Mark Meadows named Chief of Staff


Trump appoints unfit, unqualified person to cabinet level position.

Now guess which year of the trump presidency this news is from.

It's a trick! All of your guesses are correct.
Strange how all of those unqualified people have done do much better than the previous admin.

Damn strange...
Mark Meadows will do a very good job, regardless of how long he stays in the job! he is a very smart man! Bless him!:clap2:

Have you ever even heard his name before tonight?

Yes, I have.

Of course I have!
Meadows is a FOX News regular
Like Chaefits. The guy who demoted Meadows.

Hey, its the phony admiral, who happens to be a dumbass... YYOOOUUUU!!!!!!!!! Thats who.
Imagine...a President who surrounds himself with people who support his policies.

Apparently, leftists believe a President they hate and with whom they disagree is obligated to make choices to fit their agenda.

I know, makes absolutely no sense. But they are nothing but emotional children.

He is obligated to make intelligent decisions that benefit the American people instead of his massive ego and pockets, no matter what your political beliefs are. This grifter doesn't meet those criteria.
Meadows could potentially dissuade Trump from committing political suicide

Meadows has a great record on vets. he always pushed for the military to get a pay raise
Mark Meadows named new White House chief of staff. Congrats Mark.

Mark Meadows named new White House chief of staff

Let the progressive demeaning begin.

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