Marine Corps Commander: Using Troops At Southern Border Poses Unacceptable Risk

You just don't care. You obviously don't mind the billions we tax payers spend on illegal every year.

bullshit. The right wing CATO Institute puts the "cost" of illegal immigrants at between 3 and 16 billion...

FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed

When you put up you lies about the cost...please remove the costs of ICE and Border Patrol ...which of course will NOT go away were immigrants somehow magically to dissappear.

Let's also remember that you CAN'T "get rid of" 11 million people nor would Business ALLOW you to/

Oh and one "effect" of the walls we have built?

Workers used to cross daily to work in the US close to the border and go back home . With the wall..they STAY..because it's easier and less risky
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Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

Sent from my iPhone using
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?

Timing is everything!!!
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.


Former DHS chief: There’s no security crisis near the southern border

Conservative writer Max Boot says there is no crisis at the border

Is there a crisis on the US-Mexico border?

Is there a border crisis? Depends on how you measure it.

There Is No Crisis At The Border - And DHS Stats Prove It
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.


Former DHS chief: There’s no security crisis near the southern border

Conservative writer Max Boot says there is no crisis at the border

Is there a crisis on the US-Mexico border?

Is there a border crisis? Depends on how you measure it.

There Is No Crisis At The Border - And DHS Stats Prove It
We need a war.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

This bullshit was supposedly culled from a stolen transcript by the LA Times.....Neller has said it's not what they are saying he meant and they're looking for who stole closed.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.


Former DHS chief: There’s no security crisis near the southern border

Conservative writer Max Boot says there is no crisis at the border

Is there a crisis on the US-Mexico border?

Is there a border crisis? Depends on how you measure it.

There Is No Crisis At The Border - And DHS Stats Prove It

So you want to play 'Dueling Articles'?

You post one saying Obama's DHS Chief says there is no crisis......yet here's one in which Obama's Head of Border Patrol says there is definitely a crisis:
-- Obama border patrol chief: Border crisis 'absolutely' a national emergency

Now WHY would Obama's #1 guy on the border be declaring this to be a crisis but another Obama toady is towing the Anti-Trump line? Hmmmmm......

The same media shoveling propaganda for you to parrot now had no problem calling it a border crisis in 2014:
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

We could go back and forth about who calls 1 Million illegals crossing into the US in 1 year a crisis or not.
We can debate who does or does not consider 100,000 criminal illegal invaders being dumped into the US populace a crisis or not...

You can parrot all of the talking points and the rejection of reality from Trump-haters who said before Trump was elected the same things Trump is saying now but oppose them now because HE is the one saying them....

The bottom line is the US BP just declared they are overwhelmed, hundreds of illegals being caught flooding across our porous borders, an expected 1 million criminal illegals in the US in 1 year, 100k being released into the US populace.....and you can not bring yourself to use common sense and think for yourself instead of reciting hate-driven talking points, to acknowledge that 20+ MILLION illegals in this country, 1 MILLION more *each year, 100K released into the US in just three months, the US BP declaring they are overwhelmed and can't do their job is a crisis?


None of this is true?

I dare you to look up the family members of THESE people (on the web site the following link goes to) and tell their family members that this is all fake and their loss and the losses of so many other Americans at the hands of criminal illegals the Democrats are helping come into this country is not a crisis and nothing to be concerned about:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.
5 countries?

Does nobody learn from Roman history?

Jesus hyena-spanking CHRIST!!!

We had to cancel 5 countries....

Quit crying, General. Your pet projects can wait.

THIS country is more important.

Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next
Why should it just be limited to Trump "snowflakes"?

EVERYBODY should take note that he is bitching about not getting to train in....wait for it.....5 fucking countries.

What about THIS country?

Why aren't YOU bitching about his bullshit, entitlement comment?

5 countries?

Does nobody learn from Roman history?

Jesus hyena-spanking CHRIST!!!

We had to cancel 5 countries....

Quit crying, General. Your pet projects can wait.

THIS country is more important.

I used to help run joint exercises with Egypt in Egypt...before Barry and his administration nudged Mubarak out and helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over. In the midst of all that we had to shut down operations and everyone pull out. No more exercise / working together for a long while. Talks didn't start back up until the Egyptian Military ousted the terrorists from their government.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.


Former DHS chief: There’s no security crisis near the southern border

Conservative writer Max Boot says there is no crisis at the border

Is there a crisis on the US-Mexico border?

Is there a border crisis? Depends on how you measure it.

There Is No Crisis At The Border - And DHS Stats Prove It

So you want to play 'Dueling Articles'?

You post one saying Obama's DHS Chief says there is no crisis......yet here's one in which Obama's Head of Border Patrol says there is definitely a crisis:
-- Obama border patrol chief: Border crisis 'absolutely' a national emergency

Now WHY would Obama's #1 guy on the border be declaring this to be a crisis but another Obama toady is towing the Anti-Trump line? Hmmmmm......

The same media shoveling propaganda for you to parrot now had no problem calling it a border crisis in 2014:
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

We could go back and forth about who calls 1 Million illegals crossing into the US in 1 year a crisis or not.
We can debate who does or does not consider 100,000 criminal illegal invaders being dumped into the US populace a crisis or not...

