Martial Law In the U.S.

He's not stupid. But he is comfortable with sources that are inflammatory and deeply one-sided as well. I just want to see if he is willing to challenge his comfort zone.

Eots, I meant what I wrote.

IF the signs are out there then you will have to connect the dots in a manner that hard headed realists will acknowlege. Your sources tend to be inflammatory, one sided, short on verifiable facts, long on anonymous or outdated sources, and no cross corroboration with any kind of agency outside that neighborhood.

IF you want help then you are going to have to "mainstream" the data somehow.
Eots, I meant what I wrote.

IF the signs are out there then you will have to connect the dots in a manner that hard headed realists will acknowlege. Your sources tend to be inflammatory, one sided, short on verifiable facts, long on anonymous or outdated sources, and no cross corroboration with any kind of agency outside that neighborhood.

IF you want help then you are going to have to "mainstream" the data somehow.

I will take it as a compliment with some constructive critisism..thank you
your all missing the big picture, who controls america? not the govenment. certainly not the people. The government is picked by the banking elite, or to be more specific the rothschilds family, who have been playing race against race and nation against nation to profit from the resulting wars, control population and erode civil liberties, they own reuters and the associated press basically they control what you view. and they have created the whole terroisum thing in order to sneak through bills taking away your freedoms and justify martial law.
your all missing the big picture, who controls america? not the govenment. certainly not the people. The government is picked by the banking elite, or to be more specific the rothschilds family, who have been playing race against race and nation against nation to profit from the resulting wars, control population and erode civil liberties, they own reuters and the associated press basically they control what you view. and they have created the whole terroisum thing in order to sneak through bills taking away your freedoms and justify martial law.

Anyone invoking the Rothschilds as controlling the country is being silly. The Rothschild conspiracy is usually a mask for anti-Semitism.
No kidding.:eusa_wall:
WHAT A LOAD OF COMPLETE BULLSHIT Rockefeller and the organizations he has founded and chaired like the cfr the tri lateral commission the council of the Americans have a huge and unwarranted influence on American foreign and domestic policy he is a big player on the American end of the globalist cabal and there is no anti semitisim involved this group of socialist elitist have no loyalty to any nation or there own people, be they Israeli ,British or American
Anyone invoking the Rothschilds as controlling the country is being silly. The Rothschild conspiracy is usually a mask for anti-Semitism.
One of the great tricks played by the rothschilds is to hide behind zionisuim and their jewishnes, they have hijacked the zionist movment to increase power and profit. they funded hitler, who killed millions of jews this is not the actions of religious people they are cold blooded capitalists. and every time you try to question them people say,antisemite, The jews are being used.
And the Lyndon LaRouche wing of USMB takes the field.

Jeez get some new material.

All the bull crap you talk all day is completly pointless, unless you talk about the real issues, and who is really in control. all other discusion is a waste of time.
All the bull crap you talk all day is completly pointless, unless you talk about the real issues, and who is really in control. all other discusion is a waste of time.

Gotcha. I don't run this site but if you wanted to post a link or two to the Lyndon LaRouche sites I suppose it would be alright. I mean, people can always Google it can't they?

Just one thing, is zionisuim sort of like kraptonite? If it is I need to know. Kraptonite scares the shit out of me and I have to run away because it makes my mind weak. When my mind gets weak I start to post stuff that's really stupid. I bring up Jews and Rothschilds and stuff. Just keep that stuff away from me please.
Gotcha. I don't run this site but if you wanted to post a link or two to the Lyndon LaRouche sites I suppose it would be alright. I mean, people can always Google it can't they?

Just one thing, is zionisuim sort of like kraptonite? If it is I need to know. Kraptonite scares the shit out of me and I have to run away because it makes my mind weak. When my mind gets weak I start to post stuff that's really stupid. I bring up Jews and Rothschilds and stuff. Just keep that stuff away from me please.

so some how my comment on David Rockefeller turns into a statement on the Rothschild's and accusations of anti semitism then morph from that in to Lydonl la douche and then kryptonite what a bunch of brain washed drivel

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