Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

The unnamed, unseen accuser claims it was in a HIGH SCHOOL party:


"The letter, as reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer, is from a woman who described an encounter with Kavanaugh at a party in high school. He held her down and tried to force himself on her, covering her mouth. She was able to escape, but the encounter was “a source of ongoing distress for her,” Farrow and Mayer wrote.+"

This is a total fabrication and might be confusing two stories.

The Dianne Feinstein letter was given to her by a constituent IN CALIFORNIA that repeated a rumor from Kavanaugh's high school days. He and a friend saw a girl go into a bedroom at a house party and they closed the door. The girl initially thought she was locked in an panicked but soon got out. The letter named the woman who said the incident was nothing and she was not going to have anything to do with this. The FBI found the complaint of no consequence and closed the file. It had nothing to do with Ronan Farrow. The woman never made a complaint. The letter itself came from a third party.

The sad thing is, it really doesn't matter if it's true or not, if a girl was assaulted or not. It's a cynical political ploy to cause the maximum amount of damage to the nominee. The longer they hide the details the stronger the case becomes that the whole thing is just another Dan Blather mess.

The longer before a vote is taken, the more detail on this issue and all of the documents, held back by grassley, of his record as a lawyer for Bush and an appellate court judge will be released, by hook or by crook.

No one is yelling, "Lock him Up"; That anti- American rhetoric is left to the fools and right wing hacks.

We are on a short timeline right now- the vote on Kavanaugh is next week. The Democrats had month to produce reasons why not to vote for Kavanaugh. If they wanted it taken seriously, they would have brought this forward a long time ago.

Now, all that is left is the vote.

BTW, if after the man is confirmed, if the left get control of the House of Reps, they can impeach him if they are still dissatisfied. It isn't like there is no relief available.

Peasssssssssssssse, McConnell's misfeasance was 1,000 times more dishonorable to the Senate, the Constitution and to our progeny, than are the efforts by the Democrats to fully vet a life-time appointment.

Advising the President that he F;'d up again really bothers Republicans. Though I'm sure those Republicans who were tossed under the bus as RINO's agree with me.

Extremism in support of a single party is a vice

You don't get it. Nothing Mr. Kavanaugh can say will get him the votes from the Far Left in the Senate.

There is little point in delaying- he seems like a good guy to me- let's just have the vote.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

How did he get 65 women from high school when he went to an all-boys high school?

Lol. He knew this was coming - which makes me think it’s true if they didn’t know this was coming, they’re little letter wouldn’t have been ready to roll.

But thanks for spreading trumpkin propaganda.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

How did he get 65 women from high school when he went to an all-boys high school?

Lol. He knew this was coming - which makes me think it’s true if they didn’t know this was coming, they’re little letter wouldn’t have been ready to roll.

But thanks for spreading trumpkin propaganda.

Just because a kid goes to an all boys high school doesn't mean he doesn't know any girls.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

How did he get 65 women from high school when he went to an all-boys high school?

Lol. He knew this was coming - which makes me think it’s true if they didn’t know this was coming, they’re little letter wouldn’t have been ready to roll.

But thanks for spreading trumpkin propaganda.

I see that too many seems to have forgotten that the alleged accuser said it was at a HIGH SCHOOL PARTY!
It is irrelevant whether he was at an all boys school or not since the alleged event was at a (drum roll...……) PARTY!

Come people!
I see that too many seems to have forgotten that the alleged accuser said it was at a HIGH SCHOOL PARTY!
It is irrelevant whether he was at an all boys school or not since the alleged event was at a (drum roll...……) PARTY!

Come people!

IMHO, I don't think there was an accuser at all. Someone from the Trump campaign probably wrote this absurd letter and sent it to Feinstein just to troll her and see if she was foolish enough to publicize it.

Sort of like the Rovian plot known as the Killian Letters.

Liberals just got punked, IMHO
The unnamed, unseen accuser claims it was in a HIGH SCHOOL party:


"The letter, as reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer, is from a woman who described an encounter with Kavanaugh at a party in high school. He held her down and tried to force himself on her, covering her mouth. She was able to escape, but the encounter was “a source of ongoing distress for her,” Farrow and Mayer wrote.+"

This is a total fabrication and might be confusing two stories.

