Marine Corps Commander: Using Troops At Southern Border Poses Unacceptable Risk

the USMC/etc did NOT go on exercises all over the WORLD in WW2 !!!!!!!!!!!

and they still kicked A$$!!!!
You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.

they do the same thing all over the world
..the USMC guards Naval Bases/etc
..they have guards on base
..when deployed in a combat zone, they still have to guard the area

Is guarding the naval base at Pearl Harbor, and Norfolk might be a little different than the PR disaster waiting to happen border spot.

But hey, if the Marines are trained to be rent a cops, go for it. I just thought they were more aggressive troops designed to be our bad ass soldiers.
no--guard duty --SAME thing
You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.

they do the same thing all over the world
..the USMC guards Naval Bases/etc
..they have guards on base
..when deployed in a combat zone, they still have to guard the area

Is guarding the naval base at Pearl Harbor, and Norfolk might be a little different than the PR disaster waiting to happen border spot.

But hey, if the Marines are trained to be rent a cops, go for it. I just thought they were more aggressive troops designed to be our bad ass soldiers.
you just walk around --that's what you do---just walk around when on guard duty
The United State Marine Corps' job is to DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD by their civilian leadership. Not comment publicly about public policy, nor attempt to make or influence public policy. They are to follow orders. That's it. Just like the rest of the military.
Hopefully you're not a typical example of Marines. I know several and until you began posting, I had a much higher view of their intelligence
The United State Marine Corps' job is to DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD by their civilian leadership. Not comment publicly about public policy, nor attempt to make or influence public policy. They are to follow orders. That's it. Just like the rest of the military.

Which points out how RARE it is for a marine COMMANDANT to speak out like this.

We ain't talking about some "lefty politician" here junior
Hopefully you're not a typical example of Marines. I know several and until you began posting, I had a much higher view of their intelligence
My brother in law feels differently. He is in the Air Force as a civilian now. He preps planes at a base in New Jersey. He is aging and will be retiring. Always as either active duty or civilian in the back providing supplies or equipment. And his views of marines in the front are that they move up in rank faster because of their branch. Do you believe that?
Hopefully you're not a typical example of Marines. I know several and until you began posting, I had a much higher view of their intelligence
hahahhaha--but GGator is the idiot
he didn't even know Marines served on ship
goes to show your complete lack of analyzing/judgment
Hopefully you're not a typical example of Marines. I know several and until you began posting, I had a much higher view of their intelligence
My brother in law feels differently. He is in the Air Force as a civilian now. He preps planes at a base in New Jersey. He is aging and will be retiring. Always as either active duty or civilian in the back providing supplies or equipment. And his views of marines in the front are that they move up in rank faster because of their branch. Do you believe that?
1. Marines should be caps
2. answer to your question = no
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
That’s laughable. Apparently this general thinks protecting the border is not as important as invading foreign countries. Invasions keep the military ready...for more invasions.

The Ruling Class loves him.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
And allowing wave after wave of Illegal Aliens into the country poses a Clear and Present Danger to the American People and their Republic.

You, General, exist in your capacity, to protect that same American People and their Republic from Invasion, Attack, postured threat, etc.

This is an Invasion.

We have more than enough troops and assets to handle both conventional missions and this one.

Now execute your office, and can the bugle-oil.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
That’s laughable. Apparently this general thinks protecting the border is not as important as invading foreign countries. Invasions keep the military ready...for more invasions.

The Ruling Class loves him.

Actually congress thinks that protecting the border is not as important as invading foreign countries, which is why the military has not done so since the late 1800s. Even today when these Marines are sent to the border, they are in a support role and have no active involvement in defending the border.
I like people who question things.

The United State Marine Corps' job is to DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD by their civilian leadership. Not comment publicly about public policy, nor attempt to make or influence public policy. They are to follow orders. That's it. Just like the rest of the military.

Which points out how RARE it is for a marine COMMANDANT to speak out like this.

We ain't talking about some "lefty politician" here junior

Junior? Hardly. There are a lot of big government, take care of me for life leftists in the military. Some run for President like Wesley Clark a former General. Many of the more conservative leadership in the military were purged by Obama and forced to retries or leave.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

Oh come on now you know very well Trump knows more than his General's.
So now a Marine Commandant i now a lefty huh?


have you not learned anything in the last 2 years?

Anyone that dares to disagree with Trump on anything is a lefty.

Anyone that does not have orange lips from kissing Trump's ass is a lefty.
So now a Marine Commandant i now a lefty huh?

A response to politicians who sold out for their personal gain. Many of our politicians are globalists. You think that adding tens of millions of refugees here every year is going to keep your good life a first world one. It won't.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
As a former Marine I can can personally say that the Commandant needs to shut the fuck up and accept what the Commander in Chief wants to do.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
As a former Marine I can can personally say that the Commandant needs to shut the fuck up and accept what the Commander in Chief wants to do.

If you had been a Marine, you would know there is no such thing as a "former" Marine.

You know the old "once a Marine, always a Marine" thing!

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