Marry girls when they are very young

Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

No they don't allow marriage at those young ages, AND no one is getting married at those ages here in America either.

They only have those low ages in case of pregnancy, and even then those kids are not getting married. It's not practical. They are children who don't know what they want.

Your last sentence doesn't even make any sense. Child marriage is common in Islam. Read some stories about girls who have escaped.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

Do you think it is common for parents here in America to okay a marriage to their teenaged daughters? :lol: Of course not, this is not a socially acceptable practice here in America because we are an educated and civilized nation.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

Do you think it is common for parents here in America to okay a marriage to their teenaged daughters? :lol: Of course not, this is not a socially acceptable practice here in America because we are an educated and civilized nation.

Common enough someone at some point wrote it into law. While secular cultures may not, other cultures here in the country may. Thinking of Romani/Travellers and other religious-minority groups who may be more 'old school' about things like marriage marrying much younger than mainstream reliigous, or secular populations.
This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

Do you think it is common for parents here in America to okay a marriage to their teenaged daughters? :lol: Of course not, this is not a socially acceptable practice here in America because we are an educated and civilized nation.

Common enough someone at some point wrote it into law. While secular cultures may not, other cultures here in the country may. Thinking of Romani/Travellers and other religious-minority groups who may be more 'old school' about things like marriage marrying much younger than mainstream reliigous, or secular populations.

Someone wrote it into law so that makes it common? Sorry, but you are wrong. It is not common nor acceptable. I don't care about what other people's silly beliefs are. It is wrong to marry a child.
This is how women are oppressed. They marry them off at very young ages before they are adults or able to use their critical-thinking skills, before they are able to think for themselves and still need a parental figure in their lives.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

No they don't allow marriage at those young ages, AND no one is getting married at those ages here in America either.

They only have those low ages in case of pregnancy, and even then those kids are not getting married. It's not practical. They are children who don't know what they want.

Your last sentence doesn't even make any sense. Child marriage is common in Islam. Read some stories about girls who have escaped.

Teen Marriage License Laws Minors Requirements by State

"New Hampshire

* The law is complicated in New Hampshire. Individuals under the age of 18 may not marry in New Hampshire without parental approval and a judicial waiver. Brides must be at least 13 years of age and grooms must be at least 14 years of age before their parents can apply for a judicial waiver.


* If either of you are under eighteen (18), you will need a certified copy of your birth certificate. Both parents must be present with identification, or if you have a legal guardian they must be present with a court order and identification. The state requires a $200 bond to be executed, payable to the State of Alabama. If one or both parents are deceased, proper evidence of such must be provided. Individuals under the age of 14 may not marry"
This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

Do you think it is common for parents here in America to okay a marriage to their teenaged daughters? :lol: Of course not, this is not a socially acceptable practice here in America because we are an educated and civilized nation.

Common enough someone at some point wrote it into law. While secular cultures may not, other cultures here in the country may. Thinking of Romani/Travellers and other religious-minority groups who may be more 'old school' about things like marriage marrying much younger than mainstream reliigous, or secular populations.

Hope you are also aware that the ages of first marriage in America and Europe were no where NEAR as young as 16 on average. Most of the people who were that young were in arranged marriages and were "nobility." The average age in the United States and Europe has been in the early to late 20s, this according to collected census data.
This is how women are oppressed. They marry them off at very young ages before they are adults or able to use their critical-thinking skills, before they are able to think for themselves and still need a parental figure in their lives.

Judaism allows marriage at 12/13 (girls/boys respectively.) Though not typical it's allowed. Know Vatocan City had it at 12 as well until a few years ago.
This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

No they don't allow marriage at those young ages, AND no one is getting married at those ages here in America either.

They only have those low ages in case of pregnancy, and even then those kids are not getting married. It's not practical. They are children who don't know what they want.

Your last sentence doesn't even make any sense. Child marriage is common in Islam. Read some stories about girls who have escaped.

