Marine Corps Commander: Using Troops At Southern Border Poses Unacceptable Risk

Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

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The rank of General is a 100% political position. I have a friend who was going to be promoted to General in the Marines and he retired rather than sell his soul.

I seriously doubt you have ever met a Marine let alone been friends with one.

A Full Bird that is being groomed for a Star is already playing the political games.

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Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

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The rank of General is a 100% political position. I have a friend who was going to be promoted to General in the Marines and he retired rather than sell his soul.

I seriously doubt you have ever met a Marine let alone been friends with one.

A Full Bird that is being groomed for a Star is already playing the political games.

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I have met a few that also refused to 'play politics'. I myself hated politics and 'game playing'. I would not do it.
Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

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The rank of General is a 100% political position. I have a friend who was going to be promoted to General in the Marines and he retired rather than sell his soul.

I seriously doubt you have ever met a Marine let alone been friends with one.

A Full Bird that is being groomed for a Star is already playing the political games.

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Yeah, you know all about me. Not.

And a Bird Colonel is no where near a General in the political arena. Generals cant take enlisted men having problems at home into their own home, take kids in from families having marriage problems. Bird Colonels can and do.
Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

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The rank of General is a 100% political position. I have a friend who was going to be promoted to General in the Marines and he retired rather than sell his soul.

I seriously doubt you have ever met a Marine let alone been friends with one.

A Full Bird that is being groomed for a Star is already playing the political games.

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I have met a few that also refused to 'play politics'. I myself hated politics and 'game playing'. I would not do it.

The ones that refuse to play the politics are not looked at for stars. It is a sad reality, but it is reality.

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Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

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The rank of General is a 100% political position. I have a friend who was going to be promoted to General in the Marines and he retired rather than sell his soul.

I seriously doubt you have ever met a Marine let alone been friends with one.

A Full Bird that is being groomed for a Star is already playing the political games.

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I have met a few that also refused to 'play politics'. I myself hated politics and 'game playing'. I would not do it.

The ones that refuse to play the politics are not looked at for stars. It is a sad reality, but it is reality.

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You just validated what I said. It’s just a political position.
Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

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The rank of General is a 100% political position. I have a friend who was going to be promoted to General in the Marines and he retired rather than sell his soul.

I seriously doubt you have ever met a Marine let alone been friends with one.

A Full Bird that is being groomed for a Star is already playing the political games.

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Yeah, you know all about me. Not.

And a Bird Colonel is no where near a General in the political arena. Generals cant take enlisted men having problems at home into their own home, take kids in from families having marriage problems. Bird Colonels can and do.

A full bird is the last stop before the star. If you are not playing the political games as a full bird, you are not being looked at for a star.

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Well, we know which military member the Trump snowflakes will be attacking next

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The rank of General is a 100% political position. I have a friend who was going to be promoted to General in the Marines and he retired rather than sell his soul.

I seriously doubt you have ever met a Marine let alone been friends with one.

A Full Bird that is being groomed for a Star is already playing the political games.

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Yeah, you know all about me. Not.

And a Bird Colonel is no where near a General in the political arena. Generals cant take enlisted men having problems at home into their own home, take kids in from families having marriage problems. Bird Colonels can and do.

A full bird is the last stop before the star. If you are not playing the political games as a full bird, you are not being looked at for a star.

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He was the go-to man for a General who’ll I’ll just say you know the name of to get things done. That was the extent of his politics, being liked by those above because of results obtained.

The point concerning the thread stands. Generals play politics.
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?
And there is the predicted attack. #Not.A.Cult
It's not an 'attack' - its an OBSERVATION.

I have served my country for 30+ years, fought in several wars, been / fought in some of the biggest sh!tholes on this planet, and I can tell you there is a big difference in the military and soldiers I fought with and the ones now. I know, I still train many of the ones going forward.

Some of the 'kids' coming through / entering service have no memory of 9/11/01, some because they were too young or not born yet. The worst of the fighting is over, and most days now are 'Groundhog Day' - the same routine over and over and none of it 'Major Combat Operations'. What we are doing now is NOT 'Major Combat Operations'. I train my troops and personnel I am required to train HARD because many of these 'kids' have no clue what 'Major Combat Operations' are like - they think what they see now is. They are in for a surprise.
More attacks. How predictable. #Not.A.Cult
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?
And there is the predicted attack. #Not.A.Cult
It's not an 'attack' - its an OBSERVATION.