The Dianne Feinstein letter was given to her by a constituent IN CALIFORNIA that repeated a rumor from Kavanaugh's high school days. He and a friend saw a girl go into a bedroom at a house party and they closed the door. The girl initially thought she was locked in an panicked but soon got out. The letter named the woman who said the incident was nothing and she was not going to have anything to do with this. The FBI found the complaint of no consequence and closed the file. It had nothing to do with Ronan Farrow. The woman never made a complaint. The letter itself came from a third party.

The sad thing is, it really doesn't matter if it's true or not, if a girl was assaulted or not. It's a cynical political ploy to cause the maximum amount of damage to the nominee. The longer they hide the details the stronger the case becomes that the whole thing is just another Dan Blather mess.

The longer before a vote is taken, the more detail on this issue and all of the documents, held back by grassley, of his record as a lawyer for Bush and an appellate court judge will be released, by hook or by crook.

No one is yelling, "Lock him Up"; That anti- American rhetoric is left to the fools and right wing hacks.

We are on a short timeline right now- the vote on Kavanaugh is next week. The Democrats had month to produce reasons why not to vote for Kavanaugh. If they wanted it taken seriously, they would have brought this forward a long time ago.

Now, all that is left is the vote.

BTW, if after the man is confirmed, if the left get control of the House of Reps, they can impeach him if they are still dissatisfied. It isn't like there is no relief available.

Peasssssssssssssse, McConnell's misfeasance was 1,000 times more dishonorable to the Senate, the Constitution and to our progeny, than are the efforts by the Democrats to fully vet a life-time appointment.

Advising the President that he F;'d up again really bothers Republicans. Though I'm sure those Republicans who were tossed under the bus as RINO's agree with me.

Extremism in support of a single party is a vice
Did you bother to understand what you posted? The irony is thick.

Also, You may not like Kavanaugh, but he is well qualified for the position, and that is the benchmark
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There was never an allegation of sexual assault. Democrats made it up.

I'm stunned Feinstein pulled this stunt and even more stunned Feinstein referred it to the FBI which promptly tossed it in the trash. She wrecked what reputation she had.
I used to have some respect for Feinstein, but she either horribly miscalculated or she''s a sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

Ditto, now I'm wondering if she had me fooled.
"Another conspiracy theory"? What other one's?

I have evidence that Trump, a) met with Kananaugh; b) asked Comey for his loyalty; c) attacks Session for disloyalty; and learned Kavanaugh seems to hold opinions that a President is above the law.

You forgot the bits about Trump having two scoops of vanilla ice cream and saying "pussy".
Boy! that is going way back to the beginning of the Media's first attack. They started out weak and just started to produce fake news. View attachment 216690
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Fake news.

You read the posted letter?

"September 14, 2018
The Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 135 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein:

We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983. For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the Committee at this time. Brett attended Georgetown Prep, an all-boys high school in Rockville, Maryland. He was an outstanding student and athlete with a wide circle of friends. Almost all of us attended allgirls high schools in the area. We knew Brett well through social events, sports, church, and various other activities. Many of us have remained close friends with him and his family over the years. Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity. In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day. The signers of this letter hold a broad range of political views. Many of us are not lawyers, but we know Brett Kavanaugh as a person. And he has always been a good person.

What do you think?

Q. What do I think

A. The same set of women who supported Judge Moore.

Based on what piece of imagination?


Your imagination does not reflect reality.
Kavanaugh went to an ALL MALE prep school; where in Hell did he know a group of 65 females from?

The whore house?

The unnamed, unseen accuser claims it was in a HIGH SCHOOL party:


"The letter, as reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer, is from a woman who described an encounter with Kavanaugh at a party in high school. He held her down and tried to force himself on her, covering her mouth. She was able to escape, but the encounter was “a source of ongoing distress for her,” Farrow and Mayer wrote.+"

This is a total fabrication and might be confusing two stories.

The Dianne Feinstein letter was given to her by a constituent IN CALIFORNIA that repeated a rumor from Kavanaugh's high school days. He and a friend saw a girl go into a bedroom at a house party and they closed the door. The girl initially thought she was locked in an panicked but soon got out. The letter named the woman who said the incident was nothing and she was not going to have anything to do with this. The FBI found the complaint of no consequence and closed the file. It had nothing to do with Ronan Farrow. The woman never made a complaint. The letter itself came from a third party.

The sad thing is, it really doesn't matter if it's true or not, if a girl was assaulted or not. It's a cynical political ploy to cause the maximum amount of damage to the nominee. The longer they hide the details the stronger the case becomes that the whole thing is just another Dan Blather mess.

