Martin Gugino

As an old person (I'm the same age as he is) and a former competitive fencer, so have a better than normal sense of balance, I can tell you that had I been shoved like that, it would have been touch and go even for me. You don't push old people unless you either intend to hurt them, or you are stupid.
Damn, that makes me feel like a Spring Chicken all over again.

Thanks for sharing that data.
This clown confronted police and attempted to impede their progress in carrying out their duties, which is a crime for which he could have been sent to jail, and the police quite properly pushed him aside so they could continue with their lawful duties. It is unclear whether his strange looking flop was the result of a stunt gone wrong or just poor judgement on his part in illegally confronting police, but being old does not give a person a license to ignore the law. Perhaps his family should not allow him to leave the house unaccompanied in the future.
Flop is the word. As a professional agitator, he has been trained in flopping. Because of his age it didn't work out as planned.

As an old person (I'm the same age as he is) and a former competitive fencer, so have a better than normal sense of balance, I can tell you that had I been shoved like that, it would have been touch and go even for me. You don't push old people unless you either intend to hurt them, or you are stupid.
I am a past competitive fencer also! Pleased to meet cha. From the clip I cannot judge how hard the shove was. I do know that training for activists include training on flopping. A flop done by a 20 year old is deadly when done by a 75 year old. I doubt this had anything to do with balance.

Watch the video. If you are truly a fencer pay attention to his feet. Tell me what you see.
This clown confronted police and attempted to impede their progress in carrying out their duties, which is a crime for which he could have been sent to jail, and the police quite properly pushed him aside so they could continue with their lawful duties. It is unclear whether his strange looking flop was the result of a stunt gone wrong or just poor judgement on his part in illegally confronting police, but being old does not give a person a license to ignore the law. Perhaps his family should not allow him to leave the house unaccompanied in the future.
Flop is the word. As a professional agitator, he has been trained in flopping. Because of his age it didn't work out as planned.

As an old person (I'm the same age as he is) and a former competitive fencer, so have a better than normal sense of balance, I can tell you that had I been shoved like that, it would have been touch and go even for me. You don't push old people unless you either intend to hurt them, or you are stupid.
I am a past competitive fencer also! Pleased to meet cha. From the clip I cannot judge how hard the shove was. I do know that training for activists include training on flopping. A flop done by a 20 year old is deadly when done by a 75 year old. I doubt this had anything to do with balance.

Watch the video. If you are truly a fencer pay attention to his feet. Tell me what you see.
I saw it in slow motion. One foot behind the other to keep balance but his hip jutted out in anticipation of the flop. He was intending to bend that knee and flop on that side. It didn't go well for him.

Back in the 80s I had a brush with activism for abortion rights. I learned to do this very flop in my training. Once down just start screaming in pain. I never flopped though.
This clown confronted police and attempted to impede their progress in carrying out their duties, which is a crime for which he could have been sent to jail, and the police quite properly pushed him aside so they could continue with their lawful duties. It is unclear whether his strange looking flop was the result of a stunt gone wrong or just poor judgement on his part in illegally confronting police, but being old does not give a person a license to ignore the law. Perhaps his family should not allow him to leave the house unaccompanied in the future.
Flop is the word. As a professional agitator, he has been trained in flopping. Because of his age it didn't work out as planned.

As an old person (I'm the same age as he is) and a former competitive fencer, so have a better than normal sense of balance, I can tell you that had I been shoved like that, it would have been touch and go even for me. You don't push old people unless you either intend to hurt them, or you are stupid.
I am a past competitive fencer also! Pleased to meet cha. From the clip I cannot judge how hard the shove was. I do know that training for activists include training on flopping. A flop done by a 20 year old is deadly when done by a 75 year old. I doubt this had anything to do with balance.

Watch the video. If you are truly a fencer pay attention to his feet. Tell me what you see.
I saw it in slow motion. One foot behind the other to keep balance but his hip jutted out in anticipation of the flop. He was intending to bend that knee and flop on that side. It didn't go well for him.

Back in the 80s I had a brush with activism for abortion rights. I learned to do this very flop in my training. Once down just start screaming in pain. I never flopped though.

He is pushed straight back and he isn't able to keep over his feet. There is no hip kinking, there is none of that horse poo. Footwork is important in fencing. He simply lost balance because he couldn't move his feet fast enough. That is obvious to anyone who has EVER fenced.
I saw it in slow motion. One foot behind the other to keep balance but his hip jutted out in anticipation of the flop. He was intending to bend that knee and flop on that side. It didn't go well for him.
He is pushed straight back and he isn't able to keep over his feet. There is no hip kinking, there is none of that horse poo. Footwork is important in fencing. He simply lost balance because he couldn't move his feet fast enough. That is obvious to anyone who has EVER fenced.
He tripped, and it seems like something with his hip or right knee had som,ething to do with it.


