Marriage and Racism

Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?

Isn't it racist to draw breath, these days? Sneeze too loud are you're a Nazi sympathizer. Whatever you do, when finding yourself in that particular situation, never say, "Gesundheit" as that's secret white supremacist speak, right? Well isn't it? Wait a moment, is that the Sound Of Music I hear?
Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?
Absolutely if you’re white. By diversifying reproductive partners the privileged whiteness gets properly disseminated about until everyone eventually thinks everything in life should be free and the whole fuckin’ thing collapses.

Would it not be a good thing to pass a law saying a certain percentage of people should have to marry someone of a different race? Would that not help end in Brazil where the races intermarried to such an extent they no longer have a racial problem...just one big huge melting not America supposed to be a melting pot.

If we cannot force people to marry into another race...perhaps we could give out cash bonuses as an incentive...or perhaps give out rewards to people who have children with a partner of a different race whether they are married or not? Are we really serious about ending racism or do we just play it lip service for political reasons?
Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?

Isn't it racist to draw breath, these days? Sneeze too loud are you're a Nazi sympathizer. Whatever you do, when finding yourself in that particular situation, never say, "Gesundheit" as that's secret white supremacist speak, right? Well isn't it? Wait a moment, is that the Sound Of Music I hear?

Obviously America has decided racism is a bad why bicker around about is a done to quickly settle this matter and end all the fighting and political turmoil in Washington....should we not embrace the fact that America is no longer a country run by white folks and is well down the road to becoming non-white...demographics prove the sooner we get over all this the better of we all will be...or am I wrong?
Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?

Isn't it racist to draw breath, these days? Sneeze too loud are you're a Nazi sympathizer. Whatever you do, when finding yourself in that particular situation, never say, "Gesundheit" as that's secret white supremacist speak, right? Well isn't it? Wait a moment, is that the Sound Of Music I hear?

Obviously America has decided racism is a bad why bicker around about is a done to quickly settle this matter and end all the fighting and political turmoil in Washington....should we not embrace the fact that America is no longer a country run by white folks and is well down the road to becoming non-white...demographics prove the sooner we get over all this the better of we all will be...or am I wrong?

Are you wrong? Is anyone still Right these days? And I surely do loathe that they ended this season on a cliffhanger. Now we'll have to wait almost two years to find out what happens next. Hey, maybe we'll get lucky and someone will leak the next episode. Cross your fingers.
Don't marry someone of your own race! Just shack up together instead!
People can marry whom they wish.

As of now....but anything that smacks of racism must be dealt with...racism cannot be tolerated...I mean come on guy....everyone knows that....why so many folks running around saying I am not racist but but....either we agree to eliminate racism or it will continue to cause us big big problems....Washington is in paralysis and much if not most of that is based on the fact that Trump has been proclaimed to be a racist and thus unacceptable...huge numbers of people believe that.
Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?

does asking this ridiculous question justify ACTUAL racism?

because you asked this nonsense question does it mean you can now call obama a monkey? michelle obama a gorilla? and call all blacks "violent subhumans".....without being called "racist"?
Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?

does asking this ridiculous question justify ACTUAL racism?

because you asked this nonsense question does it mean you can now call obama a monkey? michelle obama a gorilla? and call all blacks "violent subhumans".....without being called "racist"?

It appears to me most of us are also appears to me that most believe it is wrong to be racist...yet it also appears to me many are huge hypocrites about the whole matter.
A good analogy regarding this matter...folks used to go to schools that were all white....that was decreed racist and thus we integrated the schools....we integrated the workplace.....and there are more interracial marriage now than ever in our history but the race mixing is happening very slowly and due to that there is much turmoil....why not speed up the process....and become just one big in racial problems there.
Perhaps my question is a little too controversial for most on here....maybe I should have instead axed.....should we encourage inter-racial marriage?

I mean if it is good for the English royal family....why not for white working class Americans?

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