Maryland election services company bought by Russian oligarch in 2015

Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

Jake is making my head go fuzzy with his posting, please tell him to stop doing this :smoke:

where would l get my laughs if I did that?

Trump kicked open the door, the FBI is now inside, and if Dems go down with Pubs and Trump, hey, it is all good, Jonah: clean them all out.
Busch said: “The FBI conveyed to us that there is no criminal activity that they’ve seen. They believe that the system that we have has not been breached.” what? Foreign people own a LOT of businesses in the US.
They should not own any part of our election systems or maintenance them....

Congress should create a law on that.....
Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

Jake is making my head go fuzzy with his posting, please tell him to stop doing this :smoke:
Yes, it always excites you!!!

Can't unring the bell, my dear Lucy. All, pubs and dems, who get caught, well, that is to the good. They can all go down with Trump.
Last edited:
That argument does not work for you.

Fact: a Russian company with Russian intel ties buys an election company.

Fact: Russian influence in social media all over the net.

Fact: Russian bots on this Board alone has tripled in the last month at least.

Fact: Trump finally admits Russia meddled.

FACT: obummer knew, and did nothing. Why?
Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

It's fakey mcfakerson, what do you expect? I find it hilarious, that the company was bought when obummer was POTUS, the US government did nothing about it, and the nimrod OP tries to blame Trump for the offending action. That is epic level of stupidity.
Last edited:
Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

Wonder how the State election for legislators and state senators turned out and if there were any anomalies in those races?

could be a test run with state elections first....?
Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

Wonder how the State election for legislators and state senators turned out and if there were any anomalies in those races?

could be a test run with state elections first....?

Why don't you look it up, and link it?
That argument does not work for you.

Fact: a Russian company with Russian intel ties buys an election company.

Fact: Russian influence in social media all over the net.

Fact: Russian bots on this Board alone has tripled in the last month at least.

Fact: Trump finally admits Russia meddled.

FACT: obummer knew, and did nothing. Why?
They will never answer.
If Obama knew? Of course he knew the Russkies were meddling and McConnell/Ryan held him back from announcing it.

But say the squeegie brain of the far right are right that Obama was somehow involved criminally, get him then.

Take him down with all the Trumpers and Obammers that were involved.

Let's see if McConnell falls from power because of Trump ringing the bell.

The Trumpers look like stone cold goobers.
Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

Wonder how the State election for legislators and state senators turned out and if there were any anomalies in those races?

could be a test run with state elections first....?

Why don't you look it up, and link it?
I went to find out after my post to you....
hard to tell..... I got to charts on the election in 2016 with breakdowns by county etc, but I could not find the same charts for 2012 to compare them to....

I'm still working on it!!!
I looked, and I could not find another thread on this subject.

The oligarch in question does indeed have ties to Putin, and it was purchased in 2015, the year Trump's campaign started.

Suspicious activity in 2016 was noted.

Maryland elections company bought by Russian oligarch close to Putin

^^^^ Low IQ Troll Boi, your whole OP which obviously was given to you by Low IQ Troll Boi HQ was destroyed with post # 3 and then everyone else just got in on the fun to further illustrate that whoever pays you to post is wasting their fucking money.
Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

Wonder how the State election for legislators and state senators turned out and if there were any anomalies in those races?

could be a test run with state elections first....?

Why don't you look it up, and link it?
I went to find out after my post to you....
hard to tell..... I got to charts on the election in 2016 with breakdowns by county etc, but I could not find the same charts for 2012 to compare them to....

I'm still working on it!!!

The DEMOCRATS won 99% of VOTE in 2016 in Maryland, read the link, not just Hillary ALL of them the Democrats won the races. So much for but but but Putin and Russia rigged the election in Maryland for The Donald, the OP is a moron.
If Obama knew? Of course he knew the Russkies were meddling and McConnell/Ryan held him back from announcing it.

But say the squeegie brain of the far right are right that Obama was somehow involved criminally, get him then.

Take him down with all the Trumpers and Obammers that were involved.

Let's see if McConnell falls from power because of Trump ringing the bell.

The Trumpers look like stone cold goobers.

