Marine Corps Commander: Using Troops At Southern Border Poses Unacceptable Risk

goofing gator, Yes, I made it through Nam to piss face. And you, pussy?

Enlisted in 88, retired in 2009. Boot camp in June 1988, 3rd Bn Parris Island!

Sent from my iPhone using

So what happened to the motto "adapt and overcome"? maobamas social engineering in the military has evidently turned them into a bunch of pussies.


It is the job of the Commandant of the Marine Crops to advocate for the Marines, that is his purpose in life. He is purely administrative and has no operational control over the Marines.

Perhaps you have heard the old saying "the squeaky wheel gets the oil"?
Why do you hate our country and think it is not a great country?

Watch our local news one night....We call it Wetbacks Gone Wild. Tells the whole tale.

Well, I am sorry that you hate this country and think it is not great, but I think it is the greatest country on the planet.

If you hate it so much, there are lots of other choices for a millionaire like you to move to.

You’re so full of shit...and you know it....right now, much of this country is a fucking shithole...thanks to your wetback buddies and the degenerate filth you lowlifes manifest and foster.
Again, pay attention War Hero...we’re in the middle of Making It Great Again.

America is already great, the fact that America haters like you do not think so, does not change that fact.

What’s “great” about millions of homeless Vets / people pissing, shitting and dying in our streets?
What’s “great” about one third of our population being illegal and or present by illegal means?
What’s “great” about a society that isn’t likeminded?
What’s “great” about extreme tension between citizens?
What’s “great” about stagnant wages held down by 21st century slaves?
What’s “great” about a middle class that can’t get ahead or save a dime?
What’s “great” about $22 trillion in debt?
What’s “great” about eight hour wait times behind illegal wetbacks in emergency rooms?
What’s “great” about two hour travel times to go 45 miles?
What’s “great” about neglected infrastructure?

Tell us....what’s great again?

Your turn.

Nothing great about homeless vets, sadly people like you do not care about vets till the can become a political talking point for you.

1/3 of our population is not illegal and or present by illegal means.

All societies need diversity, having a society that all think the same is a curse, then there is no progress, no improvement, no inventions, none of that. This country has never been of a collective mind as you wish it to be.

We have always had tension between citizens, this is nothing new. We had it in 1776 and it has not gone away since. It is far worse now thanks to people like you that want to divide everyone into little groups fighting against each other.

Wages are determined by the market, they go up when there is demand for labor, and stay the same when there is not.

I am "middle class" and I have tripled my family income in the last 6 years, have gotten very far ahead and have a very nice savings. All it takes is a little hard work and sacrifice.

Nothing great about the debt, that is for sure. But according to you it has ZERO impact on our lives, so why do you even bring it up?

Last time I went to the ER after my son had a car accident he was seen within 6 minutes. I have never waited for hours.

I drive 35 miles to get to work and it takes me 37 minutes in the morning and 45 in the afternoon. Why do you drive so slow?

Nothing great about neglected infrastructure, but sadly people like you whine when money is spent on it.

What is not great about being in the top top of GDP per capita?

What is not great about being in the top 3 of wealth per capita?

What is not great about being able to move freely around the country enjoying all it has to offer without the need of special papers?

What is not great about being the most powerful nation on the planet?

What is not great about being able to work hard and improve your situation in life and not be held back by predetermined classes?

What is not great about having freedom of speech, and the press and of religion?

What is not great about being able to own as many firearms as you wish?

What is not great being able to enjoy a sporting event like March Madness or the start of baseball season?

Tonight I will break in my new grill, drink a couple draft beers and sit on my porch enjoying the amazing spring day. What is not great about that?

And yes, liberty make our country great. The fact you and I can have this discussion without fear of reprisal from the government makes this a great country as well.
Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.


Read this:

Watch our local news one night....We call it Wetbacks Gone Wild. Tells the whole tale.

Well, I am sorry that you hate this country and think it is not great, but I think it is the greatest country on the planet.

If you hate it so much, there are lots of other choices for a millionaire like you to move to.

You’re so full of shit...and you know it....right now, much of this country is a fucking shithole...thanks to your wetback buddies and the degenerate filth you lowlifes manifest and foster.
Again, pay attention War Hero...we’re in the middle of Making It Great Again.

America is already great, the fact that America haters like you do not think so, does not change that fact.

