market set to surge

Yes. In truth it has little real effect other than make liquidity a bit cheaper. But it is a surprise and lets the market know that the central banks will act.

That latter is what I believe is having the major effect today- the markets are relieved to see, at last, some coordinated resolve- weeks and weeks of kicking the can in the face of bad news after bad news has been extremely confidence eroding. Whether a return of confidence is warranted long term remains to be seen.
Yes. In truth it has little real effect other than make liquidity a bit cheaper. But it is a surprise and lets the market know that the central banks will act.

And what is that act? Specifically?
I mean really down to the nitty-gritty? shifts risk for awhile and simply kicks the can down the road just a little bit further.
It solves no problems long-term or even short term beyond 6 months.
Good news for America too. Cheaper liquidity, spread the risk: kind of like international financial insurance. What? Working together for the better good of all.

The activist-agenda-driven far right wacks won't like it for sure.
Good news for America too. Cheaper liquidity, spread the risk: kind of like international financial insurance. What? Working together for the better good of all.

The activist-agenda-driven far right wacks won't like it for sure.

...more like the gullible who don't have the mental capacity to look beyond a headline think this is a good thing.
You have to explain first why it won't. You made the claim, so go for it.
You have to explain first why it won't. You made the claim, so go for it.

I did so quite eloquently above.
Here is a challenge for you -
You tell me- again - specifically - how this in one iota helps the European debt crises...and I will make a thread telling everyone on this forum how I am stupid and you are a genius.
** crickets **
What I figured.
This is not even a band-aid...more like rubbing ben-gay on a compound fracture.
The markets today - once again - prove their absolute disregard for reality if they can earn a buck. The markets MUST rise in order for them to make a dime...and when you have so many people making their living on the rise and fall of the markets - the markets are disproportionately and severely weighed in favor of bulls (regardless to what is real or just another bubble)
Europe is still nuclear. Still a waiting just added a few months to the time of implosion.
You have to explain first why it won't. You made the claim, so go for it.

I did so quite eloquently above. Here is a challenge for you - You tell me- again - specifically - how this in one iota helps the European debt crises...and I will make a thread telling everyone on this forum how I am stupid and you are a genius.

:lol: No you did not, uneloquently or otherwise.

You are fail until you give us the facts, stats, and other data necessary. Some economist's unsupported opinion does not count, iamwhatiseem.

:lol: Come on, try, please.
Good news for America too. Cheaper liquidity, spread the risk: kind of like international financial insurance. What? Working together for the better good of all.

The activist-agenda-driven far right wacks won't like it for sure.

Throwing money into a failed organization, yeah, there's a good bet. That's the kind of thinking that took down Corzine and MF

What's different about Greece or Italy today that now makes them a good bet? Spain has a ghost of a chance.
As I predicted , U.S. Dollars to the rescue, to save the Europeans again, as after WWII.
I hope now they can stop hating us. the United States.?!$
You have to explain first why it won't. You made the claim, so go for it.

I did so quite eloquently above. Here is a challenge for you - You tell me- again - specifically - how this in one iota helps the European debt crises...and I will make a thread telling everyone on this forum how I am stupid and you are a genius.

:lol: No you did not, uneloquently or otherwise.

You are fail until you give us the facts, stats, and other data necessary. Some economist's unsupported opinion does not count, iamwhatiseem.

:lol: Come on, try, please.

Whatever kid...keep thinking you have a clue...if that helps you get by.
And here you have it people...screw the American taxpayer again.
The European National Bank just basically withdrew their announcement yesterday that they would release more funds. Today they added an addendum that this was contigent upon - 17 European countries -IF- they agree to tackle their social programs

Well aren't we the dumbasses again!
You can bet your bottom dollar that the FED is not going to withdraw their announcement!
I said last year that I guarantee that America will be the ones to bail out Europe.
Good news for America too. Cheaper liquidity, spread the risk: kind of like international financial insurance. What? Working together for the better good of all.

The activist-agenda-driven far right wacks won't like it for sure.

Throwing money into a failed organization, yeah, there's a good bet. That's the kind of thinking that took down Corzine and MF

What's different about Greece or Italy today that now makes them a good bet? Spain has a ghost of a chance.

I agree, "throwing money into a failed organization", may be a big mistake. And its U.S. money that they are going to be devaluing if this influx of cheap American dollars fail.
What is the solution?. I say let the Europeans fix their own mess. They should cut down on the social spending , and increase their tax intake. You can not continue to spend more than you take in . It will alway come back to get you.!$

Europeans must start to pay their Taxes. And stop asking for handouts from America, and the rest of the world.!$$
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Good news for America too. Cheaper liquidity, spread the risk: kind of like international financial insurance. What? Working together for the better good of all.

The activist-agenda-driven far right wacks won't like it for sure.

Throwing money into a failed organization, yeah, there's a good bet. That's the kind of thinking that took down Corzine and MF

What's different about Greece or Italy today that now makes them a good bet? Spain has a ghost of a chance.

I agree, "throwing money into a failed organization", may be a big mistake. And its U.S. money that they are going to be devaluing if this influx of cheap American dollars fail.
What is the solution?. I say let the Europeans fix their own mess. They should cut down on the social spending , and increase their tax intake. You can not continue to spend more than you take in . It will alway come back to get you.!$

Europeans must start to pay their Taxes. And stop asking for handouts from America, and the rest of the world.!$$

Harding and Mellon has the answer in 1920: Let the market reprice the assets (debts too)
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