Conservative Media CANNOT RESIST Anti Blackness

You allow Rhino's in.

Trump could not even get them to build a border wall like they all promised to do the first 2 years he was in office even though the GOP owned all of Congress.

If Trump somehow gets back in, I will expect the same from the GOP, along with another half dozen impeachments

But it sure as well beats Potato head mumbling and bumbling as you freaks pretend the video is all Russian disinformation.

And of course, Beavis, you can’t explain it either....except to say that the fraudulent voters who voted for Biden also voted for Republicans.

To the surprise of absolutely failed; just like everything else you’ve tried.
They contort themselves into these ridiculous positions (like George Floyd not being murdered
He got exactly what he deserved for not obeying the cop. Anyone disobeying a surest order from a cop should be immediately shot, regardless of race or gender.
And of course, Beavis, you can’t explain it either....except to say that the fraudulent voters who voted for Biden also voted for Republicans.

To the surprise of absolutely failed; just like everything else you’ve tried.
Democrats need to the GOP

After all, who would they blame when crap hits the fan if they were not there.

No, the GOP are useful idiots for them, nothing more, as they would never let them win a meaningful election.

It's like the border, we watched as the Biden administration denied a border crisis for 3 long years, only at the end of which they all of a sudden said there was a border crisis, after the blue cities blew a gasket with all the illegals coming in and as 10 million plus crossed the border. Then they blamed Trump for it.

Fucking loons you are.
Democrats need to the GOP
No they don’t. You sound dumber than Sheila Jackson Lee.
After all, who would they blame when crap hits the fan if they were not there.
The framers if nobody else.
No, the GOP are useful idiots for them,
As you have proven, so are their’re taking your game world class though Beavis.
It's like the border, we watched as the Biden administration denied a border crisis for 3 long years, only at the end of which they all of a sudden said there was a border crisis, after the blue cities blew a gasket with all the illegals coming in and as 10 million plus crossed the border. Then they blamed Trump for it.

Fucking loons you are.
The Democrats had a bill, the house won’t consider for about a half a year now.

Anyway...lets get back to your bizarre explanation on how the Democrats lost seats in the House while supposedly committing fraud to the tune of tens of millions of votes.

You failed miserably on your first try.

Care to try again, Beavis?

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