Haha...funny how shitty people always think shitholes are great. All the cockroaches in East Los Angeles think the place is beautiful and amazing...ones perception is ones reality....right?

damn, you think America is a shithole. It is good to see your true colors come out! If you hate America that much, why not take your millions somewhere else?

Why should I have to?
Why not elect a Prez willing to work for the right citizens?
Why not just force our politicians to finally do their fucking jobs?

Look bud, I live a great life in a great community amongst great people....But this isn’t about me...where you seem to only give two fucks about the life YOU lead today, I have an interest in the lives my daughters will lead for many years to come. It’s fucking odd that you’re able to pretend that you don’t see the trajectory we’re on and where things are headed here...the writing is on the wall for all sane folks to just have to be willing to pull your head from your ass.
Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.


Read this:


you sure about that...

More than 1,000 Pendleton Marines are headed for the US-Mexico border

"More than 1,000 Pendleton Marines are headed for the US-Mexico border"
There IS no border crisis

Yes and no, the border is a diversion for the millions of illegals in the rest of the country, so they do need to shut off the border for sometime whether a wall or other means to deal with the million's already here. I do think a wall is a waste of money not only the billion's to build but years after of maintenance.

Thank you very much, but we already knew you were a moron!
Watch our local news one night....We call it Wetbacks Gone Wild. Tells the whole tale.

Well, I am sorry that you hate this country and think it is not great, but I think it is the greatest country on the planet.

If you hate it so much, there are lots of other choices for a millionaire like you to move to.

You’re so full of shit...and you know it....right now, much of this country is a fucking shithole...thanks to your wetback buddies and the degenerate filth you lowlifes manifest and foster.
Again, pay attention War Hero...we’re in the middle of Making It Great Again.

America is already great, the fact that America haters like you do not think so, does not change that fact.

Haha...funny how shitty people always think shitholes are great. All the cockroaches in East Los Angeles think the place is beautiful and amazing...ones perception is ones reality....right?

damn, you think America is a shithole. It is good to see your true colors come out! If you hate America that much, why not take your millions somewhere else?[/QUOTE?

Dood, that's a two way street. If you want America to turn into more of a shithole why not just move to a country that's already a shithole?
Why should I have to?
Why not elect a Prez willing to work for the right citizens?
Why not just force our politicians to finally do their fucking jobs?

because people like you keep voting in the same old tired people from the same old tied party.

Look bud, I live a great life in a great community amongst great people....But this isn’t about me...where you seem to only give two fucks about the life YOU lead today, I have an interest in the lives my daughters will lead for many years to come. It’s fucking odd that you’re able to pretend that you don’t see the trajectory we’re on and where things are headed here...the writing is on the wall for all sane folks to just have to be willing to pull your head from your ass.

Your entire view of the US is based upon the tiny circle around you.

I have lived in a half a dozen states is most parts of the country, and I can tell you that your little part of the country is not representative of the rest of us.

Get out, explore the country. If you little piece of it sucks so much, maybe the problem is you.
Dood, that's a two way street. If you want America to turn into more of a shithole why not just move to a country that's already a shithole?

I do not want America to be more of a shithole, that is why I do not move. I am trying to keep that from happening.
There IS no border crisis

Yes and no, the border is a diversion for the millions of illegals in the rest of the country, so they do need to shut off the border for sometime whether a wall or other means to deal with the million's already here. I do think a wall is a waste of money not only the billion's to build but years after of maintenance.

Thank you very much, but we already knew you were a moron!

Some ppl here are trying to lose Trump support by calling anyone who disagrees names.
Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.


Read this:


Here is the full list of active-duty military units deployed to the southern border

