Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video

McAllister made the institution of marriage an issue. He's the one who invited the Duck Dynasty bigot to the State of the Union address, and he campaigned as a devout Christian.

His mistress is married, too.

It is raging hypocrites like McAllister who are destroying the institution of marriage, not gays.
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What's the big deal? Bush used to kiss male prostitutes, Saudi Kings and who knows who else?
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.

When, oh when, will you bozos learn what a tu quoque fallacy is?

I'lll simplify it for you: Two wrongs don't make a right.

But it's not even wrong. It's just sex. Its not even sex. It's his private business. Why is it anyone else's business?
That's what theLeft tells us every time one of their icons gets caught with his hand in the-uh, nookie jar.
Peacock donated $5,200 to McAllister’s congressional campaign last fall, according to the Federal Election Commission. According to the FEC, Peacock listed her employment at the time of the donation as a self-employed cosmetologist. She joined McAllister’s congressional staff after he took office in November. Photographs posted to Facebook show Peacock was involved in a number of McAllister’s campaign events during last fall’s congressional race.

Peacock’s husband, Heath Peacock, 34, also donated $5,200 to McAllister’s congressional campaign last fall, according to the FEC. At the time of his donation to McAllister’s campaign, Heath Peacock listed his employment as an inspector for Wilcrest Field Services, according to the FEC. According to his Linkedin page, Peacock now works offshore as an assistant chief inspector for Wood Group Mustang.

Throughout last fall’s congressional campaign, McAllister, a Republican from Swartz, touted his Christian faith and in one television commercial, he asked voters to pray for him. At least two other campaign television commercials featured McAllister walking hand in hand with his wife, Kelly, while their five children walked along. One television commercial captured the McAllister family in the kitchen of their home preparing breakfast before attending church.

UPDATED: McAllister caught in extramarital encounter, issues apology (video) - Hanna Newspapers: News
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.

When, oh when, will you bozos learn what a tu quoque fallacy is?

I'lll simplify it for you: Two wrongs don't make a right.

But it's not even wrong. It's just sex. Its not even sex. It's his private business. Why is it anyone else's business?
That's what theLeft tells us every time one of their icons gets caught with his hand in the-uh, nookie jar.

I have consistently stated in every case that if a person cannot be faithful to the closest person to them after taking the most sacred vows to do so, you cannot trust them to stay faithful to their constituents after taking the oath of office.

So take your tu quoque fallacy and stuff it.

The adulterer McAllister is destroying the institution of marriage with his hypocrisy, not gays.
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When, oh when, will you bozos learn what a tu quoque fallacy is?

I'lll simplify it for you: Two wrongs don't make a right.

But it's not even wrong. It's just sex. Its not even sex. It's his private business. Why is it anyone else's business?
That's what theLeft tells us every time one of their icons gets caught with his hand in the-uh, nookie jar.

I have consistently stated in every case that if a person cannot be faithful to the closest person to them after taking the most sacred vows to do so, you cannot trust them to stay faithful to their constituents after taking the oath of office.

So take your tu quoque fallacy and stuff it.

The adulterer McAllister is destroying the institution of marriage with his hypocrisy, not gays.

Its no fallacy. Liberals wanted to rewrite the rules after Clinton and Kennedy. Now sex is just a private matter. The public doesn't even have a right to know. How will this impede his ability to perform his job?
wow kiss, when he has hem prerfom blowjobs from you women under the dest in the people house

get back get to that, or shut you petty double standard faux outage and act like anyone of sheep have all a sdden aqured hono and can peach bout a frikken kis
I blame it on all of those gay couples destroying the sanctity of marriage.

Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video
On Monday, The Ouachita Citizen published a surveillance video allegedly showing McAllister and Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, McAllister’s district scheduler, at the Republican's congressional office in Monroe, Louisiana. The two people in the video can be seen embracing and kissing for almost half a minute.

He is fairly new to politics, having assumed office in November 2013 after an upset win in a runoff race against Republican Neil Riser to succeed former GOP Rep. Rodney Alexander. McAllister's win came after he touted his conservative values and 16-year-marriage.

