Mark Levin: McSally Refused to Go on His Show, Didn’t Want to be Tied to Conservatives

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Martha McSally was a #NeverTrumper before the 2016 election. She refused to attend the Republican convention. But Paul Ryan really liked her. Conservative radio host and author Mark Levin told his audience on Monday that McSally refused to go on his show. She ran as a moderate and talked way too much about “gender” with the results we see. 200K more Arizonans voted for the R governor than for her, that pretty much tells the tale.....Seems RYAN loved her, and she projbably would be a clone of the departing Jeff Flake.....rather not have another one of them!
“You’ll be Great” Outgoing RINO Senator Jeff Flake Congratulates Taliban Sympathizer Kyrsten Sinema on Victory

Gateway Pundit ^

Kyrsten Sinema previously expressed her utter disgust with Arizona in a speech given in March of this year. Jeff Flake thinks she’ll be great! “Congratulations to @kyrstensinema on a race well run, and won. It’s been a wonderful honor representing Arizona in the Senate. You’ll be great,” Flake said in a tweet Monday evening.
“You’ll be Great” Outgoing RINO Senator Jeff Flake Congratulates Taliban Sympathizer Kyrsten Sinema on Victory

Gateway Pundit ^

Kyrsten Sinema previously expressed her utter disgust with Arizona in a speech given in March of this year. Jeff Flake thinks she’ll be great! “Congratulations to @kyrstensinema on a race well run, and won. It’s been a wonderful honor representing Arizona in the Senate. You’ll be great,” Flake said in a tweet Monday evening.
Taliban Sympathizer
She is not! Calling names will not work.
Now the excuses start coming. Mark Levin is a lunatic. McSally's loss was a kick in the gonads to Trump no matter how you spin it.
Yep, the the libs are moving from California to places like Austin, Phoenix etc,

The cancer spreads

Yep, the the libs are moving from California to places like Austin, Phoenix etc,

The cancer spreads

The cancer on the Republic is Trumpism. The people have diagnosed the illness, and are taking action to excise the Trumpist tumor from our political body.

ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party

The Democrat transmutation witnessed the rhetoric becoming radicalized of establishment Democrats like New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo could now be heard declaring that anyone who supports traditional marriage or is against abortion is not welcome in New York and “America was never that great.”

The enthusiasm of Leftistism filled the void created when the Democratic party lost its message, moral compass, and finally the 2016 election. And now the Democrat establishment, with all its funding, can’t put the genie back in the bottle and can’t regain its identity.

It was the ideology and energy of the far-left, that seized control and hijacked the Democrat Party. A political party is identified by its positions and policies and so it was a completely different political party of DINO’s that took the House. With that understanding, what was once known as the Democrat party, no longer exists. Perhaps in the near future, a new, more appropriate party name will emerge.

Democrats Did Not Take The House
I voted to reelect Gov Ducey, but couldn't vote for McSally.
I don't have any faith in her.
That's right I voted a rep gov and for a dem senator.
I voted to reelect Gov Ducey, but couldn't vote for McSally.
I don't have any faith in her.
That's right I voted a rep gov and for a dem senator.
It would have been better if you passed voting for senator voted for an acknowledged Marxist!
I voted to reelect Gov Ducey, but couldn't vote for McSally.
I don't have any faith in her.
That's right I voted a rep gov and for a dem senator.
It would have been better if you passed voting for senator voted for an acknowledged Marxist!
The best thing would be having "none of the above"on the ballot. imo annd I am a registered az voter, Sinnema was/is the least nutty of the two.

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