The longer before a vote is taken, the more detail on this issue and all of the documents, held back by grassley, of his record as a lawyer for Bush and an appellate court judge will be released, by hook or by crook.

No one is yelling, "Lock him Up"; That anti- American rhetoric is left to the fools and right wing hacks.

We are on a short timeline right now- the vote on Kavanaugh is next week. The Democrats had month to produce reasons why not to vote for Kavanaugh. If they wanted it taken seriously, they would have brought this forward a long time ago.

Now, all that is left is the vote.

BTW, if after the man is confirmed, if the left get control of the House of Reps, they can impeach him if they are still dissatisfied. It isn't like there is no relief available.

Doing that would so further politicize the judiciary that there would be no point in it any further. Of course, that may be the goal.
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The unnamed, unseen accuser claims it was in a HIGH SCHOOL party:


"The letter, as reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer, is from a woman who described an encounter with Kavanaugh at a party in high school. He held her down and tried to force himself on her, covering her mouth. She was able to escape, but the encounter was “a source of ongoing distress for her,” Farrow and Mayer wrote.+"

This is a total fabrication and might be confusing two stories.

The Dianne Feinstein letter was given to her by a constituent IN CALIFORNIA that repeated a rumor from Kavanaugh's high school days. He and a friend saw a girl go into a bedroom at a house party and they closed the door. The girl initially thought she was locked in an panicked but soon got out. The letter named the woman who said the incident was nothing and she was not going to have anything to do with this. The FBI found the complaint of no consequence and closed the file. It had nothing to do with Ronan Farrow. The woman never made a complaint. The letter itself came from a third party.

The sad thing is, it really doesn't matter if it's true or not, if a girl was assaulted or not. It's a cynical political ploy to cause the maximum amount of damage to the nominee. The longer they hide the details the stronger the case becomes that the whole thing is just another Dan Blather mess.

The longer before a vote is taken, the more detail on this issue and all of the documents, held back by grassley, of his record as a lawyer for Bush and an appellate court judge will be released, by hook or by crook.

No one is yelling, "Lock him Up"; That anti- American rhetoric is left to the fools and right wing hacks.

We are on a short timeline right now- the vote on Kavanaugh is next week. The Democrats had month to produce reasons why not to vote for Kavanaugh. If they wanted it taken seriously, they would have brought this forward a long time ago.

Now, all that is left is the vote.

BTW, if after the man is confirmed, if the left get control of the House of Reps, they can impeach him if they are still dissatisfied. It isn't like there is no relief available.

Doing that would so further politicize the judiciary that there would be no point in it any further. Of course, that may be the goal.

The Left has already politicized the Judiciary- Mr. Kavanaugh is a well qualified guy, very moderate, yet the left has made him seem like another Hitler during these hearings. They came out against Kavanaugh EVEN BEFORE they knew his name.
This is a total fabrication and might be confusing two stories.

The Dianne Feinstein letter was given to her by a constituent IN CALIFORNIA that repeated a rumor from Kavanaugh's high school days. He and a friend saw a girl go into a bedroom at a house party and they closed the door. The girl initially thought she was locked in an panicked but soon got out. The letter named the woman who said the incident was nothing and she was not going to have anything to do with this. The FBI found the complaint of no consequence and closed the file. It had nothing to do with Ronan Farrow. The woman never made a complaint. The letter itself came from a third party.

The sad thing is, it really doesn't matter if it's true or not, if a girl was assaulted or not. It's a cynical political ploy to cause the maximum amount of damage to the nominee. The longer they hide the details the stronger the case becomes that the whole thing is just another Dan Blather mess.

The longer before a vote is taken, the more detail on this issue and all of the documents, held back by grassley, of his record as a lawyer for Bush and an appellate court judge will be released, by hook or by crook.

No one is yelling, "Lock him Up"; That anti- American rhetoric is left to the fools and right wing hacks.

We are on a short timeline right now- the vote on Kavanaugh is next week. The Democrats had month to produce reasons why not to vote for Kavanaugh. If they wanted it taken seriously, they would have brought this forward a long time ago.

Now, all that is left is the vote.

BTW, if after the man is confirmed, if the left get control of the House of Reps, they can impeach him if they are still dissatisfied. It isn't like there is no relief available.