Little blue dress. Enough said.
One half a minute of tongue rassling?? That's hardly enough time to swap gum...
At least he didnt pull a train with a waitress on a table in DC with Chris Dodd, like Kennedy did.

It's a little hard to take the faux rage from the left seriously. They've covered up and excused their reps, even their criminal behavior. Like Gary Condit.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Liberals don't brag about their family values cred; conservatives do. Therefore, whenever a conservative cheats on his or her spouse, they deserve to be ridiculed.

So only conservatives should be ridiculed for cheating on their spouses? You just revealed how utterly devoid of any kind of morals liberalism is.

When they put themselves up on a pedestal as some beacon of light in an anti-traditional marriages world, then yes, they deserve all of the ridicule they get.
I hope she's hot. For his sake.


not bad, on the scale of ONe to Monica L she's off the fucking chart.
Rapist and chief

Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Nope. Not the same.

Clinton did not yammer on and on about "family values" and what a good christian he is.

Yet another family values, christian GOP screwing around - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Clinton did not say -

“There’s no doubt I’ve fallen short and I’m asking for forgiveness,” the statement read. “I’m asking for forgiveness from God, my wife, my kids, my staff, and my constituents who elected me to serve. Trust is something I know has to be earned whether your a husband, a father, or a congressman. I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I’ve disappointed.”
Saul Alinskyites tactics. Make enemy live up to his moral standard while you live immorally and claim the higher ground.
At least he didnt pull a train with a waitress on a table in DC with Chris Dodd, like Kennedy did.

It's a little hard to take the faux rage from the left seriously. They've covered up and excused their reps, even their criminal behavior. Like Gary Condit.

That's all you have? More tu quoque fallacies?

You bozos can't even bring yourselves to condemn the hypocritical bastard. That's very telling, and indicative of the lows to which the Right has sunk these days.

In the past, a guy like that would have been immediately ejected, not defended with bogus logical fallacies by lame apologists.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Liberals don't brag about their family values cred; conservatives do. Therefore, whenever a conservative cheats on his or her spouse, they deserve to be ridiculed.

Yet, you seem to have a problem with this republican having an affair.

Plus, it seems to me that you liberals (other than the fact you are admitting your immoral pieces of shit) always claim stand on the side of the poor and down trodden. You get on your pathetic moral hypocritical platitudes and you stand and point your shit stained accusing fingers.

Meanwhile it is an absolute disgrace how the pimp treated the oval office. It is beyond pathetic.

Meanwhile, if he never claimed to be on a moral platitude, then explain the lie.

We already know you pathetic hypocrites credit Clinton for a surplus when he left office, even though it was republicans that controlled the purses for 7 of Clinton's 8 years.

You do not believe that, we know. Of course you have no idea that in Clinton's when democrats had control in his first year, he spent like a drunk sailor, and Hillary tried to pass her pathetic version of Obamacare. Repubs stopped that bullshit, and you all still credit him.

He did weaken our military, he passed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, he passed on killing Obama, and he repealed Glass Steagall which directly resulted in all of the deregulations on the banks.

Then you pigs blame Bush for it. Fucking hilarious.

Pathetic blobs.

Well that's an award winning deflection if I ever saw one
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At least he didnt pull a train with a waitress on a table in DC with Chris Dodd, like Kennedy did.

It's a little hard to take the faux rage from the left seriously. They've covered up and excused their reps, even their criminal behavior. Like Gary Condit.

That's all you have? More tu quoque fallacies?

You bozos can't even bring yourselves to condemn the hypocritical bastard. That's very telling, and indicative of the lows to which the Right has sunk these days.

In the past, a guy like that would have been immediately ejected, not defended with bogus logical fallacies by lame apologists.
Remind us what he did wrong, that you should care. You aren't a saint either. Go stuff it.
Well, gee, all this screwing around doesn't make the Republican Representive from this district, Trey Radel, seem so bad after all.

All he did was get caught stuffing cocaine up his nose.

How's THAT for being a tolerant liberal, fools?

Regards from Rosie

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