Margie Greene defends her boyfriend in old video of him in drag

Typical MAGA do as we say and not as we do.
Did he claim playing dress up as a local news morning promo for a theatre production made him an actual woman?
Didn't think so.

You rubes are so easy to manipulate it's both hilarious & scary

Typical MAGA do as we say and not as we do.
So MTG is responsible for a silly costume an old boyfriend wore? Wow scraping the bottom of the barerl for mud now. Pathetic.

Typical MAGA do as we say and not as we do.
I think the guy looks stupid and I would never do that

Greene should just take the hit and move on

But for libs who want to use that video as their excuse for grooming children think again

It changes nothing in the battle to protect America’s most precious asset - children

Typical MAGA do as we say and not as we do.
poor Marjorie

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