Doing that would so further politicize the judiciary that there would be no point in it any further. Of course, that may be the goal.

The Left has already politicized the Judiciary- Mr. Kavanaugh is a well qualified guy, very moderate, yet the left has made him seem like another Hitler during these hearings. They came out against Kavanaugh EVEN BEFORE they knew his name.
This is more about Trump nominating Kavanaugh than Kavanaugh.
The sad thing is, it really doesn't matter if it's true or not, if a girl was assaulted or not. It's a cynical political ploy to cause the maximum amount of damage to the nominee. The longer they hide the details the stronger the case becomes that the whole thing is just another Dan Blather mess.

The longer before a vote is taken, the more detail on this issue and all of the documents, held back by grassley, of his record as a lawyer for Bush and an appellate court judge will be released, by hook or by crook.

No one is yelling, "Lock him Up"; That anti- American rhetoric is left to the fools and right wing hacks.

We are on a short timeline right now- the vote on Kavanaugh is next week. The Democrats had month to produce reasons why not to vote for Kavanaugh. If they wanted it taken seriously, they would have brought this forward a long time ago.

Now, all that is left is the vote.

BTW, if after the man is confirmed, if the left get control of the House of Reps, they can impeach him if they are still dissatisfied. It isn't like there is no relief available.

Doing that would so further politicize the judiciary that there would be no point in it any further. Of course, that may be the goal.

The Left has already politicized the Judiciary- Mr. Kavanaugh is a well qualified guy, very moderate, yet the left has made him seem like another Hitler during these hearings. They came out against Kavanaugh EVEN BEFORE they knew his name.
This is more about Trump nominating Kavanaugh than Kavanaugh.

True, so true.
Along the same lines, millions of people could testify that Jeffery Dahmer didn't eat them.

You are why I cant sleep at night and believe I have to get up in the morning to fight again. (Gratuitous insult removed)
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Feinstein and the Democrats just dragged themselves out of the gutter to attack Kavanaugh with despicable -politics of personal destruction', AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT....EVERYONE!

Their DESPARATION and pathetic behavior has never been so obvious.
There was never an allegation of sexual assault. Democrats made it up.

I'm stunned Feinstein pulled this stunt and even more stunned Feinstein referred it to the FBI which promptly tossed it in the trash. She wrecked what reputation she had.

Ditto at the highest levels. Now I am a hunter. I smell the fight versus flight. She made her last stand.

You might want to double check where that smell is coming from, and why you are the only one smelling it.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
He is a man of very exceptional integrity. But the Democrats try to smear him. WIll the Democrats ever control Congress or White House? Not for a very long time. There’re conduct is abhorrent.

And they were all reached after 5 pm at night to put their name to a letter that was published by 8 am the net morning. All 64 previously unknown women were identified, tracked down, contacted, recalled Brett personally from 35 years ago, and put their name to the letter in the middle of the night. It's amazing.

Sort of like a woman who wants to remain anonymous, doesn’t want to pursue it, comes out of nowhere and accuse a judicial nominee at the last minute of sexual misconduct 35 year ago, that cannot be substantiated.
"Another conspiracy theory"? What other one's?

I have evidence that Trump, a) met with Kananaugh; b) asked Comey for his loyalty; c) attacks Session for disloyalty; and learned Kavanaugh seems to hold opinions that a President is above the law.

You forgot the bits about Trump having two scoops of vanilla ice cream and saying "pussy".
Boy! that is going way back to the beginning of the Media's first attack. They started out weak and just started to produce fake news. View attachment 216690
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Fake news.

You read the posted letter?

"September 14, 2018
The Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 135 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein:

We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983. For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the Committee at this time. Brett attended Georgetown Prep, an all-boys high school in Rockville, Maryland. He was an outstanding student and athlete with a wide circle of friends. Almost all of us attended allgirls high schools in the area. We knew Brett well through social events, sports, church, and various other activities. Many of us have remained close friends with him and his family over the years. Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity. In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day. The signers of this letter hold a broad range of political views. Many of us are not lawyers, but we know Brett Kavanaugh as a person. And he has always been a good person.

What do you think?

Q. What do I think

A. The same set of women who supported Judge Moore.

Based on what piece of imagination?


Based on allegations that can’t be proved, by a women who doesn’t wish to come forward. Yeah, nothing like guilty before proven innocent and not being able to face your accuser.

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