Mark Wahlberg moved from California to give kids a better life

How long did you live in California?

And in how many other states have you lived that makes it possible for you to determine that all others are better than California?

I lived in San Diego for 30 years, and traveled extensively throughout the state.

It wasn't bad when I first got there in 1981. It's a fuckin' cesspool now...
What did I lie about? You've never lived there so no real life experience, thus you are ignorant of what it's like and you get your information from biased sources.

Oh, and not a lib, just not a blind follower of the Orange Jesus.

Wow, that's a pretty fucking ignorant thing to say.

Someone is critical of California and the shithole state it's become, and you somehow surmise that they're a Trump follower?

How stupid of you to even suggest such retarded nonsense.

For the record, I know liberals who are leaving California, too...
My BIL oldest daughter from his first marriage just moved her and her family from California to Michigan this past summer. Thier oldest signed with MSU this past spring for football. This kid had offers from a dozen schools including Cal. and USC. She works in banking and can work from home; he was an assistant high school principal and quit. They have two younger boys also and picked up the whole family and moved from suburban LA to Holly, MI and believe their quality of life has improved.
Wow, that's a pretty fucking ignorant thing to say.

Someone is critical of California and the shithole state it's become, and you somehow surmise that they're a Trump follower?

How stupid of you to even suggest such retarded nonsense.

For the record, I know liberals who are leaving California, too...

Well of course. Hell, libs creating shitholes andd then taking actions to keep their children away from it, that's more than half of white flight, not to mention the higher growth shown by red states, for decades.
Wow, that's a pretty fucking ignorant thing to say.

Someone is critical of California and the shithole state it's become, and you somehow surmise that they're a Trump follower?

How stupid of you to even suggest such retarded nonsense.

For the record, I know liberals who are leaving California, too...

First, all I did was declare that I myself am not a Trump person, I said nothing in the post you quoted about NMF2020 and who he may or may not support politically. So I fail to see the ignorance in my post as you have described it.

On the other hand, if you've read his posts you'd know that he is a Trump guy.
How long did you live in California?

And in how many other states have you lived that makes it possible for you to determine that all others are better than California?
My sister is moving out of California. She says it has gone downhill quickly.
I lived in San Diego for 30 years, and traveled extensively throughout the state.

It wasn't bad when I first got there in 1981. It's a fuckin' cesspool now...

I lived in the Ventura County area for 34 years and it was a great place to live, grow up, work, and start a family. Still would be if your salary could cover the cost of living. We got out in 2009, just before things got really nuts.

The state does still have some good qualities, but the government sure isn't one of them.
My sister is moving out of California. She says it has gone downhill quickly.

She's not wrong. My kids and their families still live there and for the life of me I don't know why. They all struggle to make ends meet, but they love it. I suppose it would be a difficult thing to leave the only place you've ever known...
First, all I did was declare that I myself am not a Trump person, I said nothing in the post you quoted about NMF2020 and who he may or may not support politically. So I fail to see the ignorance in my post as you have described it.

On the other hand, if you've read his posts you'd know that he is a Trump guy.

I was responding to this little nugget:

"Oh, and not a lib, just not a blind follower of the Orange Jesus."

That's ignorant and stupid...
But he will still support and vote for all of those things he's trying to get away from.....
How long did you live in California?

And in how many other states have you lived that makes it possible for you to determine that all others are better than California?
Get your head out of your ass, it is a cesspool.
Lawlessness, rampant crime and drug use in public venues, highest taxes in the country, homelessness and tent towns everywhere. Beautiful state but the liberals have turned it into a third world dump state. It's no surprise that people are flocking out of there by the millions. They're even losing house seats.
Because not everything that goes on there is crap.

But, a lot of it is ...


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