  • 819th Red Horse Squadron
  • 36th Engineer Brigade
  • 5th Engineer Battalion
  • 563rd Military Police Company
  • 595th Engineer Company
  • 161st Engineer Support Company
  • Alpha Company, 52nd Engineer Battalion
  • Alpha Company, 16th Engineer Battalion
  • Forward Support Company, 5th Engineer Battalion
  • 1st Support Maintenance Company
  • 542nd Support Maintenance Company
  • 584th Support Maintenance Company
  • 46th Engineer BattalionForward Support Company, 46th Engineer Battalion
  • 108th Military Police Company
  • 515th Engineer Company
  • 610th Engineer Support Company
  • 147th Support Maintenance Company
  • 602nd Support Maintenance Company
  • 503rd Military Police Battalion
  • 66th Military Police Company
  • 41st Engineer Company
  • 4th Sustainment Brigade
  • 264th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion
  • 227th Quartermaster Company
  • 178th Adjutant General Company
  • 126th Transportation Company
  • 155th Transportation Company
  • 377th Transportation Company
  • 259th Movement Control Team
  • 153rd Quartermaster Company
  • 1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment
  • Alpha Company, 1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment
  • Bravo Company, 1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment
  • Charlie Company, 1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment
  • 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment
  • Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment
  • Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment
  • Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Battalion
  • 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade
  • 4th Battalion, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade
  • 24th Theater Public Affairs Support Element
  • 63rd Expeditionary Signal Battalion
  • 505th Military Intelligence Brigade
  • 7th Engineer Support Battalion
  • Alpha Company, 1st Law Enforcement Battalion
  • Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment
  • Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment
  • Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment
  • Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment
  • CE Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion
  • Combat Logistics Battalion 5
  • 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
  • Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment
  • Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment
There IS no border crisis

Yes and no, the border is a diversion for the millions of illegals in the rest of the country, so they do need to shut off the border for sometime whether a wall or other means to deal with the million's already here. I do think a wall is a waste of money not only the billion's to build but years after of maintenance.

Thank you very much, but we already knew you were a moron!

Some ppl here are trying to lose Trump support by calling anyone who disagrees names.

What's a ppl? Too lazy to type out three more letters?
goofing gator, Yes, I made it through Nam to piss face. And you, pussy?

Enlisted in 88, retired in 2009. Boot camp in June 1988, 3rd Bn Parris Island!

Sent from my iPhone using

So what happened to the motto "adapt and overcome"? maobamas social engineering in the military has evidently turned them into a bunch of pussies.


It is the job of the Commandant of the Marine Crops to advocate for the Marines, that is his purpose in life. He is purely administrative and has no operational control over the Marines.

Perhaps you have heard the old saying "the squeaky wheel gets the oil"?

Typical jar head, calling for oil where grease is needed. And the commandant of the jar heads job is to follow the orders of the Commander in Chief without complaint.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?


ok, so now you say all that elite Marine training they go through to storm the beaches at Tarawa ARE the same troops we should be sending to sit on a wall and do police work.

In your words Marines are just like the National Guard, Border Patrol and Police Officers.


Read this:

You’re a fucking idiot. The information showing that was posted
Dood, that's a two way street. If you want America to turn into more of a shithole why not just move to a country that's already a shithole?

I do not want America to be more of a shithole, that is why I do not move. I am trying to keep that from happening.

Not sure about others, but I have made it clear that I'm looking to move out of California because it has become a shithole. I was born and raised in California, while I no longer have a business in California, I do have real estate investments here which make it difficult to just pack my bags and leave. Nevertheless, those properties will be liquidated and I will be moving out of this shithole.
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?
So much for listening to the trained military commanders instead of politicians.
Oh, puh-leaze! One of the main jobs of any military throughout history has been to protect the nation's borders from unwanted intrusions protect from invading armies. Not women with kids looking for asylum
Not our fault that the criminal invading force uses non-combatants for cover. And it works, doesn't it? 'Cause our chickenshit government, driven by pols with an agenda that is being facilitated by allowing this invasion of our sovereign nation, shackles the enforcement agencies responsible for stopping the invaders. Can't shoot at wimmin n' chirruns, can we? That means that the criminals get a free pass if they hide behind wimmins n' chirruns.
He has a duty to give his opinion on the potential operational effectiveness, and risks of putting troops on the border, but PRIVTELY to his superiors. He should NOT have gone public with the statement in an attempt to change public policy. He should be disciplined at the minimum.
Anyone remember the first Watts riots? You know, the one in 1965? Before you talk about active US military not being called out to defend the country in the country, let me tell you, I and our company was called out to put that riot down, and we had live ammo, and we used it on looters. Does that count?
After the Marine Corps sacrificed so much in the 20th century it makes no sense for the Commandant to insult his commander in chief with a claim about the "unacceptable risk" of placing Troops along the border. Either Gen. Neller was quoted out of context by a sleazy leaker or a generation of liberals has created a generation of military leaders who care more about politics than the mission.

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