Marriage and Racism

Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?
In my opinion, no, but to me, you come across as prejudice against the opposite sex should you stay within your own.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If homosexuality had been the Lord's every intention, only one gender would've been created instead of two.
Marry someone of your own race is not racism. It never was.

Racism is when you get mad at someone else for marrying outside their race.
I think it was a simple straightforward question yet it seems most are unable or unwilling to deal with it.

I have had black women tell me they have no trouble finding white guys that want to have sex with them but when it comes to marrying I do not think that is necessarily racism....perhaps more like a cultural taboo as they fear social ostracism..from their family, friends, and so forth......but the more I think about it .....perhaps it is something like cultural in I have had black women also tell me that her fellow blacks do not approve of inter-racial marriage either.

Anyhow can we not have a honest discussion on this matter?

Another thing probably inhibiting honest discussion of this matter people are just tired of all the accusations of racism.....based on politics more than actual racism as in......lot of folks do not understand what racism actually is...not to mention it is almost a taboo to even talk about racial matters anymore without someone really getting offended...on both sides.
No! You get a Religion to say only marry the true Reformed Religion in a Westminster Confession, promptly switch the True Reformed religion to only your people, and have 5 year olds betrothed to humping other 5 year olds some day. Nothin' racist I about that boy'o.

Well I've never seen a culture outside Genghis Khan that Promoted gathering up the war wives but we are surging closer! Marry outside your race! Aw , mom! do it! There are Many Ways to say I love you, Fred Rogers once said. There's the breeding way to say , I love you. There's the conquering beastly way to make my children, Many ways, Many ways.
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Marry someone of your own race is not racism. It never was.

Racism is when you get mad at someone else for marrying outside their race.

Can you define racism? I seriously doubt it...probably like most you just have your opinion of what it is.

So far I have not seen anyone really willing to discus the why are they here? appears just the topic makes them angry.

Perhaps you could talk about how blacks or a lot of them do not like seeing blacks marry whites....just like whites or a lot of them do like seeing whites marry blacks...though this is not strictly a black white issue...there are other races.
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No! You get a Religion to say only marry the true Reformed Religion in a Westminster Confession, promptly switch the True Reformed religion to only your people, and have 5 year olds betrothed to humping other 5 year olds some day. Nothin' racist I about that boy'o.

Well I've never seen a culture outside Genghis Khan that Promoted gathering up the war wives but we are surging closer! Marry outside your race! Aw , mom! do it! There are Many Ways to say I love you, Fred Rogers once said. There's the breeding way to say , I love you. There's the conquering beastly way to make my children, Many ways, Many ways.

Can anyone say 'incoherence' or is there someone per chance who might me able to translate that garbled mess?

Maybe one has to be english to understand what she is saying?
Marry someone of your own race is not racism. It never was.

Racism is when you get mad at someone else for marrying outside their race.

Can you define racism? I seriously doubt it...probably like most you just have your opinion of what it is.

So far I have not seen anyone really willing to discus the why are they here? appears just the topic makes them angry.
I think racism has been defined as the thought that one race in superior to another and actions taken on that notion.
Marry someone of your own race is not racism. It never was.

Racism is when you get mad at someone else for marrying outside their race.

Can you define racism? I seriously doubt it...probably like most you just have your opinion of what it is.

So far I have not seen anyone really willing to discus the why are they here? appears just the topic makes them angry.
I think racism has been defined as the thought that one race in superior to another and actions taken on that notion.

Well, I could post a dictionary definition but I am not to fond of in it has changed over the years in order to be utilized as a political weapon....and most pay no attention to it anyhow...especially when they try and label someone a racist.

Lets face it ...impossible to have a political discussion with a democrat without being called ...usually in this order---a racist, a bigot and a misognynist.

Anyhow...when we start talking about superiority that can get rather complicated also...but what is wrong about feeling superior anyhow?...lots of folks who have that notion are not basing it on could be because they feel more intelligent, or are wealthier or better educated or better looking etc. lots of things one can feel superior about.
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I have had black women tell me they have no trouble finding white guys that want to have sex with them but when it comes to marrying way.
I have a female cousin who prefers black men. I don't know if she has ever been married, but every child that she has is black. I also have a male cousin who is no stranger to going out with black women.

God bless you and my family always!!!

Is it racist to marry someone of your own race?
In my opinion, no, but to me, you come across as prejudice against the opposite sex should you stay within your own.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If homosexuality had been the Lord's every intention, only one gender would've been created instead of two.

