Marine Corps officer charged

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
Pushing? Wow. If everyone who did that much during this summer's riots was arressted even we would run out of jails.
Boston Tea Party had the same principle
No Votetation without Representation"
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
if the officer was inside the Capital building and it appears he was then shame on him

But it was still just trespassing which is a misdemeanor
Punishable by summary execution according to capitol cops.

That was Pelosi's order, shoot on sight.

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
Whoa, where was that anger when ANTIFA and BLM were assaulting and actually MURDERING cops?
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
There is a percentage of the current military who is every way as good as those in the past. And then there is a percentage who will act like we see some nations we went against. I guarantee you military people must talk about what the hell is going on in our nation. Most people who join the military get out after the first enlistment. And many counting down the days. That has not changed. But to many are kicked out. Loyalty in these days has to be to the people who are with you in any situation. From training to active conflict. You say that the military guy at the capitol Building was radicalized. Maybe to him he was protesting for freedom and liberty. Maybe he was watching his family be scorned everyday in TV by the media and entertainers. And it was getting to him. We live in an era where people do the dangerous job and people talk of doing the dangerous job and the comparison is the same. It is not.
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

How so? He has never, ever broken his oath. Explain why you think differently. Loyalty to trump and his sycophants cannot be equated to loyalty to our country and all that Americans stand for. trump stands for nothing. The Marine in my family has never, ever broken his oath and he remains loyal to our nation.

Explain why and how trump and his minions could ever define loyalty to our nation. Just the opposite.

This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.

It was the government thugs that killed an unarmed female Patriot that was protesting the Democrats stealing an election from the American people.
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.

Thank you for sharing that perfectly worthless piece of dis-information and commentary.

It was a total waste of time to read.
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

How so? He has never, ever broken his oath. Explain why you think differently. Loyalty to trump and his sycophants cannot be equated to loyalty to our country and all that Americans stand for. trump stands for nothing. The Marine in my family has never, ever broken his oath and he remains loyal to our nation.

Explain why and how trump and his minions could ever define loyalty to our nation. Just the opposite.

It was just explained to you.
This Jackass gave up everything he ever worked for for the likes of Donald Trump.

We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

How so? He has never, ever broken his oath. Explain why you think differently. Loyalty to trump and his sycophants cannot be equated to loyalty to our country and all that Americans stand for. trump stands for nothing. The Marine in my family has never, ever broken his oath and he remains loyal to our nation.

Explain why and how trump and his minions could ever define loyalty to our nation. Just the opposite.

It was just explained to you.
No. You have not. Not at all. Nothing. Don't you people have any sense of honor or decency? I'm glad that our WWII generation is gone so they don't have to witness the kind of rejection of what they fought for that you and your ilk are trying to perpetrate. Whatever it is that you people are trying to do, largely unsaid, it is the opposite of what the United States of America stands for. Remember the "liberty and justice for all" thing? The devotion to the idea that the people are free and govern themselves?

Frankly, I think that you stand for white supremacy, male supremacy, the supremacy of some notion of radical "Christian" fundamentalism, authoritarianism, and all the rest of the putrid. This is NOT being an American. This is to be a nazi.
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

How so? He has never, ever broken his oath. Explain why you think differently. Loyalty to trump and his sycophants cannot be equated to loyalty to our country and all that Americans stand for. trump stands for nothing. The Marine in my family has never, ever broken his oath and he remains loyal to our nation.

Explain why and how trump and his minions could ever define loyalty to our nation. Just the opposite.

It was just explained to you.
No. You have not. Not at all. Nothing. Don't you people have any sense of honor or decency? I'm glad that our WWII generation is gone so they don't have to witness the kind of rejection of what they fought for that you and your ilk are trying to perpetrate. Whatever it is that you people are trying to do, largely unsaid, it is the opposite of what the United States of America stands for. Remember the "liberty and justice for all" thing? The devotion to the idea that the people are free and govern themselves?

Frankly, I think that you stand for white supremacy, male supremacy, the supremacy of some notion of radical "Christian" fundamentalism, authoritarianism, and all the rest of the putrid. This is NOT being an American. This is to be a nazi.
The veterans from WW2 have nothing in common with you lefties.
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

How so? He has never, ever broken his oath. Explain why you think differently. Loyalty to trump and his sycophants cannot be equated to loyalty to our country and all that Americans stand for. trump stands for nothing. The Marine in my family has never, ever broken his oath and he remains loyal to our nation.

Explain why and how trump and his minions could ever define loyalty to our nation. Just the opposite.