"If Obama knew? Of course he knew the Russkies were meddling and McConnell/Ryan held him back from announcing it."

Jake please stop being so ridiculous. If Obama knew then why didn't he and the Lynch woman DO SOMETHING? Perhaps NOTHING happened and it's all horsecrap because Globalists and their Leftist Useful Idiots hate that the Appointed To Win Candidate Hillary didn't win so AFTER the 2016 Election they came up with the horsecrap that Putin and Russia rigged the election for The Donald because they had to explain to the Leftist Useful Idiots WHY Hillary lost when the Propaganda MSM was telling the PLANET she was a CERTAINTY to win and The Donald had NO Path To Victory.

IF any interference was happening they would PUBLICLY present it, not this but but but you should just trust from the SAME Crowd who said Saddam Hussein had WMD that he DIDN'T have, but that was all horsecrap that was so GWB and the Lapdog Tony Blair could invade Iraq and bomb to DEATH up to ONE MILLION innocent Iraqi's.

They ALL want The Donald to PUBLICLY say that Putin RIGGED the election for him, why? So they then can ALL SCREAM that HILLARY is the LEGITIMATE American President, is that why? And BECAUSE The Donald won't DE-LEGITIMISE his LEGITIMATE Electoral College win he's a Traitor? WTF?! Beyond Pathetic.
Last edited:
That argument does not work for you.

Fact: a Russian company with Russian intel ties buys an election company.

Fact: Russian influence in social media all over the net.

Fact: Russian bots on this Board alone has tripled in the last month at least.

Fact: Trump finally admits Russia meddled.

FACT: obummer knew, and did nothing. Why?
They will never answer.
Oh, we answer, but ya'll simply don't listen and have your minds made up, with no room to change....

What could Obama do, when we did not know even a tenth of what was going on.....? McConnell was against letting the American people know when approached by Obama, and accused Obama of meddling in the election process if he told citizens that something fishy was going on with the Russians and Trump campaign workers....

Obama had intelligence agencies start their investigations... he had 6 months of them, until Trump took over...

WHAT HAS TRUMP DONE the past year and a half to make our elections safer, now that we know the depth of their interference?

DENY that Russians did anything, over and over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN!

It took two years of the counter intelligence divisions investigation, to come up with the Indictments on Friday...counter intel investigations usually go 5 to 10 years, so Mueller is working at a record pace!
That argument does not work for you.

Fact: a Russian company with Russian intel ties buys an election company.

Fact: Russian influence in social media all over the net.

Fact: Russian bots on this Board alone has tripled in the last month at least.

Fact: Trump finally admits Russia meddled.

FACT: obummer knew, and did nothing. Why?
They will never answer.
Oh, we answer, but ya'll simply don't listen and have your minds made up, with no room to change....

What could Obama do, when we did not know even a tenth of what was going on.....? McConnell was against letting the American people know when approached by Obama, and accused Obama of meddling in the election process if he told citizens that something fishy was going on with the Russians and Trump campaign workers....

Obama had intelligence agencies start their investigations... he had 6 months of them, until Trump took over...

WHAT HAS TRUMP DONE the past year and a half to make our elections safer, now that we know the depth of their interference?

DENY that Russians did anything, over and over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN!

It took two years of the counter intelligence divisions investigation, to come up with the Indictments on Friday...counter intel investigations usually go 5 to 10 years, so Mueller is working at a record pace!

They all keep stating that they knew that Russians were interfering in the run up to the election, so IF that was accurate why did Obama TWICE give Press Conferences SPECIFICALLY STATING that there was NO threat to the election and that the election process was PROTECTED and that no rigging could happen EVER and that ANYONE who suggested any different was just a Conspiracy Theorist?

IF they knew the Russians were doing SOMETHING then Obama and the Lynch woman should have INTERVENED right then at that moment.

What about Obama INTERFERING in the last Israeli Election trying to get Bibi's OPPOSITION to win? Is that okay? What about Obama and Victoria Nuland orchestrating with CIA assistance the OVERTHROW of the democratically elected Government of Ukraine? Is that okay?
Look at the far right scatter and run.

This is too rich.

Look at the far right scatter and run.

