Marie Yovanovitch to testify in impeachment hearing today and is expected to throw the spotlight on

The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Trump for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival.

Why not, they knew Bidens did nothing wrong. Hunter has worked for Burisma since 2014 and not a word from the Republicans till tramp stated his conspiracy about his political rival.

LMAO Well if Biden hadn't opened his big mouth on National television and told everyone what he did no one would have known.

Seems you're all right with a sitting VP threatening the withholding of money unless they fire a prosecutor investigating the company Hunter works for.

As I recall, 6 hours to decide. Yep. One ethical SOB that's Biden.

What a maroon that man is. And what a sheeple you are.
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Trump for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival.

Why not, they knew Bidens did nothing wrong. Hunter has worked for Burisma since 2014 and not a word from the Republicans till tramp stated his conspiracy about his political rival.

Millions of people have seen and heard Biden admit- even brag about the wrong he did.

Stupid bitch
She is part of the Swamp.

Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2019

..They call it “serving at the pleasure of the President.” The U.S. now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy, much different than proceeding administrations. It is called, quite simply, America First! With all of that, however, I have done FAR more for Ukraine than O.

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2019
I’ve no idea why this lady’s testifying in an impeachment hearing. This sounds like a disgruntled former employee and a merit systems protection board administrative hearing.

Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) November 15, 2019
I’ve no idea why this lady’s testifying in an impeachment hearing. This sounds like a disgruntled former employee and a merit systems protection board administrative hearing.

Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) November 15, 2019

like I said before, she should be talking to her union rep.
The republicans were never interested in Burisma or the Bidens until the Joe Biden was

In lead of Trump for President. Never, never until the President of the US found Joe Biden to

Be a strong political rival.

Why not, they knew Bidens did nothing wrong. Hunter has worked for Burisma since 2014 and not a word from the Republicans till tramp stated his conspiracy about his political rival.

Millions of people have seen and heard Biden admit- even brag about the wrong he did.

Stupid bitch
Getting rid of corrupt Shokin was an international effort.
What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor
Who the hell cuts these Congress critters hair??.....My God. You know a lot of these guys had their heads flushed in the toilet back in the day.
Yup...and we know how you Trumpers care about the importance of how someone hair looks...

View attachment 289951
We do joke here right?...........I've personally heard from a few bald people half Trump's age laugh about his hair....I say He is 74 and has a lot left while you are bald as a bell pepper. Ain't that a hoot?...They are never happy when I say that. You have any idea why?
Bald like this guy??

Ousted ambassador describes State Department in 'crisis' in dramatic impeachment testimony

"The former top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine described a “crisis” at the State Department during her public impeachment testimony on Friday, voicing concern that the agency’s failure to protect foreign service officials who faced attacks for their work overseas put U.S. interests at risk."

MS. YOVANOVITCH doesn't give a damn about 'foreign service officials' being treated badly / being criticized for their work. MS. YOVANOVITCH, a disgruntled former US Ambassador to Ukraine, used her appearance before Congress in D-Schiff's 'Impeachment Parody' to play the anti-Trump 'Victim Card'.

Marie Yovanovitch, who privately testified to House investigators last month, described a smear campaign led by Rudy Giuliani, corrupt Ukrainian officials and disreputable media figures who successfully facilitated her removal as the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine in May."

Poor Marie, the victim of a smear campaign, fired for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


"On Friday morning at 9 a.m. ET, the 60-year-old diplomat will take the stand again for Day Two of the public
impeachment hearings against President Trump -- and Republicans are set to hammer her with an aggressive cross-examination related to her previous statements under oath, as well as her reported role in shielding a George Soros-linked nonprofit allegedly connected to documented Ukrainian election interference efforts.

Shortly before Yovanovitch was set to take the stand, Fox News contributor John Solomon published an explosive
March interview with Yuriy Lutsenko, a former prosecutor general in Ukraine. Lutsenko claimed that Yovanovitch had given him a “do not prosecute” list and Yovanovitch pressured Ukrainian prosecutors to back off a case involving the AntiCorruption Action Centre, funded by (George) Soros, the liberal megadonor.

The U.S. Embassy under Yovanovitch also influenced Ukraine to drop prosecution against top law enforcement official Artem Sytnyk, who was
singled out by a Ukrainian court for leaking damaging information about Paul Manafort, then Trump's campaign chairman, to help Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. "

....and can you believe she was fired for THAT?!

Poor, poor wittle pro-Hillary, anti-Trump VICTIM,

(BTW: Taylor testified on Day 1 before Congress. When he was asked about the Embassy and the US-Ukraine situation today, Taylor stated that things are much better NOW than under Obama / Yavanovitch.)

Yovanovitch to face GOP grilling on second day of public impeachment hearings

Like the (non-existent?) 'NON-whistleblower' EVERY 'witness' (who never WITNESSED anything personally) he Democrats have called to date in Schiff's faux Impeachment circus, in the end Yavanovitch has NOTHING - ZERO EVIDENCE, ZERO 1st-hand-account information - to offer through her testimony.

Perhaps the GOP should begin calling 'witnesses' off the street to testify in Schiff's clown show. They would, after all, be able to provide as much ACTUAL 'evidence' in this case as those who have testified so far.

Obama appointed Ambassador bitch will be crying soon

Who was crying on the first day because of Jim Jordan??

He got handled left and right.....only dumb asses think Jim Jordan is tough....if he was so tough, why didn't he say anything to the pedophile at Ohio State??
Oops...'parliamentary procedure / cultural violation': Being down in the south, I forgot - you can say anything you want to say about long as you finish by saying, 'Bless Their Heart'!

Obama appointed Ambassador bitch will be crying soon

Who was crying on the first day because of Jim Jordan??

He got handled left and right.....only dumb asses think Jim Jordan is tough....if he was so tough, why didn't he say anything to the pedophile at Ohio State??

Jordan tore those two shithead clowns on Wednesday a new asshole. He was the star of the show and destroyed the filthy Democrat's witnesses.

Obama appointed ambassador bitch will probably start crying after getting butt fucked by Jordan when he is up.
If she is really as clueless as she appears, her concern should be, do you want fries or tots with that?

I suspect that jim Jordan and the other Republicans will move the needle from cluess to corrupt though.

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