Marine Corps Commander: Using Troops At Southern Border Poses Unacceptable Risk

Wow...four years in the MC?

You're an expert then huh?

Made it all the way up to what...PFC?

That absolutely makes you more of an expert on troop deployment and training readiness than the stupid COMMANDANT huh?

What's he got. A degree from Annapolis and 30 years as an Officer. WTF would HE know huh?

Actually he went to U of Virginia, not the naval academy. The Marine do not actually put much stock in the Annapolis, one of my pilots once told me in the Corps it was something they had to overcome, not an aid to their career.
see post # 85 and
Serial Killers with Abnormally High IQs

what is your fucking point? I corrected an error that was stated about the Commandant, that is all.

get off your high horse, you are not the only Marine around here, I spent almost 3 times as long in the Corps as you did.
you weren't a real Marine--you had a 9-5 desk job
Mongolia !!!??? hahahhahahha--dumbshit

Fuck off an die little man, you spent 4 years guarding the barracks in Hawaii.

I deployed every bit as much as you and then some.

The only 4 year period I went without deploying was when they made me do recruiting duty.
I like people who question things.

Not his job, and not his place to set public, nor military policy. That's how military coups happen. This guy is not a policy maker he carries out orders given to him by the elected, civilian Administration. What he is doing is irresponsible, possibly illegal, and he should be fired, and discharged.
Since the late 1800s in this country, the military has not been used to protect the nation's borders from unwanted intrusions and is not part of the mission today. That is why we have a border patrol.
????!!!!! what?? !!!???
The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country. The department's headquarters is at the Pentagon.
more Americans were killed by an attack committed by foreigners on US SOIL than were killed at Pearl Harbor!!!!
again-- ON US SOIL

a BIG threat to Americans IS terrorism in the US--

I understand the mission of the DOD and actually think that the military should defend the border from sea to shining sea.

But in our country that is not the case, has not been since the late 1800s and the passing of the Posse Comitatus Act.

Even now when active duty troops are sent there, they are in a support role, not in direct defense of the border.
sure--don't worry about 3000 Americans being killed in ONE day by foreigners--IN the US

look dumb ass, I do not make the fucking laws of the land, and I do not even agree with this one...but it is still the law of the land. I spent 3 years in Yuma, we used to catch illegals in our bombing ranges all the fucking time, and we could not do shit to them, we always had to wait for the border patrol.
The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country. The department's headquarters is at the Pentagon.
what don't you understand bout security of the country??

so---it was illegal for American forces to fight in the War of 1812??!!

What do you not understand about the LAW, not my law but the US Law. Do yourself a favor and read up on the Posse Comitatus Act.

Was the war of 1812 in the "late 1800s"? Fuck are you really this stupid? Did you have to get a waiver for your low ASVAB score?
Actually he went to U of Virginia, not the naval academy. The Marine do not actually put much stock in the Annapolis, one of my pilots once told me in the Corps it was something they had to overcome, not an aid to their career.
see post # 85 and
Serial Killers with Abnormally High IQs

what is your fucking point? I corrected an error that was stated about the Commandant, that is all.

get off your high horse, you are not the only Marine around here, I spent almost 3 times as long in the Corps as you did.
you weren't a real Marine--you had a 9-5 desk job
Mongolia !!!??? hahahhahahha--dumbshit

Fuck off an die little man, you spent 4 years guarding the barracks in Hawaii.

I deployed every bit as much as you and then some.

The only 4 year period I went without deploying was when they made me do recruiting duty.

nice selflie, is that your new job?
I like people who question things.

Not his job, and not his place to set public, nor military policy. That's how military coups happen. This guy is not a policy maker he carries out orders given to him by the elected, civilian Administration. What he is doing is irresponsible, possibly illegal, and he should be fired, and discharged.

OH fucking horseshit...mindless drones that never question anything is how the Nazis happened.

what is your fucking point? I corrected an error that was stated about the Commandant, that is all.

get off your high horse, you are not the only Marine around here, I spent almost 3 times as long in the Corps as you did.
you weren't a real Marine--you had a 9-5 desk job
Mongolia !!!??? hahahhahahha--dumbshit

Fuck off an die little man, you spent 4 years guarding the barracks in Hawaii.

I deployed every bit as much as you and then some.

