Marriage and Racism

Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?
In my opinion, no, but to me, you come across as prejudice against the opposite sex should you stay within your own.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If homosexuality had been the Lord's every intention, only one gender would've been created instead of two.
Way off topic...if you want to discuss homersexuality start your on thread....this one is complicated enough without throwing that into the mix.
You were pretty much asking about prejudice and so I was only answering what you asked about in its entirety. Is it prejudice to marry someone of your own race? To me, no, but in my opinion it is prejudice to go with someone of your own gender.

God bless you always!!!

Marry someone of your own race is not racism. It never was.

Racism is when you get mad at someone else for marrying outside their race.

Can you define racism? I seriously doubt it...probably like most you just have your opinion of what it is.

So far I have not seen anyone really willing to discus the why are they here? appears just the topic makes them angry.

Perhaps you could talk about how blacks or a lot of them do not like seeing blacks marry whites....just like whites or a lot of them do like seeing whites marry blacks...though this is not strictly a black white issue...there are other races.

Define racism? Sure. It is the having preconceived notions people based solely on their race.

I did not talk about black or white.

Before I reply to your definition I would like to say something about the origins of the concept of 'racism' first of all it was a concept that did not exist in history up until very recent times.

Racism--is a term originating on the left,(I will document that)and has been so defined and loaded with meanings the left wants it to have in order to use it as a political tool that it cannot now be used for any constructive purpose.

It's most popular usage now amongst liberals is as a 'curse word' to attempt to demonize those they perceive as their opponents.....aka .....conservatives, republicans, Christians, Israelis, Zionists etc.

It is the corner stone of political correctness which as we all know has been running amok in the Western World for decades now....which of course the more learned recognize as " Cultural Marxism.'

Now regarding your definition....the key word in it being of course --preconceived---in other words to make up your mind about someone before you actually get to know them also known as being prejudiced.

Actually preconceived ideas work both favor of some as well in disfavor of others and race is often not a factor.

There are many folks one can be prejudiced against for personal reasons..... Some people are prejudiced against fat folks. Some are prejudiced against homerseuals---some are prejudiced against Southerners, others against Yankees. etc.etc.

So how does one develop pre-concieved ideas about someone? This prejudice has to be based on something in the past some sort of experience or perhaps due to someone of influence teachers, parents or some authority figure transferring their experience, knowledge or hatred to you.

For example....say your father was in the Phillippines during WWII and was on the death march and Phlipinos handed him water and food on the horrible march allowing him to survive......he often told you of these experiences and his admiration for the Philipino People....thus your attitude or perception of Philipinos well be very postive....and when you do eventually meet may as well find they are very nice people.

Thus pre-conception can be good or it can be bad. For example ....say your father had very bad experiences with the Japanese and he hated them for their brutality lack of humaness etc.
Also transferring those feeling to you but when you grow older and go to College you get to know some Japanese ...say you were very reluctant to even talk to them at first ....but being around them a lot you began to recognize these or at least the ones you got to know were very fine people.

Thus I say all that simply to point out to pre-judge is not a bad thing in and of itself....but it does show one should not look at every individual as though he is some huge group that has a certain reputation....there are good and bad people in all races and groups.

Thus I think you do good to recognize it is not wise to be must look at people as individuals and not as anyone totally representative of the traits...good or bad of the larger group.

Above all one needs to be willing to change their mind or pre-conceived ideas when they come into contact with someone who definitely is a contradiction to all the negatiism that is spread about some they Jews, Asians or whoever.

We should also understand that it is human nature to have this tendacy to pre-judge....I think all races indulge in this ....for good or bad.

And of course....this common and well known human tendacy to prejudge people was around for thousands of years before anyone formed the concept of racism.

Still yet...prejudice can be a useful defense mechanism......i.e. you grew up in a state or community where there were no black people...but you had heard of the terrible experiences some have had...particuarly with young black males...thus when you finally get around going to try and steer clear of this element....whilst they are not all bad...neither are they all good and our prisons are jammed with must use discretion with all peoples and particuarly strangers.....better safe than sorry.

Reminds me of when I was at Berkeley and some black males had discovered a very good tactic of picking up white girls....when turned down they would accuse the girl of being a racist...worked like a charm for some of them...just an anecdote for whatever its worth.

A lot of very liberal white girls have had their naivete rudely taken advantage of.....having practiced what was preached to them.....all people are equal.

The Origins of 'Racism' - American Renaissance
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