Maryland Man Allegedly Killed His Pharmacist Brother For ‘Killing People’ With The COVID Vaccine, Court Records Show


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This guy has serious problems. First of all he is stupid enough to believe all the lies about the vaccine.

He murdered his own brother and sister in law because he believed his brother was killing people with the vaccine.

The lies about the vaccine are going too far. People are going nuts and killing people.

This has got to stop.

The maniac stabbed a 83 year year old woman to death and stole her car before murdering his brother and his wife and the left wants to make an issue about the covid vaccine? Give me a freaking break.
Didn't bother to read the article because I knew it would turn out to be something like that.
This guy has serious problems. First of all he is stupid enough to believe all the lies about the vaccine.

He murdered his own brother and sister in law because he believed his brother was killing people with the vaccine.

The lies about the vaccine are going too far. People are going nuts and killing people.

This has got to stop.

What do you propose we should do?
This guy has serious problems. First of all he is stupid enough to believe all the lies about the vaccine.

He murdered his own brother and sister in law because he believed his brother was killing people with the vaccine.

The lies about the vaccine are going too far. People are going nuts and killing people.

This has got to stop.

What a load of shit.
This guy has serious problems. First of all he is stupid enough to believe all the lies about the vaccine.

He murdered his own brother and sister in law because he believed his brother was killing people with the vaccine.

The lies about the vaccine are going too far. People are going nuts and killing people.

This has got to stop.

Yes . . . "people are going nuts and killing people" (stellar grammatical construct, by the way). And those people killing other people are the ones administering the COVID vaccines.
"Hospital systems purge thousands of workers to engineer health care collapse

The purge of hospital workers with natural immunity is now under way, with The Epoch Times reporting that a large New York health care system has fired 1,400 employees for refusing to be injected with toxic spike protein nanoparticle bioweapons that are mislabeled "vaccines."

In Michigan, the Henry Ford hospital has seen the resignation of 400 employees who refuse to commit vaccine suicide, prompting the hospital CEO to grin and brag about how his workers are now "nearly 100 percent vaccinated."

As this "pandemic of the VACCINATED" accelerates into the Dark Winter of 2021 - 2022, the health care systems are purging the very health care workers who are going to remain living and capable of treating those injured by spike protein nanoparticles.

The end goal is, of course, total collapse and the mass extermination of humanity to create a post-human world. It is now accelerating right before our eyes, with food shortages, energy scarcity, vaccine mandates, power grid failures and more."

Those who kill unjustly are killed, the patience and faith of the Saints, Revelation 13:10 Revelation Babylon the great is fallen and become the habitation of devils, and hold of every foul spirit and cage of every unclean & hateful bird. Revelation 18:2
This guy has serious problems. First of all he is stupid enough to believe all the lies about the vaccine.

He murdered his own brother and sister in law because he believed his brother was killing people with the vaccine.

The lies about the vaccine are going too far. People are going nuts and killing people.

This has got to stop.

Silly libs---there are holes in the story---why did this guy kill the 83 year old first and only then later his brother and sis in law? Hint---likely had nothing to do with the shots.
Silly libs---there are holes in the story---why did this guy kill the 83 year old first and only then later his brother and sis in law? Hint---likely had nothing to do with the shots.
And everything to do with the lying media's agenda of keeping the Covid Cult howling for blood.
What a load of shit.

Trump doesn't know anything about US history or global politics. It couldn't be helped even when things were explained to him.. It couldn't be helped. He was/is too stubborn to learn.

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