Marjorie Taylor Greene complains suspected intel secrets leaker is ‘being treated like a traitor and criminal

Foreign-born Pentagon shill, who dispenses 3rd-hand hearsay about a phone call that the undisclosed "whistleblower" didn't even hear himself: HERO!

Dude who tells the truth about what a total shit show that an undeclared proxy war is, and the lies being told to us all to keep it going: OFF WITH HIS HEAD!

Impossible to tell where assclowns like Bolton and Cheney end, and the neo-Marxist PedoJoe regime begins.
Treason deserves the usual response..regardless of party or ideological motivation. This guy didn't "tell the truth"--he broke his oath to his nation and betrayed our Countries trust.
I hope he spends a long time in prison....and I suspect he will~
..and they should be. But it's hard to guard against casual treachery...and a betrayal of trust always has consequences.
Interesting that you don't want concomitant consequences heaped upon the betrayers of the entire nation in Foggy Bottom, running an undeclared proxy war and lying out their asses about it.

If you moonbats didn't have double standards.....
Treason deserves the usual response..regardless of party or ideological motivation. This guy didn't "tell the truth"--he broke his oath to his nation and betrayed our Countries trust.
I hope he spends a long time in prison....and I suspect he will~
Looks like the far more treasonous ones are running the Pentagon, shill.
And there we have it, folks......MAGAts cheering on traitors to the U.S. You sure you don't live in Moscow in a Troll Farm?


Stinks of being fake and with links back to MI6 assets, ex-Bellingcat , I would not take a single word at face value until the dust settles .

A likely distraction and deflection from Khazaria where crooked Z has been further mired in corruption, allied to the disastrous ongoing losses being suffered by the US Nazis as they fail in their attempt to prevent denazification by the Russians
You are so out to lunch. He is a traitor and he placed lives at risk. If he has details of government abuse against citizens that is different. This was just leaking intel. He might even be on someones payroll.
Lefties defended every leaker since the Nixon administration and now the freaking hypocrites try to make a case against Congresswoman Greene because she said Biden should be the one going to jail. Sometimes you gotta wonder.

I don't wonder.
This Gov't is un-American and orchestrating America's demise.

No doubt!!
Democrats authorized the release of and a free sex change for a notorious leaker and now they attack Congresswoman Greene? It beats talking about real issues.
Interesting that you don't want concomitant consequences heaped upon the betrayers of the entire nation in Foggy Bottom, running an undeclared proxy war and lying out their asses about it.

If you moonbats didn't have double standards.....
your post amuses just because I have to wonder which proxy war? Which Foggy Bottom ill-worked out scenario? Which lies? History is replete with such.

But the Ukraine..ain't one of them. Yeah..they've hyped the Ukraine and down-played their doubts, so?

BTW..all proxy wars are kinda what that means, right?
your post amuses just because I have to wonder which proxy war? Which Foggy Bottom ill-worked out scenario? Which lies? History is replete with such.

But the Ukraine..ain't one of them. Yeah..they've hyped the Ukraine and down-played their doubts, so?

BTW..all proxy wars are kinda what that means, right?
Pointing out a redundancy is beside the point....As is your whataboutism over the lies of the warmongers.

If you didn't have double standards....
Lying to our faces about their international malfeasance deserves to be discovered.

You'd be signing a far different tune were this Trump's regime being ratted out, and we all know it.
Same scenario? Military secrets being outed? No...I would not.
I don't really think that what is in those documents bugs me all that much. Our nation keeps secrets..good. We spy on our allies..oh do clutch the pearls!
They spy on us as's how the game is played. Putting us and them on blast though..does us no good at all...just the reverse.
And there we have it, folks......MAGAts cheering on traitors to the U.S. You sure you don't live in Moscow in a Troll Farm?

Will he be held accountable? He will. Should the people know when we put troops into another country? Absolutely.

There really are no good players here.
Sure will be interesting to see how many and exactly which Trump followers defend this fool, or make him out to be another “hero.” Many are so used to playing free and loose with facts, supporting Putin against Ukraine, denouncing the FBI for being partisan and the DOD for being “woke” … they don’t even recognize where the line between patriotism and treason lies.

In this respect Trumpsters and the young National Guardsman who circulated these documents so casually may be like the Jan. 6 rioters.

This young man seems to have crossed the line — not out of any deep commitment to stop spying on civilians (like Snowden), or to expose details of bloody U.S. imperialist wars overseas (like Assange & Manning) — but just to impress his little group of friends in an internet chat group!

The group itself has been described this way:

“The New York Times first reported Teixeira's identity earlier on Thursday, describing him a National Guardsman who led Thug Shaker Central, an online group where about 20 to 30 people shared their love of guns, racist memes and video games.”

Of course the NYTimes and Washington Post have their own agendas, so it is surely too early to draw any certain conclusions about Teixeira’s motivations. But let this at least serve as warning to any who think that the law & national security norms don’t apply to them … just because they think they are “real Americans” and “patriots.”

Even our ex-President billionaire Donald Trump may finally get his comeuppance — learning there is a price to pay for keeping top secret documents and then arrogantly refusing to return them.
I am just going to go on the record as a conservative who thinks this little creep ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I don’t know what Marge said, and I don’t care. This 21 year old twerp does not get to decide what should, and what should not be, secret. If he truly cared about the nation he could have taken the info to the chair of the House Intel Comm or anonymously given it to a news media outlet not in bed with Biden or done something with it other than simply turning it loose and possibly putting lives in danger.

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