I have served my country for 30+ years, fought in several wars, been / fought in some of the biggest sh!tholes on this planet, and I can tell you there is a big difference in the military and soldiers I fought with and the ones now. I know, I still train many of the ones going forward.

Some of the 'kids' coming through / entering service have no memory of 9/11/01, some because they were too young or not born yet. The worst of the fighting is over, and most days now are 'Groundhog Day' - the same routine over and over and none of it 'Major Combat Operations'. What we are doing now is NOT 'Major Combat Operations'. I train my troops and personnel I am required to train HARD because many of these 'kids' have no clue what 'Major Combat Operations' are like - they think what they see now is. They are in for a surprise.
More attacks. How predictable. #Not.A.Cult
You really can't read, can you? Sad...
We all know that conservatives detest our military commanders and want to treat our military like day laborers from Mexico, so I’m not expect anything in this thread other than Cult45 dopes putting their knees pads on for Trump.

Who are they going to blame when the risk becomes real?

Marine Corps commandant says deploying troops to the border poses ‘unacceptable risk’

Marine Corps commandant says deploying troops to the border poses ‘unacceptable risk’

The commandant of the Marines has warned the Pentagon that deployments to the southwest border and funding transfers under the president's emergency declaration, among other unexpected demands, have posed “unacceptable risk to Marine Corps combat readiness and solvency.”

In two internal memos, Marine Corps Gen. Robert Neller said the “unplanned/unbudgeted” deployment along the border that President Trump ordered last fall, and shifts of other funds to support border security, had forced him to cancel or reduce planned military training in at least five countries, and delay urgent repairs at bases.

The border deployment and funding transfers, as well as recovery costs from hurricanes Florence and Michael, new housing allowances and civilian pay raises, are taking a toll on combat readiness, Neller wrote to Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan and Navy Secretary Richard Spencer.

The Times obtained copies of the memos, dated Feb. 19 and March 18.

Neller, a four-star general, said because of the problems, Marines will not participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland and Mongolia, and will reduce their participation in joint exercises with Australia and South Korea.

Marines “rely on the hard, realistic training” of the training exercises “to develop the individual and collective skills necessary to prepare for high-end combat,” said Neller, who has been commandant since September 2015.

He complained about canceling or shrinking the Marines’ participation “at a time where we are attempting to double down on strengthening alliances and attracting new partners.”


Read and comment on this thread before it disappears to a hidden forum.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
I have an issue with active duty troops being used for a CONUS operation but I don't think sending a couple Brigades is going to affect much of anything. If the Military doesn't have money for unplanned operations we are fucked.
goofing gator, Yes, I made it through Nam to piss face. And you, pussy?

Enlisted in 88, retired in 2009. Boot camp in June 1988, 3rd Bn Parris Island!

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Holy Crap! I've been to Paris Island when my then boyfriend graduated boot. What a hell hole it was back then. That was in the 60's when kids were dying in boot.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?
I have an issue with active duty troops being used for a CONUS operation but I don't think sending a couple Brigades is going to affect much of anything. If the Military doesn't have money for unplanned operations we are fucked.

Unless you know more than the Marine Commandant...I guess we're fucked then
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?
It's not this general's job to question his orders, but to carry them out.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

I'll throw him a bone. I don't think the Marines are trained with the idea of standing on the border dealing with refugees and wanna be Americans. They're very effective at some terrible tasks but we don't wanna make our border look like the Berlin Wall. Maybe this Neller is just aware of that.

Perhaps some National Guard troops can go on rotation there, perhaps some Army troops. Really if we must guard the border with troops its probably best to expand Border Patrol or the Coast Guard.

Right or Wrong, that liberal in office used his Executive Order in a panic move and now "poof", apparently someone is trying to deploy our best ISIS killers to the border.

Are you that clueless? Typical libtard.

The regular forces of the military and the National Guard re already there and have been for a long while. My company is losing National Guard soldiers for the next 6 months while they are at the border.

Is there a difference between the guard and the marines anymore?

Are they mature ones and you the name calling 5th grade girl?

You don't know the difference between a part-time National Guardsmen and a United States Marine on active duty? Ask a Marine, they will tell you!

Why don't you know that the National Guard has been sending troops to the border for a long time? Why don't you know that regular units from the Army and Air Force are also there?

Here’s the list of military units headed to the border


Because apparently you are a dumbass!

So most Marines will tell me they are elite highly trained killers, not cops meant to guard our borders in a position which requires some PR expertise?

How many Marines did you see on that list, the one you probably didn't bother reading?

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