Marine Corps officer charged


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.

Perhaps you progressives can have him charged with insurrection and labeled a traitor so you can have him shot.

When is Biden going to sign a proclamation siting all the insurrectionist and traitors publicly?



This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
You're a moron and have no concept of the difference in operation or jurisdiction of the UCMJ vs. civil law. General court martial? HaHaHa. STFU about things of which you have no understanding.
View attachment 489099

Perhaps you progressives can have him charged with insurrection and labeled a traitor so you can have him shot.

When is Biden going to sign a proclamation siting all the insurrectionist and traitors publicly?



They missed their chance--capitol cops already summarily executed a veteran for trespass.

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
I thought you like it when police officers were assaulted. Was the Marine not black??
View attachment 489099

Perhaps you progressives can have him charged with insurrection and labeled a traitor so you can have him shot.

When is Biden going to sign a proclamation siting all the insurrectionist and traitors publicly?



They missed their chance--capitol cops already summarily executed a veteran for trespass.


Over seventy five million more where she came from so there's nothing stopping them except to turn her into a martyr which they already have even if they don't realize it yet.



This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
if the officer was inside the Capital building and it appears he was then shame on him

But it was still just trespassing which is a misdemeanor

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.

Good. He doesn't belong in the Marine Corps.

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.

^^^ Everything I know about military jurisprudence, I learned from Hollywood!


This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
Sad. So much for the pension. And the Respect. And the Honor.

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
if the officer was inside the Capital building and it appears he was then shame on him

But it was still just trespassing which is a misdemeanor
Punishable by summary execution according to capitol cops.
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
I can assure you the charges will be dropped. He was doing what every American should be doing! That is protecting this country from folks like YOU.

Yeah.. Trump hates America just like you.
At least the Capitol was finally filled with Americans on Jan 6
You mean to say that you believe that Americans are inherently violent thugs?
Ya, like the Americans at the Boston Tea Party

They didn't want to pay
At least the Capitol was finally filled with Americans on Jan 6
You mean to say that you believe that Americans are inherently violent thugs?
Ya, like the Americans at the Boston Tea Party

You are really ignorant.

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
No matter how much you try to demonize these people, more than you know consider them heroes.

Those Democrat politicians, not so much

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