But to hell with him, why does it matter WHY some terrorist facilitator gets killed?

I am just glad the piece of shyte is dead.
This OP is, yet another, self-identified FOOL! Just like the current dunce occupying the White House.
I saw it in slow motion. One foot behind the other to keep balance but his hip jutted out in anticipation of the flop. He was intending to bend that knee and flop on that side. It didn't go well for him.
He is pushed straight back and he isn't able to keep over his feet. There is no hip kinking, there is none of that horse poo. Footwork is important in fencing. He simply lost balance because he couldn't move his feet fast enough. That is obvious to anyone who has EVER fenced.
He tripped, and it seems like something with his hip or right knee had som,ething to do with it.

View attachment 348050

But to hell with him, why does it matter WHY some terrorist facilitator gets killed?

I am just glad the piece of shyte is dead.

Why? Because this is the United States you jackass. We have this thing called the Constitution and IT governs what government can do.

The man was denied due process, you know, that little thing that you had better hope is still adhered to if YOU ever get accused of a crime.
Why? Because this is the United States you jackass. We have this thing called the Constitution and IT governs what government can do.
The man was denied due process, you know, that little thing that you had better hope is still adhered to if YOU ever get accused of a crime.
Lol, if you think we can beat the Marxist terrorists like that, as if they have a right to normal civil rights, then you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

Hopefully our leaders will have a more clear head for thinking about pragmatics solutions instead of hysterical libertarian ideology.

In wars the opponents are terrorists or enemy combatants, they dont get civil rights at that point, dude.
Why? Because this is the United States you jackass. We have this thing called the Constitution and IT governs what government can do.
The man was denied due process, you know, that little thing that you had better hope is still adhered to if YOU ever get accused of a crime.
Lol, if you think we can beat the Marxist terrorists like that, as if they have a right to normal civil rights, then you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

Hopefully our leaders will have a more clear head for thinking about pragmatics solutions instead of hysterical libertarian ideology.

In wars the opponents are terrorists or enemy combatants, they dont get civil rights at that point, dude.

Either this country is run correctly, or it's not. Do you really want to live in a world where it's not?

Just think about all the bad stuff you want to do to the bad guys, and they ARE bad.

But then think of them doing it to you. The rule of law applies to everyone, or no one.
Either this country is run correctly, or it's not. Do you really want to live in a world where it's not?
Just think about all the bad stuff you want to do to the bad guys, and they ARE bad.
But then think of them doing it to you. The rule of law applies to everyone, or no one.
You use too many weasel words like 'country run correctly'; of course I want the country to run correctly, I just disagree about what it is to be correct.

Let me put it like this; it is obvious that enemy combatants do not have due process rights because children conceived and born in our country by a male and female enemy combatants do not get citizenship.

Hell, even illegals are considered to get citizenship, BUT NOT ENEMY COMBATANTS.

Now why do you think that is the case?

Either this country is run correctly, or it's not. Do you really want to live in a world where it's not?
Just think about all the bad stuff you want to do to the bad guys, and they ARE bad.
But then think of them doing it to you. The rule of law applies to everyone, or no one.
You use too many weasel words like 'country run correctly'; of course I want the country to run correctly, I just disagree about what it is to be correct.

Let me put it like this; it is obvious that enemy combatants do not have due process rights because children conceived and born in our country by a male and female enemy combatants do not get citizenship.

Hell, even illegals are considered to get citizenship, BUT NOT ENEMY COMBATANTS.

Now why do you think that is the case?


Yeah, that is absolutely wrong. EDUCATE people and vote the assholes out of office. We still have control at the local level. Use it.
That's the 75 year old guy the police shoved to the ground. A recent report on OAN revealed that Mr. Gugino is a well known activist and agitator. The thing he was holding up to the officer was a police tracker that gives coordinates of police locations and is a well known tactic of Antifa. It's called 'skimming' and also used to blackout police communication.

"Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can get arrested and escape prosecution. Gugino’s Twitter Account is also filled with anti-cop sentiment [SEE HERE]. Last Thursday Gugino traveled from his home in Amherst, New York, to Buffalo to agitate a protest crowd."

"During his effort Gugino was attempting to capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers. CTH noted what he was attempting on Thursday night as soon as the now viral video was being used by media to sell a police brutality narrative. [Thread Here] Today, a more clear video has emerged that shows exactly what he was attempting."
The video clearly shows the police did not push him to the ground; they pushed him back out of their way and then he fell to the ground. The difference between pushing him to the ground and pushing him out of their way is intent to do harm. Without intent to do harm there is no crime.

Has anyone mentioned yet that the police will leave you alone if you don't do illegal stuff?

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