Teen Marriage License Laws Minors Requirements by State

"New Hampshire

* The law is complicated in New Hampshire. Individuals under the age of 18 may not marry in New Hampshire without parental approval and a judicial waiver. Brides must be at least 13 years of age and grooms must be at least 14 years of age before their parents can apply for a judicial waiver.


* If either of you are under eighteen (18), you will need a certified copy of your birth certificate. Both parents must be present with identification, or if you have a legal guardian they must be present with a court order and identification. The state requires a $200 bond to be executed, payable to the State of Alabama. If one or both parents are deceased, proper evidence of such must be provided. Individuals under the age of 14 may not marry"

Those laws are only set up in the case of a pregnancy, so that if a boy got a girl pregnant in the old days, they could marry. It was not designed so that 50-year-old men could marry 13-year-old children. Also, no judge would ever approve of such a thing. Find me a case where a 13-year-old has been married here in America. You cannot because they don't exist.
Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.

Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

Do you think it is common for parents here in America to okay a marriage to their teenaged daughters? :lol: Of course not, this is not a socially acceptable practice here in America because we are an educated and civilized nation.

Common enough someone at some point wrote it into law. While secular cultures may not, other cultures here in the country may. Thinking of Romani/Travellers and other religious-minority groups who may be more 'old school' about things like marriage marrying much younger than mainstream reliigous, or secular populations.

Hope you are also aware that the ages of first marriage in America and Europe were no where NEAR as young as 16 on average. Most of the people who were that young were in arranged marriages and were "nobility." The average age in the United States and Europe has been in the early to late 20s, this according to collected census data.

You're confusing what's typical with what's allowed. Can't condemn another faith, nation, culture, or religion for something your own does.
This is how women are oppressed. They marry them off at very young ages before they are adults or able to use their critical-thinking skills, before they are able to think for themselves and still need a parental figure in their lives.

Judaism allows marriage at 12/13 (girls/boys respectively.) Though not typical it's allowed. Know Vatocan City had it at 12 as well until a few years ago.

Those are like "blue laws." They mean nothing because no good parent would allow his or her child to be married. It is not socially acceptable, nor does the law look favorably upon it.
Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

Do you think it is common for parents here in America to okay a marriage to their teenaged daughters? :lol: Of course not, this is not a socially acceptable practice here in America because we are an educated and civilized nation.

Common enough someone at some point wrote it into law. While secular cultures may not, other cultures here in the country may. Thinking of Romani/Travellers and other religious-minority groups who may be more 'old school' about things like marriage marrying much younger than mainstream reliigous, or secular populations.

Hope you are also aware that the ages of first marriage in America and Europe were no where NEAR as young as 16 on average. Most of the people who were that young were in arranged marriages and were "nobility." The average age in the United States and Europe has been in the early to late 20s, this according to collected census data.

You're confusing what's typical with what's allowed. Can't condemn another faith, nation, culture, or religion for something your own does.

I don't have a "faith" or a religion. And yes I can condemn it and I do condemn it. You don't set the rules for me. Got it?
Correct, I would even go so far as to say that anyone under 22 is still a child in the mind. Wrong, 16 year olds do not normally marry in the US. How many 16 year old CHILDREN do you know that are married? Do you think, at 16, a girl even knows what she wants out of life yet. Lol. Sometimes they don't even know who THEY are yet. Your premise is silly.

Can marry at 15 here in Missouri with parental consent, and there's a provision for younger still if with a judge's consent (not sure when that comes up but it's there.) Alabama has it down to 14. New Hampshire has it at 13. So it's hardly unprecedented. Nor are we in the US in any morally superior position.

Whether Islam allows child marriage or not doesn't mean it's any more normal for them than it would be here for us with out own laws.

Do you think it is common for parents here in America to okay a marriage to their teenaged daughters? :lol: Of course not, this is not a socially acceptable practice here in America because we are an educated and civilized nation.

Common enough someone at some point wrote it into law. While secular cultures may not, other cultures here in the country may. Thinking of Romani/Travellers and other religious-minority groups who may be more 'old school' about things like marriage marrying much younger than mainstream reliigous, or secular populations.

