Mark Levin says we are losing our country by Democrat Marxist destructiveness with crime and inflation, against police, the border, military, & more

Mark Levin talks about the dangers of marxism the Democrats and old media are pushing on the America. I hope any Democrats here will write their reps and senators and tell them they need to clean up their act or we won't be a free people any more. He is critical of the media going against the majority of Americans and sponsoring the Democrats for old times' sake. The Democrat Party needs to quit paying the media to ignore their blatant crimes the commit and then deny. Please don't let them sack freedom, patriots in both parties. I hope our new Congress will first present a bill to pass shorter law bills. Nobody can read a 2,000 one-sided law that benefits one side of the aisle and one side only. I have another Mark Levin video to post in a bit.

Please pray to keep America free and send the corrupt socialistic Democrats a message by reviewing updationg and enforcing the anti-communist Law of 1954. We need to work against this horrible power grab. Biden talks the talk about making America "normal" but actually, he hasn't fulfilled his Oath of Office to protect the common defense of the people of this nation, half of whom he lied by victimizing law-abiding conservative American citizens by calling us "fascists." What a large load of Democrat dog droppings. :cranky:

* 6 minutes​

Okfine couldn't explain himself, perhaps you can. Why am I a sucker for reading his books?

I'm not sure you are.

What I am sure about is that for about 20 years, according to that gasbag, the nation has been "being destroyed" and tyranny (as always) is right around the corner. If that were true, the nation would either already be destroyed or you wouldn't be able to read a book by what would be a dissident author such as Levin.

Put another way, he's either dramatically overstating the case or is not telling you the truth.

My turn to ask a question...

Do you buy into the themes Levin is trying to sell you?
I'm not sure you are.

What I am sure about is that for about 20 years, according to that gasbag, the nation has been "being destroyed" and tyranny (as always) is right around the corner. If that were true, the nation would either already be destroyed or you wouldn't be able to read a book by what would be a dissident author such as Levin.

Put another way, he's either dramatically overstating the case or is not telling you the truth.

My turn to ask a question...

Do you buy into the themes Levin is trying to sell you?
It's like cancer. It's incremental. It advances and we push back. You can see it. We advance, you push back. Yes, I definitely buy into it because I see it. Can't you see it?
It's like cancer. It's incremental. It advances and we push back. You can see it. We advance, you push back. Yes, I definitely buy into it because I see it. Can't you see it?

Well, you've been programmed; that much is obvious.

You've bought into this us v. them dynamic that is (amazingly) keeping you buying his books and consuming like-minded media. Its almost as if the author had a strategy or something.

What is happening is evolution. The hard right loses power everyday. Not because there is some cabal of plotters on the left but because you guys, put simply, suck. Look at this board and the caveman type remedies you guys try to envoke for every problem...violence, segregation, and hate. Its what you guys do...because you've been programmed.
Well, you've been programmed; that much is obvious.

You've bought into this us v. them dynamic that is (amazingly) keeping you buying his books and consuming like-minded media. Its almost as if the author had a strategy or something.

What is happening is evolution. The hard right loses power everyday. Not because there is some cabal of plotters on the left but because you guys, put simply, suck. Look at this board and the caveman type remedies you guys try to envoke for every problem...violence, segregation, and hate. Its what you guys do...because you've been programmed.
You appear to be confused. Next you'll tell me the 2020 riots were all from the right and CRT and the transgender crap isn't really happening in public schools. Segregation? I see leftist Black students in colleges doing it, not conservatives. Black students at Rice University demand segregated campus ‘Black House’ | The College Fix
You appear to be confused.
Your programming fails you.
Next you'll tell me the 2020 riots were all from the right and CRT and the transgender crap isn't really happening in public schools.
We had riots in the 1960's too. Sixty years ago. The only reason Levin wasn't writing books warning of the end of our nation then was because he wasn't around then. I'm sure if I looked hard enough, I could find some kook who did and some wilfully mentally submissive loon like yourself buying the books as well.

What we didn't have in the 1960's was insurrectionists with the President's blessing trying to stop the elections from being certified. That was new.

Segregation? I see leftist Black students in colleges doing it, not conservatives. guys just continusously call for splitting the nation apart because of whatever is angering you on any particular day.
Your programming fails you.

We had riots in the 1960's too. Sixty years ago. The only reason Levin wasn't writing books warning of the end of our nation then was because he wasn't around then. I'm sure if I looked hard enough, I could find some kook who did and some wilfully mentally submissive loon like yourself buying the books as well.

What we didn't have in the 1960's was insurrectionists with the President's blessing trying to stop the elections from being certified. That was new. guys just continusously call for splitting the nation apart because of whatever is angering you on any particular day.
Nice rant. Nothing addressed my post. Your President claimed he was going to unite us, then proceeded to pull a Hillary deplorables scene with doomsday lighting and military guards. Impressive.
Nice rant. Nothing addressed my post. Your President claimed he was going to unite us, then proceeded to pull a Hillary deplorables scene with doomsday lighting and military guards. Impressive.

Again...your programming prevents you from seeing anything other than the us vs. them dynamic. You consume this media that makes you think the end of the world is near and are told who to blame for it. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

1/6 was pretty deplorable...was it not?

Again...your programming prevents you from seeing anything other than the us vs. them dynamic. You consume this media that makes you think the end of the world is near and are told who to blame for it. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

1/6 was pretty deplorable...was it not?
Not nearly as deplorable as the riots of 2020. You're either ignoring what happened across the country or you're the one who's programed.
Not nearly as deplorable as the riots of 2020. You're either ignoring what happened across the country or you're the one who's programed.

You're proving my point over and over. And the point okfine was making as well.

I bet you can't identify a single time you disagreed with Levin or Trump.
You're proving my point over and over. And the point okfine was making as well.

I bet you can't identify a single time you disagreed with Levin or Trump.
And you're proving my point by ignoring an entire summer of riots, assaults, arson, looting, small businesses destroyed. People ruined for no reason. Their entire lives destroyed. What the fuck is wrong with you loons?
Mark Levin talks about the dangers of marxism the Democrats and old media are pushing on the America.
Dummy this is this guy's entire career in a nutshell.

He has been huffing and puffing this slightly repackaged bullshit for decades now.
Not nearly as deplorable as the riots of 2020.

WTF? You think some assholes burning down 7/11 is somehow comprable to storming the US Capitol chanting about hanging the Vice President??

You clearly have zero perspective.

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