You can parrot all of the talking points and the rejection of reality from Trump-haters who said before Trump was elected the same things Trump is saying now but oppose them now because HE is the one saying them....

The bottom line is the US BP just declared they are overwhelmed, hundreds of illegals being caught flooding across our porous borders, an expected 1 million criminal illegals in the US in 1 year, 100k being released into the US populace.....and you can not bring yourself to use common sense and think for yourself instead of reciting hate-driven talking points, to acknowledge that 20+ MILLION illegals in this country, 1 MILLION more *each year, 100K released into the US in just three months, the US BP declaring they are overwhelmed and can't do their job is a crisis?


None of this is true?

I dare you to look up the family members of THESE people (on the web site the following link goes to) and tell their family members that this is all fake and their loss and the losses of so many other Americans at the hands of criminal illegals the Democrats are helping come into this country is not a crisis and nothing to be concerned about:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

The "crisis" under Obama was the number of unaccompanies minors crossing the border, and the border patrol having no facilities to deal with them.
The "crisis" under Obama was the number of unaccompanies minors crossing the border, and the border patrol having no facilities to deal with them.

I agree that President Obama separating kids and families and locking them away in cages was a political headache for Obama, which is why the fake news media used photos of Obama's detention facilities in hit pieces, claiming those photos of President Trump's facilities. (That was so embarrassing for CNN and others who had to admit they had accredited the wrong photos to President Trump... :p )

So you do not consider the fact that Democrats were operating federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities that were providing illegal safe haven to criminal illegal invaders, drug runners, human traffickers, pedophiles, rapists, cop-killers, and murderers - that the Democrats and President of the United States were engaged in activity that undermined the US Constitution and Rule of Law - specifically existing US Immigration Law - did not constitute a crisis, not even a Constitutional / Legal Crisis?

So you do not believe that the Obama administration spreading criminal illegal invaders all over the country, dropping large numbers of them off in states all over the US without notifying Governors, Mayors or any state and local officials they were coming in advance was in no way a crisis or helped to create one?

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.


Former DHS chief: There’s no security crisis near the southern border

Conservative writer Max Boot says there is no crisis at the border

Is there a crisis on the US-Mexico border?

Is there a border crisis? Depends on how you measure it.

There Is No Crisis At The Border - And DHS Stats Prove It

So you want to play 'Dueling Articles'?

You post one saying Obama's DHS Chief says there is no crisis......yet here's one in which Obama's Head of Border Patrol says there is definitely a crisis:
-- Obama border patrol chief: Border crisis 'absolutely' a national emergency

Now WHY would Obama's #1 guy on the border be declaring this to be a crisis but another Obama toady is towing the Anti-Trump line? Hmmmmm......

The same media shoveling propaganda for you to parrot now had no problem calling it a border crisis in 2014:
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

We could go back and forth about who calls 1 Million illegals crossing into the US in 1 year a crisis or not.
We can debate who does or does not consider 100,000 criminal illegal invaders being dumped into the US populace a crisis or not...

You can parrot all of the talking points and the rejection of reality from Trump-haters who said before Trump was elected the same things Trump is saying now but oppose them now because HE is the one saying them....

The bottom line is the US BP just declared they are overwhelmed, hundreds of illegals being caught flooding across our porous borders, an expected 1 million criminal illegals in the US in 1 year, 100k being released into the US populace.....and you can not bring yourself to use common sense and think for yourself instead of reciting hate-driven talking points, to acknowledge that 20+ MILLION illegals in this country, 1 MILLION more *each year, 100K released into the US in just three months, the US BP declaring they are overwhelmed and can't do their job is a crisis?


None of this is true?

I dare you to look up the family members of THESE people (on the web site the following link goes to) and tell their family members that this is all fake and their loss and the losses of so many other Americans at the hands of criminal illegals the Democrats are helping come into this country is not a crisis and nothing to be concerned about:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

The "crisis" under Obama was the number of unaccompanies minors crossing the border, and the border patrol having no facilities to deal with them.
All caused by Globalist scum encouraging them to come here in the first place......offering them Obamacare and free legal representation.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
Oh! What does HE know!?
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?
And there is the predicted attack. #Not.A.Cult
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.


Former DHS chief: There’s no security crisis near the southern border

Conservative writer Max Boot says there is no crisis at the border

Is there a crisis on the US-Mexico border?

Is there a border crisis? Depends on how you measure it.

There Is No Crisis At The Border - And DHS Stats Prove It
We need a war.
A CRC dream come true. But never ever expect those calling for this "need" to actually step up and take up arms themselves.
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?
And there is the predicted attack. #Not.A.Cult
It's not an 'attack' - its an OBSERVATION.

I have served my country for 30+ years, fought in several wars, been / fought in some of the biggest sh!tholes on this planet, and I can tell you there is a big difference in the military and soldiers I fought with and the ones now. I know, I still train many of the ones going forward.

Some of the 'kids' coming through / entering service have no memory of 9/11/01, some because they were too young or not born yet. The worst of the fighting is over, and most days now are 'Groundhog Day' - the same routine over and over and none of it 'Major Combat Operations'. What we are doing now is NOT 'Major Combat Operations'. I train my troops and personnel I am required to train HARD because many of these 'kids' have no clue what 'Major Combat Operations' are like - they think what they see now is. They are in for a surprise.

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