Mark Meadows named Chief of Staff

Trump names Mark Meadows White House chief of staff, replacing Mick Mulvaney
Trump names Mark Meadows White House chief of staff, replacing Mick Mulvaney

President Trump on Friday named Representative Mark Meadows his White House chief of staff, replacing Mick Mulvaney.

Trump said that Mulvaney will become the United States special envoy for Northern Ireland.

Meadows, a Republican from Nouth Carolina, announced in December that he would not seek re-election at the end of his term.
Meadows is a nutjob member of the misnamed Freedom Caucus. He replaces Mulvaney whose days were numbered as soon as he spilled the beans on Don's extortion of Ukraine to extract a political favor.

Basically, it means Trump has surrounded himself with another fanatical ideologue ready to add to the rhetorical vitriol while helping to do exactly nothing to solve the problems facing the US.
You can’t possibly believe Obama or Clinton didn’t surround themselves with loyalists.
Too bad for you they just happen to have policies you don’t like, just as what we dealt with when Clinton and Obama were in the White House.

They had people who were loyal to the American people and not only the President. Advisors should be able to give advice and still be loyal to the president even if they don't agree with his/her decision. The final decision is his and he should be able to digest other views
before making that decision.
Mark Meadows named new White House chief of staff. Congrats Mark.

Mark Meadows named new White House chief of staff

Let the progressive demeaning begin.

The current NC Congressman, who's seat is in jeopardy, so Trump is acting on a calculated decision given to one of his Fox News advisers?

The same advisers that told him to send Mick Mulvaney to Ireland, to put him out of reach of media questions, and subpoenas?
Isn't it kind of shitty to say "thanks, but fuck off" to all those people that voted for you to be the Representative?

If you were keeping up with the news, he was not running for reelection anyway, dumbass!

And now his disticwt
Isn't it kind of shitty to say "thanks, but fuck off" to all those people that voted for you to be the Representative?

If you were keeping up with the news, he was not running for reelection anyway, dumbass!

and his seat still sits empty between now and next Jan without anyone there to represent the people that voted for him.
Mark Meadows will do a very good job, regardless of how long he stays in the job! he is a very smart man! Bless him!:clap2:

Have you ever even heard his name before tonight?

Yes, I have.

Of course I have!
Meadows is a FOX News regular
Like Chaefits. The guy who demoted Meadows.

I believe he is referring to former Utah Rep Jason Chaffetz
Have you ever even heard his name before tonight?

Yes, I have.

Of course I have!
Meadows is a FOX News regular
Like Chaefits. The guy who demoted Meadows.

I believe he is referring to former Utah Rep Jason Chaffetz

He was being a dumbass,, as per usual.
Isn't it kind of shitty to say "thanks, but fuck off" to all those people that voted for you to be the Representative?

If you were keeping up with the news, he was not running for reelection anyway, dumbass!

And now his disticwt
Isn't it kind of shitty to say "thanks, but fuck off" to all those people that voted for you to be the Representative?

If you were keeping up with the news, he was not running for reelection anyway, dumbass!

and his seat still sits empty between now and next Jan without anyone there to represent the people that voted for him.

Why? The governor can appoint a replacement. Talking out of your ass again?
Why don't you stick tp your own country's business and stop posting your bullshit on this forum?
My country is the United States, and this is the US Message board. But I am always happy to teach a foreigner about our government. Just think, you won't make that same, silly error again. You're welcome.
Why don't you stick tp your own country's business and stop posting your bullshit on this forum?
My country is the United States, and this is the US Message board. But I am always happy to teach a foreigner about our government. Just think, you won't make that same, silly error again. You're welcome.

Then why did you say something stupid like this:

"The white house chief of staff is part of the cabinet, in my country"
Why don't you stick tp your own country's business and stop posting your bullshit on this forum?
My country is the United States, and this is the US Message board. But I am always happy to teach a foreigner about our government. Just think, you won't make that same, silly error again. You're welcome.

Then why did you say something stupid like this:

"The white house chief of staff is part of the cabinet, in my country"
I can understand how facts may seem stupid to a person like you. I don't know what else to tell you. Good luck on the citizenship test. Better brush up.
Why don't you stick tp your own country's business and stop posting your bullshit on this forum?
My country is the United States, and this is the US Message board. But I am always happy to teach a foreigner about our government. Just think, you won't make that same, silly error again. You're welcome.

Then why did you say something stupid like this:

"The white house chief of staff is part of the cabinet, in my country"
I can understand how facts may seem stupid to a person like you. I don't know what else to tell you. Good luck on the citizenship test. Better brush up.

Here is an undeniable fact for you: You are a dumbass!

The White House Chief of Staff is NOT a member of the Cabinet.

Epic fail on your part. You would not have passed my class on American Government in high school.
Meadows was the top tactician of the Freedom Caucus on things like immigration. he had sway over 20 votes and could influence shutting down the government potentially. Meadows was king. he had all the leverage. thats the role he will play in the white house as well.

Trump appoints unfit, unqualified person to cabinet level position.

Now guess which year of the trump presidency this news is from.

It's a trick! All of your guesses are correct.

Cabinet-level? WTF are you smoking?

What the fuck are you sucking? It is part of the cabinet.

President Trump's Cabinet

Not officially. Have a nice fucking day, dumbass!

The next time we need you to say something stupid, we will rattle your cage.

"The Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments — the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Attorney General."

The Cabinet
Mark Meadows named new White House chief of staff. Congrats Mark.

Mark Meadows named new White House chief of staff

Let the progressive demeaning begin.

The current NC Congressman, who's seat is in jeopardy, so Trump is acting on a calculated decision given to one of his Fox News advisers?

The same advisers that told him to send Mick Mulvaney to Ireland, to put him out of reach of media questions, and subpoenas?

Dang, the media doesn't go to Ireland? There are no phones? What are you telling us?

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