Liars sometimes tell the truth when they are deceiving people. You, for instance, are doing a great job at deception. And yes, Jesus was telling them they are gods in embryo, children of Heavenly Father. "Is it not written in your law?" "I said, ye are gods." Let me ask you this, after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, did they good and evil? Yes they did. So, Satan told them the truth about that. But, he also said they would not die, which was the lie. So, as I defined for you before the term "deception" Satan deceived Adam and Eve with a truth and a lie together.
So, was Jesus, who is Jehovah, committing blasphemy? Of course not. The Jews did not understand what was written in their own books of doctrine and commandments. Today, you so-called Christians spend all this time trying to do the same thing condemning Christ for calling himself God and the Son of God. You are teaching that Jesus lied to the Jews.