It was just explained to you.
No. You have not. Not at all. Nothing. Don't you people have any sense of honor or decency? I'm glad that our WWII generation is gone so they don't have to witness the kind of rejection of what they fought for that you and your ilk are trying to perpetrate. Whatever it is that you people are trying to do, largely unsaid, it is the opposite of what the United States of America stands for. Remember the "liberty and justice for all" thing? The devotion to the idea that the people are free and govern themselves?

Frankly, I think that you stand for white supremacy, male supremacy, the supremacy of some notion of radical "Christian" fundamentalism, authoritarianism, and all the rest of the putrid. This is NOT being an American. This is to be a nazi.
The veterans from WW2 have nothing in common with you lefties.

The vets of WWII fought to defend our nation and stop brutal aggression. Now explain what a "leftie" is. I'm guessing that it is a person who is against authoritarianism and fascism and supports freedom and justice for all people, not just as a slogan, but as a reality. Remember that you have no right to dominate another or interfere with any other person's exercise of their rights. I believe that the expression that is now popular is "stay in your own lane." Do it.
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

How so? He has never, ever broken his oath. Explain why you think differently. Loyalty to trump and his sycophants cannot be equated to loyalty to our country and all that Americans stand for. trump stands for nothing. The Marine in my family has never, ever broken his oath and he remains loyal to our nation.

Explain why and how trump and his minions could ever define loyalty to our nation. Just the opposite.

It was just explained to you.
No. You have not. Not at all. Nothing. Don't you people have any sense of honor or decency? I'm glad that our WWII generation is gone so they don't have to witness the kind of rejection of what they fought for that you and your ilk are trying to perpetrate. Whatever it is that you people are trying to do, largely unsaid, it is the opposite of what the United States of America stands for. Remember the "liberty and justice for all" thing? The devotion to the idea that the people are free and govern themselves?

Frankly, I think that you stand for white supremacy, male supremacy, the supremacy of some notion of radical "Christian" fundamentalism, authoritarianism, and all the rest of the putrid. This is NOT being an American. This is to be a nazi.
The veterans from WW2 have nothing in common with you lefties.

The vets of WWII fought to defend our nation and stop brutal aggression. Now explain what a "leftie" is. I'm guessing that it is a person who is against authoritarianism and fascism and supports freedom and justice for all people, not just as a slogan, but as a reality. Remember that you have no right to dominate another or interfere with any other person's exercise of their rights. I believe that the expression that is now popular is "stay in your own lane." Do it.
You are dumb as shit if you think for a moment that any WW2 vet agrees with your wacky god damn political views.
This Jackass gave up everything he ever worked for for the likes of Donald Trump.


The jackasses that voted for this Joe Dudus piece of shit and then ignored the fact he stole the election gave up our Democracy because they want to live in a Socialist shithole. Disgusting, isn't it?
We, as a nation, must confront the idea that some of our military and LEO's have been radicalized and no longer subscribe to American values in open rebellion to the oaths that they took. The retired Marine in my family has never forgotten the oath that he took and I am so proud of him. He remains a loyal American and a loyal Marine.
If that retired Marine supports Biden, then that retired Marine is the one that has broken their oath and loyalties to America

How so? He has never, ever broken his oath. Explain why you think differently. Loyalty to trump and his sycophants cannot be equated to loyalty to our country and all that Americans stand for. trump stands for nothing. The Marine in my family has never, ever broken his oath and he remains loyal to our nation.

Explain why and how trump and his minions could ever define loyalty to our nation. Just the opposite.

It was just explained to you.
No. You have not. Not at all. Nothing. Don't you people have any sense of honor or decency? I'm glad that our WWII generation is gone so they don't have to witness the kind of rejection of what they fought for that you and your ilk are trying to perpetrate. Whatever it is that you people are trying to do, largely unsaid, it is the opposite of what the United States of America stands for. Remember the "liberty and justice for all" thing? The devotion to the idea that the people are free and govern themselves?

Frankly, I think that you stand for white supremacy, male supremacy, the supremacy of some notion of radical "Christian" fundamentalism, authoritarianism, and all the rest of the putrid. This is NOT being an American. This is to be a nazi.

You are one of the best at making stuff up on this board.

You can go from I chipped a nail to somehow it relates to toxic waste.

You are clearly one of the most closed minded, self-absorbed people I have seen on this board.

What you "think" and what you "believe" are treated as fact and you then go onto make an ass out of yourself.


This scumbag is charged with assaulting police officers, among other charges. They should add sedition and insurrection to those charges.

Rather than the Justice Department, I would prefer to have the Marines charge him and try him before a General Court Martial. A conviction would probably be more likely that way rather than taking a chance on a Trump Cult juror letting him go scot free.
MAGA. More Are Getting Arrested.

Love it

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