Hope you are also aware that the ages of first marriage in America and Europe were no where NEAR as young as 16 on average. Most of the people who were that young were in arranged marriages and were "nobility." The average age in the United States and Europe has been in the early to late 20s, this according to collected census data.

You're confusing what's typical with what's allowed. Can't condemn another faith, nation, culture, or religion for something your own does.

I don't know ONE person who has married a child. Do you?
""The reality is, starting at the age of 12, 13, boys and men, growing up into maturity, are hardwired for something that God gave us a desire for and an outlet for," Walker says. "And so to suppress that becomes more difficult the older you get.""
Southern Baptist Leaders Highlight Benefits Of Youthful Matrimony New Hampshire Public Radio

Muslims aren't the only ones pushing the 'marry young' thing.

IMO, that person should be shunned. If you are not old enough to take care of yourself and all of your basic needs, then you are not old enough to be married.

I am not a government agent of any country, and I am a citizen of West Africa's Senegal. My goal is to be honest about Islam, not to lie about it. There is only 5 lies allowed in Islam, lying to spread the faith is not one of them. I say this as I have been accused in this mesage board to lie to spread Islam. As an example, one of the 5 lies allowed in Islam is to lie to make peace between people. The school of Imam Malik, however, considers that no lie is ever allowed, with no exceptions. There are 4 schools of thought in Islamic jurisprudence (the basis for the Islamic Law, Sharia).

You know Islam as I suspect, from Western Muslims' sources. Saudi Arabia filled the world with its version of Islam. That's the one WEstern Muslims know of. The truth is, there is no truth whatsoever in the Islam of Saudi Arabia, only extremism (I don't mean violent extremism only). I don't like to go into the details.


Muhammad is true prophet of God, and everyone knows about it. Learn about the Night Journey. Thanks to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), whose life was extremely well recorded, we also know that Jesus and Moses, Abraham and David were true prophets of God; because Muhammad taught us about them and their heavenliness.

Be respectful when you talk about Muhammad. To us Muslims, he is our heart and our soul, and that is only the beginning.


I doubt that you know anything about the place of the Seal of Solomon in Islam. This is not the Seal of Solomon. I have it with me in an electronic form, but I will not show it in public. It is not to be shown to the general public.

About Sunnis and Shiites, there is no such thing as Shiism. Islam is very clear and the scholars and the saint of Islam taught very extensively about Islam. It is absolutely clear that shiism is forbidden in Islam. The Shiites, also are a minority. We accept them as Muslims so long as they believe that Muhammad was a prophet (peace be upon him and his family).

Once again, the marriage of Aisha at a very young age is neither a basic of Islam, nor an advanced concept. I only mentioned it because people foreign to Islam may not understand this fact. I am very well versed in Islam. Know that Abu Bakr (may God be well pleased with him), Hasan Basri or Uways Qarni (may God have mercy on them) do not hold university degrees and Phds.

No, you DON'T know Islam and you are a sick confused person if you are sincerely who you claim to be...Islam DOES NOT allow lying, you ************ hypocrite:

"And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is)." Surah 2:42

To everyone else reading this, once again, I'm not a Muslim but I would advise whoever reads the words of Muslim75 to not take him to be a representative of Islam. He is a LIAR and a very sick person, as we can see.

Peace and may God Bless you.
A girl unmarried past puberty and teenagehood is an outrage. But in this day and age, it's a horror.

Hence Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) married a very young girl as a divine matter. He was shown the girl in a dream, and he was told she was his wife. This marriage was a teaching. He had 10 other wives, all of whom had already been previously married.

...I just wanted to say to anyone reading the foolishness of Muslim75, I doubt that he/she is really a Muslim. He/she speaks foolishness and I believe that he/she is an American government agent working to make Islam look bad to Americans.

May I bring to mind to all that not everyone posting in the anonymity of the internet IS NECESSARILY WHO THEY CLAIM TO BE...

Peace and may God Bless you.
How do we know that you are not the US government agent trying to make Muslim 75 look bad?


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