Marine Corps Commander: Using Troops At Southern Border Poses Unacceptable Risk

If the marines cannot deal with the invasion at the border what good are they?

What we really need is the militia. Volunteers to go down there with their own weapons and start getting serious.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.

But the highlighted passages above are acceptable risk for the American citizens? I have to agree that the pols who are perpetrating this assault on the American public should be lined up and shot, alongside those illegals who invade this country. The one totally clear mandate for the federal government of the United States of America is to ensure the nation is protected from threats both inside and outside the country, such as terrorism, war, subterfuge, etc. An invasion by foreign persons or entities is clearly a case for the Federal Government to exercise that mandate. The actions, or lack of action, of our elected politicians favoring illegal foreigners over US citizens is clearly treason.
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?
And there is the predicted attack. #Not.A.Cult

Military ALL love Trump and are Conservatives, until they speak up about Trump making a poor decision, then suddenly the Trump Squad turn on them. They LOVED Mattis until word started to come out that he was calling Trump an idiot and that Trump had such poor judgement that Mattis had to resign. He said Trump wouldn't listen to him and was making dumb decisions. He stayed longer than he normally would, because he thought he was a guard rail keeping Trump from making fatal decisions, but that became impossible for him so he had to go.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?
Most Marines I know would revel at the opportunity to defend our borders.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

To deploy them in the manner Trump wants to is a bad idea. Do not send Marines to a place where you don’t intend on letting Marines do what Marines do. Remember this? I don’t think the military should be down there. Sure, use them to fill the gaps, but pet lat enforcement do the heavy lifting.

After Marine on Patrol Kills a Teen-Ager, a Texas Border Village Wonders Why

After Marine on Patrol Kills a Teen-Ager, a Texas Border Village Wonders Why

The marines, from Camp Pendleton, Calif., were on a drug-surveillance mission, part of a military presence that has grown along the border since a decade ago, when the Reagan Administration secured a historic loosening of 19th-century laws barring the use of military forces in domestic law enforcement.

With Mexico now the prime gateway for cocaine and other illegal narcotics coming into the United States, many in Congress say the military's role in the nation's war on drugs should be vastly expanded.

But critics of the policy say the death of Mr. Hernandez, who had no criminal record and is not described by anyone as any kind of suspect in the drug trade, is a chilling example of the misunderstandings and the tragedies that they say will inevitably occur with the militarization of the border or any other patch of American soil
Oh, puh-leaze! One of the main jobs of any military throughout history has been to protect the nation's borders from unwanted intrusions. If deploying a few thousand Marines and/or GIs to help secure our border against drug traffic, illegal aliens, gang activity, human trafficking is somehow posing a risk to "readiness," then someone is using a very odd definition of "readiness." Someone should tell the Commandant that one of his most basic constitutional duties is to help protect our borders. If he can't keep the Marine Corps "ready" because he's been ordered to send a small fraction of the total Marine force to help secure the border, then perhaps he needs to find a new job.

If the Commandant has to cancel some training exercises to support live operations to help secure our border, so what? Then do it. Again, Commandant, one of your biggest jobs is to protect our borders from intruders. That's kind of one of the main reasons any nation has a military, right?

As for his claim that he's having to cancel some repairs to some Marine bases because of the relatively small amount of money that Trump is diverting to help secure the border, then I say he needs to do a better job of managing the billions of taxpayer dollars that the Marine Corps gets in its budget. Surely there are other areas from which he could take money besides military construction and maintenance, such as all these conferences and training trips that Marine officers and enlisted get to take each year, few of which are truly "mission essential" or "mission critical."
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If the marines cannot deal with the invasion at the border what good are they?

What we really need is the militia. Volunteers to go down there with their own weapons and start getting serious.
That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Maybe you can get the Christchurch shooter released to lead that effort huh?
Oh, puh-leaze! One of the main jobs of any military throughout history has been to protect the nation's borders from unwanted intrusions protect from invading armies. Not women with kids looking for asylum
General Neller is a stupid fucking moron. THOUSANDS of American citizens are being KILLED by illegals, that's a war go fight it you stupid fuck. For Christ sake.
Oh, puh-leaze! One of the main jobs of any military throughout history has been to protect the nation's borders from unwanted intrusions. If deploying a few thousand Marines and/or GIs to help secure our border against drug traffic, illegal aliens, gang activity, human trafficking is somehow posing a risk to "readiness," then someone is using a very odd definition of "readiness." Someone should tell the Commandant that one of his most basic constitutional duties is to help protect our borders. If he can't keep the Marine Corps "ready" because he's been ordered to send a small fraction of the total Marine force to help secure the border, then perhaps he needs to find a new job.

If the Commandant has to cancel some training exercises to support live operations to help secure our border, so what? Then do it. Again, Commandant, one of your biggest jobs is to protect our borders from intruders. That's kind of one of the main reasons any nation has a military, right?

