You can't be president until you are 35. Is it time to have an upper limit on age?

That was a riot not a protest.
I know you believe that. But you do not matter. Those protesting understood it was a protest.

Here is a real Riot.

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I believe the Supreme Court will rule in my favor.
Riots are what? Not carrying signs at a building as a protest!!!!
Your riot resulted in 187 policemen injured, some very seriously,

SCOTUS is narrowing the insurrectionary nature of some of the charges and will give Trump only a summary immunity for official acts. The obstruction trial will go on if Trump is not elected.
Your riot resulted in 187 policemen injured, some very seriously,

SCOTUS is narrowing the insurrectionary nature of some of the charges and will give Trump only a summary immunity for official acts. The obstruction trial will go on if Trump is not elected.
Have you noticed the police never announced the actual alleged injuries? Surely had they, you would be up and atom to post the injury report.
Have you noticed the police never announced the actual alleged injuries? Surely had they, you would be up and atom to post the injury report.
Of course they did, you idiot. Their mistake was not hurting the protestors more than what they did. If all the protestors were hit over the head up front, Babbit might have lived,
Have you noticed the police never announced the actual alleged injuries? Surely had they, you would be up and atom to post the injury report.
The saddest part is we live in a modern age of pure disinformation pushed from the dictators and we live from their spouts.
Here I am almost 86 and quite lucid and intelligent. But I bring up Presidents age.
Presidents are banned from being president until they are 35. Why this age? I believe the founders believed at 35 you can take on hard tasks. Presidents do not become presidents by accident. They live with goals and plans all over the place they intend to try. Failed candidates got there by having clear plans. They failed but not because they lacked goals and plans.

How about dealing with advanced age? I know that waking up daily is wonderful. I would be stupid not to think of dying. I don't focus on this. But it is a fact of how humans end up at the end. They die.

Think of presidents who have died in office. To replace say FDR with Truman meant Truman was not up to speed on what FDR was. They put less trust in VPs than commonly believed.

Is it time to have an upper limit for presidents as to age?
I want to hear from serious posters.
Let's leave that up to common sense, hmm?

I'll say there's people pushing 90-100 that are still sharp as a tack. It happens.

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