The only 4 year period I went without deploying was when they made me do recruiting duty.

nice selflie, is that your new job?
GG in the USMC
what is your fucking point? I corrected an error that was stated about the Commandant, that is all.

get off your high horse, you are not the only Marine around here, I spent almost 3 times as long in the Corps as you did.
you weren't a real Marine--you had a 9-5 desk job
Mongolia !!!??? hahahhahahha--dumbshit

Fuck off an die little man, you spent 4 years guarding the barracks in Hawaii.

I deployed every bit as much as you and then some.

The only 4 year period I went without deploying was when they made me do recruiting duty.

nice selflie, is that your new job?
GG in the USMC

Harmonica guarding the barracks in Hawaii...

I was in the USMC
from your link:
The Marine Corps will not be able to participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia
so they can't train in MONGOLIA !!!!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahaha Big Deal!!!!
they can train at home or somewhere else
...hey buddy---we did multiple exercises in the Med [ Mediterranean ]..they do it all the 6 months we did exercises in:
...they have Battalions doing the same in the Pacific

in 4 years in the Fleet I not only did the Med exercises, but also all OVER South America,-TWICE and Honduras,--plus a couple weeks off Colombia [ again ] when the POTUS went there
PLUS- live fire exercises at 29 Palms Ca and Virginia
all of this in just 4 years
PLUS we do live fire/exercises/training at our home base
Wow...four years in the MC?

You're an expert then huh?

Made it all the way up to what...PFC?

That absolutely makes you more of an expert on troop deployment and training readiness than the stupid COMMANDANT huh?

What's he got. A degree from Annapolis and 30 years as an Officer. WTF would HE know huh?
you dumbass 8 years--4 just in the Fleet
he's just politicizing
.....lot's of people with degrees /high IQs are dumbasses/insane
the Unibomber went to Harvard!!! he was a professor at UC !!!!

so your argument is worthless
11 Terrifying Murderers Who Used Their Genius-Level IQs To Kill People
Still waiting to hear how a PFC GRUNT knows more than the COMMANDANT of the Marine Corps
In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

The Marine Corps will not be able to participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia, and will reduce participation in joint Australian and South Korean exercises, Neller wrote to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer and acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan.
I was in the USMC
from your link:
The Marine Corps will not be able to participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia
so they can't train in MONGOLIA !!!!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahaha Big Deal!!!!
they can train at home or somewhere else
...hey buddy---we did multiple exercises in the Med [ Mediterranean ]..they do it all the 6 months we did exercises in:
...they have Battalions doing the same in the Pacific

in 4 years in the Fleet I not only did the Med exercises, but also all OVER South America,-TWICE and Honduras,--plus a couple weeks off Colombia [ again ] when the POTUS went there
PLUS- live fire exercises at 29 Palms Ca and Virginia
all of this in just 4 years
PLUS we do live fire/exercises/training at our home base
Wow...four years in the MC?

You're an expert then huh?

Made it all the way up to what...PFC?

That absolutely makes you more of an expert on troop deployment and training readiness than the stupid COMMANDANT huh?

What's he got. A degree from Annapolis and 30 years as an Officer. WTF would HE know huh?
you dumbass 8 years--4 just in the Fleet
he's just politicizing
.....lot's of people with degrees /high IQs are dumbasses/insane
the Unibomber went to Harvard!!! he was a professor at UC !!!!

so your argument is worthless
11 Terrifying Murderers Who Used Their Genius-Level IQs To Kill People
Still waiting to hear how a PFC GRUNT knows more than the COMMANDANT of the Marine Corps
Scotland??? Scotland will be over run by the Russian hordes ???
.....I do know more about being a grunt--your right--I KNOW they don't need to train in Scotland or Mongolia
because I am a grunt
I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.

I was in the USMC
from your link:
The Marine Corps will not be able to participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia
so they can't train in MONGOLIA !!!!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahaha Big Deal!!!!
they can train at home or somewhere else
...hey buddy---we did multiple exercises in the Med [ Mediterranean ]..they do it all the 6 months we did exercises in:
...they have Battalions doing the same in the Pacific

in 4 years in the Fleet I not only did the Med exercises, but also all OVER South America,-TWICE and Honduras,--plus a couple weeks off Colombia [ again ] when the POTUS went there
PLUS- live fire exercises at 29 Palms Ca and Virginia
all of this in just 4 years
PLUS we do live fire/exercises/training at our home base
Wow...four years in the MC?