Way off topic...if you want to discuss homersexuality start your on thread....this one is complicated enough without throwing that into the mix.
Man! How do people say this everywhere? It wouldn't matter if I had a Doctorate in English. It wouldn't matter at all. The Scottish Church has a Doctrine that makes illegal marriages to Catholics. Also, above that, to marry the true Reformed Religion. Europe traditionally has Clans and Families choose matches for children.
I have had black women tell me they have no trouble finding white guys that want to have sex with them but when it comes to marrying way.
I have a female cousin who prefers black men. I don't know if she has ever been married, but every child that she has is black. I also have a male cousin who is no stranger to going out with black women.

God bless you and my family always!!!


Not that uncommon today....but is it really a good thing? If you talk to some folks who have married outside their own race it seems to carry a lot of problems with it.

A few hollywood stars have adopted black children to bolster their image of being politically correct but how many common folks be they black or white would really like to raise a child of another race? Maybe more than I think???

Look at the English prince who married a Negro...has caused a rift with his own brother

The whole 'royalty' thing was based on bloodline and I suppose still is....but what has changed is the notion that the royals are somehow superior which not that long ago was a the point where some considered them godlike...and of course in Japan until the end of WWII the emperor was considered a god.

One does not have to reach much English History to see what a joke the whole royal thing is....the royalty b.s. should have been abolished long ago....or is it marxist to say that?
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Man! How do people say this everywhere? It wouldn't matter if I had a Doctorate in English. It wouldn't matter at all. The Scottish Church has a Doctrine that makes illegal marriages to Catholics. Also, above that, to marry the true Reformed Religion. Europe traditionally has Clans and Families choose matches for children.

Well...I do not think you will find many on here who understand the 'nuances' involved in the various religious proclivities or doctrines of the Church of England or the Scottish Church.

I think the time for families choosing matches for their children is way in the past in Europe...I could be wrong....maybe way out in the boondocks somewhere over there....that type of thing still goes on?

Anyhow, I do not want this thread to wander off into religion....try and keep it focused on race and marriage, or interracial marriage if you do not mind.
Let me see if I can 'jazz' this thread up a is my thesis so to speak that we all are 'waycists' to a certain extent...which is not a bad thing in and of itself...but it can and of course has been used in bad ways.

However....the big problem I see with it now is that it has been politizized as in used to attack and demonize those whom one disagrees with aka your political enemies.

It has grown to a ridiculous level....and is ripping apart this nothing since slavery and the civil war.

One party alone has been guilty of this for the most part...but unfortunately even many of those on the other side of the aisle have bought into it--or have been coerced into it....along with the whole of our entertainment industry, academia and our Armed Forces.

I think maybe I had too much coffee this morning when the idea for this thread popped into my that moment I do recall seeing a method wherein I could direct the focus of the thread to explore the commonality of racism and how this rather new term in a historical sense has been abused and used to destroy many lives and livliehoods simply for the sake of political advantage and to promote a certain political narrative and in some cases for even worse reasons.

I do not deny that blacks at one time had legitimate grievances....but for a variety of reasons I have lost most of my sympathy for them...I really do not blame them for the fiasco that has developed but they allowed themselves to be used for evil purposes for the sake of a few pieces of silver ..........aka judas like.

They(the radicalized youth mainly) have turned on the very people whom they for the most part depend upon for everything that sustains their life.

American slavery was not an ideal life but it was far better than what was going in Africa at that time and as a matter of fact still is to this day....rampant disease, starvation, tribal wars, voodoo, canibalism, widespread muslims raids and very short life spans.

Abraham Lincoln recognizing the huge differences between blacks and whites wanted to send them back as he explained he did not think it possible for the two groups to live in the same society on an equitable basis.

Yet amongst the Negroes themselves there never was a wish to return expressed to any significant degree....and still not today when many of them could easily afford to go back...they are not interested for the most obviously the conditions here do not really seem all that bad to them...despite the rhetoric of a few.

Need I conjure up how the Jews scrambled to try and get out of Germany...people vote with their feet.
Marry someone of your own race is not racism. It never was.

Racism is when you get mad at someone else for marrying outside their race.

Can you define racism? I seriously doubt it...probably like most you just have your opinion of what it is.

So far I have not seen anyone really willing to discus the why are they here? appears just the topic makes them angry.

Perhaps you could talk about how blacks or a lot of them do not like seeing blacks marry whites....just like whites or a lot of them do like seeing whites marry blacks...though this is not strictly a black white issue...there are other races.

Define racism? Sure. It is the having preconceived notions people based solely on their race.

I did not talk about black or white.

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