Marjorie Taylor Greene complains suspected intel secrets leaker is ‘being treated like a traitor and criminal


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
9,336 have a clear case of Treason..committed not out of any ideological motive....but committed solely so that this guy can win an internet argument and be a big shot in his clique.
You'd think no-one would have his back. But wait! MTG says he's a hero??

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is questioning the treatment of the suspect who was arrested Thursday in connection with the leak of highly sensitive classified documents.
Jack Douglas Teixeira, a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard member, was arrested by federal agents Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland said in anews release.
Greene said the leaks reveal the presence of U.S. troops in Ukraine, and compared Teixeira to Stuart Scheller, who was discharged after posting statements on social media critical of top military leaders over the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal.
ABC News reports that a small special operations unit is working out of the embassy in Ukraine in a non-combat role.
“We have now found out from a supposed 21-year-old National Guardsman that there are American military troops on the ground in Ukraine,” Greene tweeted.
The far-right congresswoman from Georgia lamented that Teixeira is being treated as a “traitor and criminal” and credits him for “exposing the truth."

“The National Guardsman that released these Pentagon papers is simply blowing the whistle on what is really taking place at the DOD, yet he’s being treated like a traitor and criminal,” Greene said.
Stinks of being fake and with links back to MI6 assets, ex-Bellingcat , I would not take a single word at face value until the dust settles .

A likely distraction and deflection from Khazaria where crooked Z has been further mired in corruption, allied to the disastrous ongoing losses being suffered by the US Nazis as they fail in their attempt to prevent denazification by the Russians
She's right....He's a hero for embarrassing the fuck out of this corrupt regime and the Pentagon liars.

He's the new Vindman!


^ Heroic Whistleblower!!
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We really don't know how bad it is or if any of our assets are dead or missing.

Our DOJ and DOD really aren't saying shit about this.
They're too F'in embarrassed!!
Stinks of being fake and with links back to MI6 assets, ex-Bellingcat , I would not take a single word at face value until the dust settles .

A likely distraction and deflection from Khazaria where crooked Z has been further mired in corruption, allied to the disastrous ongoing losses being suffered by the US Nazis as they fail in their attempt to prevent denazification by the Russians
Ya gotta quit smokin' that's rotting yer brain!
We really don't know how bad it is or if any of our assets are dead or missing.

Our DOJ and DOD really aren't saying shit about this.
They're too F'in embarrassed!!
..and they should be. But it's hard to guard against casual treachery...and a betrayal of trust always has consequences. have a clear case of Treason..committed not out of any ideological motive....but committed solely so that this guy can win an internet argument and be a big shot in his clique.
You'd think no-one would have his back. But wait! MTG says he's a hero??

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is questioning the treatment of the suspect who was arrested Thursday in connection with the leak of highly sensitive classified documents.
Jack Douglas Teixeira, a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard member, was arrested by federal agents Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland said in anews release.
Greene said the leaks reveal the presence of U.S. troops in Ukraine, and compared Teixeira to Stuart Scheller, who was discharged after posting statements on social media critical of top military leaders over the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal.
ABC News reports that a small special operations unit is working out of the embassy in Ukraine in a non-combat role.
“We have now found out from a supposed 21-year-old National Guardsman that there are American military troops on the ground in Ukraine,” Greene tweeted.
The far-right congresswoman from Georgia lamented that Teixeira is being treated as a “traitor and criminal” and credits him for “exposing the truth."

“The National Guardsman that released these Pentagon papers is simply blowing the whistle on what is really taking place at the DOD, yet he’s being treated like a traitor and criminal,” Greene said.
I think that punk should get a poke in each eye so he can't read again.
Yeah throw him solitary confinement for a few months with no charges.

And there we have it folks, bodeSHILLA with her daily smear calling Trump supporters maggots. Get a job.
I would not be surprised if they charge him under the UCMJ. If so...that solitary thing? You can bet on it..right until the hard labor thing starts. have a clear case of Treason..committed not out of any ideological motive....but committed solely so that this guy can win an internet argument and be a big shot in his clique.
You'd think no-one would have his back. But wait! MTG says he's a hero??

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is questioning the treatment of the suspect who was arrested Thursday in connection with the leak of highly sensitive classified documents.
Jack Douglas Teixeira, a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard member, was arrested by federal agents Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland said in anews release.
Greene said the leaks reveal the presence of U.S. troops in Ukraine, and compared Teixeira to Stuart Scheller, who was discharged after posting statements on social media critical of top military leaders over the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal.
ABC News reports that a small special operations unit is working out of the embassy in Ukraine in a non-combat role.
“We have now found out from a supposed 21-year-old National Guardsman that there are American military troops on the ground in Ukraine,” Greene tweeted.
The far-right congresswoman from Georgia lamented that Teixeira is being treated as a “traitor and criminal” and credits him for “exposing the truth."

“The National Guardsman that released these Pentagon papers is simply blowing the whistle on what is really taking place at the DOD, yet he’s being treated like a traitor and criminal,” Greene said.
Marge seems to think that as long as your dumber than shit you shouldn't ever face consequences for crimes
He's the new Vindman!
Foreign-born Pentagon shill, who dispenses 3rd-hand hearsay about a phone call that the undisclosed "whistleblower" didn't even hear himself: HERO!

Dude who tells the truth about what a total shit show that an undeclared proxy war is, and the lies being told to us all to keep it going: OFF WITH HIS HEAD!

Impossible to tell where assclowns like Bolton and Cheney end, and the neo-Marxist PedoPete regime begins.
Lefties defended every leaker since the Nixon administration and now the freaking hypocrites try to make a case against Congresswoman Greene because she said Biden should be the one going to jail. Sometimes you gotta wonder.

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