You're an expert then huh?

Made it all the way up to what...PFC?

That absolutely makes you more of an expert on troop deployment and training readiness than the stupid COMMANDANT huh?

What's he got. A degree from Annapolis and 30 years as an Officer. WTF would HE know huh?
you dumbass 8 years--4 just in the Fleet
he's just politicizing
.....lot's of people with degrees /high IQs are dumbasses/insane
the Unibomber went to Harvard!!! he was a professor at UC !!!!

so your argument is worthless
11 Terrifying Murderers Who Used Their Genius-Level IQs To Kill People
Still waiting to hear how a PFC GRUNT knows more than the COMMANDANT of the Marine Corps
Scotland??? Scotland will be over run by the Russian hordes ???
.....I do know more about being a grunt--your right--I KNOW they don't need to train in Scotland or Mongolia
because I am a grunt
Tell us about the need for you to be in Sardinia and Corsica then dumbass. You were BRAGGING about our deployment there just a few minutes ago
I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?
Most Marines I know would revel at the opportunity to defend our borders.

For some reason we let Railroads still have their own police officers. The one I'm most familiar with had an aversion to hiring pups straight out of the academy. They didn't want young, save the world types for safety, legal and PR reasons.

In regards to our Marines, most would try their hardest, but are they the right men for this job?
Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.

they do the same thing all over the world
..the USMC guards Naval Bases/etc
..they have guards on base
..when deployed in a combat zone, they still have to guard the area
Neller warned that Marines “rely on the hard, realistic training” of such drills “to prepare for high-end combat,” and canceling or diminishing such exercises comes “at a time where we are attempting to double down on strengthening alliances and attracting new partners.

I'll take the Commandant's word over a Trumper Grunt

I guess that's just me
For some reason we let Railroads still have their own police officers. The one I'm most familiar with had an aversion to hiring pups straight out of the academy. They didn't want young, save the world types for safety, legal and PR reasons.

In regards to our Marines, most would try their hardest, but are they the right men for this job?

They're simply not trained for that mission
Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.

they do the same thing all over the world
..the USMC guards Naval Bases/etc
..they have guards on base
..when deployed in a combat zone, they still have to guard the area

Is guarding the naval base at Pearl Harbor, and Norfolk might be a little different than the PR disaster waiting to happen border spot.

But hey, if the Marines are trained to be rent a cops, go for it. I just thought they were more aggressive troops designed to be our bad ass soldiers.
I was in the USMC
from your link:
so they can't train in MONGOLIA !!!!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahaha Big Deal!!!!
they can train at home or somewhere else
...hey buddy---we did multiple exercises in the Med [ Mediterranean ]..they do it all the 6 months we did exercises in:
...they have Battalions doing the same in the Pacific

in 4 years in the Fleet I not only did the Med exercises, but also all OVER South America,-TWICE and Honduras,--plus a couple weeks off Colombia [ again ] when the POTUS went there
PLUS- live fire exercises at 29 Palms Ca and Virginia
all of this in just 4 years
PLUS we do live fire/exercises/training at our home base
Wow...four years in the MC?

You're an expert then huh?

Made it all the way up to what...PFC?

That absolutely makes you more of an expert on troop deployment and training readiness than the stupid COMMANDANT huh?

What's he got. A degree from Annapolis and 30 years as an Officer. WTF would HE know huh?
you dumbass 8 years--4 just in the Fleet
he's just politicizing
.....lot's of people with degrees /high IQs are dumbasses/insane
the Unibomber went to Harvard!!! he was a professor at UC !!!!

so your argument is worthless
11 Terrifying Murderers Who Used Their Genius-Level IQs To Kill People
Still waiting to hear how a PFC GRUNT knows more than the COMMANDANT of the Marine Corps
Scotland??? Scotland will be over run by the Russian hordes ???
.....I do know more about being a grunt--your right--I KNOW they don't need to train in Scotland or Mongolia
because I am a grunt
Tell us about the need for you to be in Sardinia and Corsica then dumbass. You were BRAGGING about our deployment there just a few minutes ago
----it's like the basic unit--a family in a community--if the family/families is ok/doing well--the community will do well
..if the fireteam/squad/company is well trained/proficient --then the Battalion will be proficient= the Regiment will be proficient = on up to the Marine Corps

hey------in WW2 and Korea, the Marines did NOT go on exercises all over the world !!
and they still kicked a$$

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