Maryland Governor Pardons Drug Convicts


Dec 23, 2009
Middle class, suburban ghetto.
On the eve of June 19.
Considering that 3 out of four are black, it’s a move to project alleged freedom of oppressed blacks. Never mind that these people broke the law when they did this.
Secure the black and drug addict vote for democrats.
Another democrat demagoguing, opportunistic, segregationist, sleazeball drug abuse advocate.
This will only lead to more drug addiction and crime.

On the eve of June 19.
Considering that 3 out of four are black, it’s a move to project alleged freedom of oppressed blacks. Never mind that these people broke the law when they did this.
Secure the black and drug addict vote for democrats.
Another democrat demagoguing, opportunistic, segregationist, sleazeball drug abuse advocate.
This will only lead to more drug addiction and crime.

as long as violence wasnt connected to their crime or any plea deals I see no problem with it,,

I sure dont want to pay to house them at a cost higher than what I pay for myself,,
Good for Maryland.
And to think, there are actually people that want to throw you in jail for possessing a flower that grows in a fucking ditch.

That when smoked causes psychosis in many people.

That when smoked causes psychosis in many people.

Gawd, I guess that means the entire fooking Congress has been smoking it.

Or maybe they've just been "lobbied" by AIPAC to subvert the Constitution?
Long overdue

America doesn’t care about marijuana anymore

Actually, the government cares more about grass than they ever did, in places where it is legalized.

Peddle untaxed grass without all the current licenses required, you'll be in deeper shit than you would have when the herbs were illegal.

The move by the Maryland guv was just a way to pander to the grass heads.
On the eve of June 19.
Considering that 3 out of four are black, it’s a move to project alleged freedom of oppressed blacks. Never mind that these people broke the law when they did this.
Secure the black and drug addict vote for democrats.
Another democrat demagoguing, opportunistic, segregationist, sleazeball drug abuse advocate.
This will only lead to more drug addiction and crime.
That when smoked causes psychosis in many people.
What is going on, I thought the GOP were the party of individual freedom and responsibility and was opposed to government overreach?
On the eve of June 19.
Considering that 3 out of four are black, it’s a move to project alleged freedom of oppressed blacks. Never mind that these people broke the law when they did this.
Secure the black and drug addict vote for democrats.
Another democrat demagoguing, opportunistic, segregationist, sleazeball drug abuse advocate.
This will only lead to more drug addiction and crime.

Shouldn't have been there in the first place.
More appropriate that this bad move coincides with June 19, the day a prominent and famous Marylander died from drug abuse/overdose, Len Bias.
Cocaine. Stricter laws and punishment for violation could be a life-saver. Excusing law-breakers and letting them back onto the streets just result in more deaths.

Cocaine. Stricter laws and punishment for violation could be a life-saver. Excusing law-breakers and letting them back onto the streets just result in more deaths.

Right. But no one really thought cocaine could kill before it happened to Bias. He himself thought he was too strong for it to hurt him. Friends told him to go easy and he said “I’m a horse. I can handle it.”
Here's the way it works: The Will of the People is, by definition, expressed by the People's representatives in the State legislature. If you disagree with the policies promulgated by the Legislature, you lobby that august body to change the law. But the law cannot be changed retroactively, whether to benefit or victimize any individual offenders. Nor should the law be ignored by prosecutors, governors, and judges who simply don't like it.

That is the Democrats' way of doing things.

I wonder if this gambit is intended to make a large number of people eligible to vote in November. I don't know, I just wonder.

Didn't the Armed Forces do a similar thing some years by changing "bad conduct" discharges to General discharges for people who were tossed out for buggery?

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