives today rightfully get called uncle toms and sells out, but even woke black conservatives like myself get called names or told we have "ingrained racism", saying the very same things this black nationalist said almost a century ago. And a century later, you groids are "still sleepin'". 11:00 "Your conduct is disgraceful". "You race of cowards. You race of imbeciles". "We have looked into your faces, and no serious thought can we see registered on your countenance, but the tart of vulgarity". "If you cannot do what other nations have done-what other races have done-then YOU WILL DIE!" Like, dayum, he was goin' in on you nigroes. I like it.

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