From what?

a 'Russian operative' bought a political election company in a state that went 60.5 for Hillary, 35.3 for Trump, and it's supposed to look bad for Trump?

Dumbest thing I've ever read

Wonder how the State election for legislators and state senators turned out and if there were any anomalies in those races?

could be a test run with state elections first....?

Why don't you look it up, and link it?
I went to find out after my post to you....
hard to tell..... I got to charts on the election in 2016 with breakdowns by county etc, but I could not find the same charts for 2012 to compare them to....

I'm still working on it!!!

The DEMOCRATS won 99% of VOTE in 2016 in Maryland, read the link, not just Hillary ALL of them the Democrats won the races. So much for but but but Putin and Russia rigged the election in Maryland for The Donald, the OP is a moron.

but how did it compare to previous years?

Maryland would be a perfect state to test their operations...

I am not saying they did, just that they could have....

and it could be, Dems got even a higher percentage of the vote than they should have.... because of the electronic meddling.... it would not draw attention to it, as their test run, because the party who won, was going to win anyway, but just not at the higher percentage or lesser percentage than normal....

That's why I want to look at the numbers for 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 to see if there are any noticeable changes in the percentages for the wins....

Regardless, we probably should not allow any foreign country to own or be a part of the systems or maintenance of the systems involved in our State elections.
Busch said: “The FBI conveyed to us that there is no criminal activity that they’ve seen. They believe that the system that we have has not been breached.” what? Foreign people own a LOT of businesses in the US.
They should not own any part of our election systems or maintenance them....

Congress should create a law on that.....

All this hysteria about Russia and Putin and the American election, again Obama is a hypocrite, it was okay for Obama to interfere in the Israeli election directly to attempt to oust Bibi though wasn't it? Obama actually used American taxpayers money YOUR MONEY to do this.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.

He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records."

Here's the rest of the article:

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Here's another link about the situation from The Jerusalem Post:

Israelis think Obama interfering in election, poll finds

Here are YouTube videos:

This is David Rubin the Spokesman for Bibi saying that Israel has concrete evidence that Obama INTERFERED and attempted to oust Bibi in the election:

Another the same thing:

That argument does not work for you.

Fact: a Russian company with Russian intel ties buys an election company.

Fact: Russian influence in social media all over the net.

Fact: Russian bots on this Board alone has tripled in the last month at least.

Fact: Trump finally admits Russia meddled.

FACT: obummer knew, and did nothing. Why?
They will never answer.
Oh, we answer, but ya'll simply don't listen and have your minds made up, with no room to change....

What could Obama do, when we did not know even a tenth of what was going on.....? McConnell was against letting the American people know when approached by Obama, and accused Obama of meddling in the election process if he told citizens that something fishy was going on with the Russians and Trump campaign workers....

Obama had intelligence agencies start their investigations... he had 6 months of them, until Trump took over...

WHAT HAS TRUMP DONE the past year and a half to make our elections safer, now that we know the depth of their interference?

DENY that Russians did anything, over and over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN!

It took two years of the counter intelligence divisions investigation, to come up with the Indictments on Friday...counter intel investigations usually go 5 to 10 years, so Mueller is working at a record pace!

They all keep stating that they knew that Russians were interfering in the run up to the election, so IF that was accurate why did Obama TWICE give Press Conferences SPECIFICALLY STATING that there was NO threat to the election and that the election process was PROTECTED and that no rigging could happen EVER and that ANYONE who suggested any different was just a Conspiracy Theorist?

IF they knew the Russians were doing SOMETHING then Obama and the Lynch woman should have INTERVENED right then at that moment.

What about Obama INTERFERING in the last Israeli Election trying to get Bibi's OPPOSITION to win? Is that okay? What about Obama and Victoria Nuland orchestrating with CIA assistance the OVERTHROW of the democratically elected Government of Ukraine? Is that okay?
Did you read last Friday's indictment? Obama believed, based off of the little they knew and uncovered a couple of months before the elections with their State hackings that we were fairly safe, at the voting booth....

because we have individual State run systems, all different from one another, that the national vote for President, could not be affected....

he could be right....?

that's what the investigation is there to find out....

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