As for his claim that he's having to cancel some repairs to some Marine bases because of the relatively small amount of money that Trump is diverting to help secure the border, then I say he needs to do a better job of managing the billions of taxpayer dollars that the Marine Corps gets in its budget. Surely there are other areas from which he could take money besides military construction and maintenance, such as all these conferences and training trips that Marine officers and enlisted get to take each year, few of which are truly "mission essential" or "mission critical."

Since the late 1800s in this country, the military has not been used to protect the nation's borders from unwanted intrusions and is not part of the mission today. That is why we have a border patrol.
If the marines cannot deal with the invasion at the border what good are they?

What we really need is the militia. Volunteers to go down there with their own weapons and start getting serious.
That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Maybe you can get the Christchurch shooter released to lead that effort huh?
Does that mean we can blame FDR for Pearl Harbor and Truman for dropping the bomb and Korea and LBJ for expanding Viet Nam into a national cluster ph uk!
I was in the USMC
from your link:
The Marine Corps will not be able to participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia
so they can't train in MONGOLIA !!!!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahaha Big Deal!!!!
they can train at home or somewhere else
...hey buddy---we did multiple exercises in the Med [ Mediterranean ]..they do it all the 6 months we did exercises in:
...they have Battalions doing the same in the Pacific

in 4 years in the Fleet I not only did the Med exercises, but also all OVER South America,-TWICE and Honduras,--plus a couple weeks off Colombia [ again ] when the POTUS went there
PLUS- live fire exercises at 29 Palms Ca and Virginia
all of this in just 4 years
PLUS we do live fire/exercises/training at our home base
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
This is a political CYA move on the general's part and I don't blame him, if I was in his shoes I'd do the exact same thing. Not because I may be against the deployment of troops to the border or not but because if those troops suddenly have to be redeployed to a combat hotspot and everything goes south the general can say, "see, I told you so".
Most people don't realize that when one get's a star their job becomes 9/10s political and 1/10th military.
godfking damn!--have you been in the USMC??
troops are deployed all over all the time!!!!
please see post # 74
a lot of you people don't know how the military operates
....there are more than enough troops for deployment at the border AND for other contingencies.....for PG1, they did not/could not send ALL units over at one time/at the same time/etc
I was in the USMC
from your link:
The Marine Corps will not be able to participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia
so they can't train in MONGOLIA !!!!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahaha Big Deal!!!!
they can train at home or somewhere else
...hey buddy---we did multiple exercises in the Med [ Mediterranean ]..they do it all the 6 months we did exercises in:
...they have Battalions doing the same in the Pacific

in 4 years in the Fleet I not only did the Med exercises, but also all OVER South America,-TWICE and Honduras,--plus a couple weeks off Colombia [ again ] when the POTUS went there
PLUS- live fire exercises at 29 Palms Ca and Virginia
all of this in just 4 years
PLUS we do live fire/exercises/training at our home base
Wow...four years in the MC?

You're an expert then huh?

Made it all the way up to what...PFC?

That absolutely makes you more of an expert on troop deployment and training readiness than the stupid COMMANDANT huh?

What's he got. A degree from Annapolis and 30 years as an Officer. WTF would HE know huh?
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
This is a political CYA move on the general's part and I don't blame him, if I was in his shoes I'd do the exact same thing. Not because I may be against the deployment of troops to the border or not but because if those troops suddenly have to be redeployed to a combat hotspot and everything goes south the general can say, "see, I told you so".
Most people don't realize that when one get's a star their job becomes 9/10s political and 1/10th military.
godfking damn!--have you been in the USMC??
troops are deployed all over all the time!!!!
please see post # 74
Missed the point as usual........ Fucking moron, can't read past your own nose so to speak.......
I was in the USMC
from your link:
The Marine Corps will not be able to participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia
so they can't train in MONGOLIA !!!!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahaha Big Deal!!!!
they can train at home or somewhere else
...hey buddy---we did multiple exercises in the Med [ Mediterranean ]..they do it all the 6 months we did exercises in:
...they have Battalions doing the same in the Pacific

in 4 years in the Fleet I not only did the Med exercises, but also all OVER South America,-TWICE and Honduras,--plus a couple weeks off Colombia [ again ] when the POTUS went there
PLUS- live fire exercises at 29 Palms Ca and Virginia
all of this in just 4 years
PLUS we do live fire/exercises/training at our home base
Wow...four years in the MC?

You're an expert then huh?

Made it all the way up to what...PFC?

That absolutely makes you more of an expert on troop deployment and training readiness than the stupid COMMANDANT huh?

What's he got. A degree from Annapolis and 30 years as an Officer. WTF would HE know huh?

Actually he went to U of Virginia, not the naval academy. The Marine do not actually put much stock in the Annapolis, one of my pilots once told me in the Corps it was something they had to overcome, not an aid to their career.

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