Maryland high school sees 10 fights break out in one day: ‘It’s really concerning’

What needs to happen in the schools is the admins need to stop being afraid and really clamp down. And I mean suspensions with teeth and expulsions, period! Zero tolerance.
That is a preposterous statement. I instantly found MANY examples of black kids shooting up schools.


and malls . and denie there agressive.
Its a huge school, over 2,000 students You'll have a lot of disputes among kids.

Ok. My highschool had about 500 students, 1/4 of that school and only had fights every few months. By your logic we should have been having them every 4th day. Fights were never normal for us

And your statement is also seemingly saying "those students fighting is ok because there is 2000 of them". So your justifying the fights because there are 2000 students?
And no guns or knives, just fists. Heck I had a teacher borrow my pocket knife. But it was only 2in long and I considered it a tool, not a weapon.

When I lived on the res we had a rifle rack in class. We would hunt our way home.

Never had a problem. That was middle school.

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