Maryland Governor Pardons Drug Convicts

We already had prohibition. Do you really want alcohol to be illegal?
I am all for legalizing all drugs, put the money used in failed prevention schemes towards a recovery program. Part of the opioid epidemic is a total lack of quality control that legalization will solve.
I am all for legalizing all drugs, put the money used in failed prevention schemes towards a recovery program. Part of the opioid epidemic is a total lack of quality control that legalization will solve.
You say you favor legalization but then bash alcohol consumption.
You say you favor legalization but then bash alcohol consumption.
No I’m just pointing out the fact that if someone wants to try and use psychosis as a reason to ban pot but not alcohol then you know that excuse is bullshit and that’s a legitimate concern of theirs. Alcohol has damaged more families than pot ever will
Cocaine. Stricter laws and punishment for violation could be a life-saver. Excusing law-breakers and letting them back onto the streets just result in more deaths.

What does cocaine have to releasing low level marijuana convictions? Nothing
On the eve of June 19.
Considering that 3 out of four are black, it’s a move to project alleged freedom of oppressed blacks. Never mind that these people broke the law when they did this.
Secure the black and drug addict vote for democrats.
Another democrat demagoguing, opportunistic, segregationist, sleazeball drug abuse advocate.
This will only lead to more drug addiction and crime.

U R right and I expect the White house idiot to let prisoners walk in exchange for a vote.

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