Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic.

And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.
The Communist Democrats have since the beginning of this Covid 19 scam have first thought about how they might use it to hurt President Trump politically and it hasn't worked
The best strategy has clearly been to just let Trump talk about it. The things he says about it are so embarrassing as to be more effective than any campaign tactic by the democrats.
That's what I've been thinking for a few years now. But it never seems to happen. They never get embarrassed, or even acknowledge when they're wrong.

It's actually key to the Trump phenomenon. These are people who have been shamed and embarrassed by their stupidity all their lives. But now, they look at Trump and say "There's someone just stupid and crass as me! And he's President!". It's why they like him more, the more he fucks up.
Yep, we are stupid alright....just uneducated deplorables...except when it comes to the mathematics of the electoral college right libber??
Which only shows that the stupid people in this country and to flock to certain States
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering idiocy
Fauci didn't want travel bans but Trump did them any way
Because scientists think they are flawed, especially for a country like ours. Note Trump ignored their other recommendations and went down the list until he saw the China travel ban. If you think he did that to protect americans, then you are the dumb trump supporter people say you are.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
You want government to nanny state every aspect of our lives
Stop being a fake about your fakery.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?
The Communist Democrats have since the beginning of this Covid 19 scam have first thought about how they might use it to hurt President Trump politically and it hasn't worked
The best strategy has clearly been to just let Trump talk about it. The things he says about it are so embarrassing as to be more effective than any campaign tactic by the democrats.
That's what I've been thinking for a few years now. But it never seems to happen. They never get embarrassed, or even acknowledge when they're wrong.

It's actually key to the Trump phenomenon. These are people who have been shamed and embarrassed by their stupidity all their lives. But now, they look at Trump and say "There's someone just stupid and crass as me! And he's President!". It's why they like him more, the more he fucks up.
Yep, we are stupid alright....just uneducated deplorables...except when it comes to the mathematics of the electoral college right libber??

No, you're still idiots, even then. That's the biggest problem with democracy really.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
You want government to nanny state every aspect of our lives

Then it should be easy to find posts where I'm advocating for that. Get to work!

But you won't find any. And when you don't, instead of apologizing, or admitting your error, you'll skulk away like they all do.
So let's look at this logically. There is zero proof that masks are a valid form of protection during a pandemic, but we do know that border walls are a foolproof method of protection. So Democrats are for the worthless masks and against the foolproof border walls.
The mask has very little to no protection in the 1% of risk cases - someone coughing - but it does absolutely nothing at all in the 99% of risk cases - touching something an infected person touched and then touching your face.

Do you have any data to suggest that someone coughing is a "1% risk case"? or that "touching something an infected person touched and then touching your face." is 99% of risk cases? I'm pretty sure you don't. I'm pretty sure you're just making shit up. I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

What data do you have to suggest I am wrong? I go to Walmart and there are a few hundred people in the store. I go up and down every aisle and most days I never see a person cough; worst days I see one. The risk is far greater that I pick up something off the shelf that hundreds have touched, including employees, and get the virus than someone coughing on me.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".
Last edited:
The risk is far greater that I pick up something off the shelf that hundreds have touched, including employees, and get the virus than someone coughing on me.

First, saying people around you don't yet have it is not a good reason not to be cautious. We haven't seen the worst of the pandemic, yet.

Second, you are more likely to catch it from the air than from transference on surfaces, as far as we can tell.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".
The dot representing the virus is actually much larger in this picture than the actual virus would be in comparison with the mesh of a face mask. That is simple truth not propaganda that a mask isn't going to stop the virus spread. Now whether or not you accept that is a different issue.

Masks vs Virus.PNG
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".
The dot representing the virus is actually much larger in this picture than the actual virus would be in comparison with the mesh of a face mask. That is simple truth not propaganda that a mask isn't going to stop the virus spread. Now whether or not you accept that is a different issue.

View attachment 373496
Come on. You cannot really be this stupid. The virus isn't freely roaming through the air. It is bound up inside water droplets. Goddamn, are we REALLY this stupid of a country, now? The pandemic data suggests.... yes.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".
The dot representing the virus is actually much larger in this picture than the actual virus would be in comparison with the mesh of a face mask. That is simple truth not propaganda that a mask isn't going to stop the virus spread. Now whether or not you accept that is a different issue.

View attachment 373496
Come on. You cannot really be this stupid. The virus isn't freely roaming through the air. It is bound up inside water droplets. Goddamn, are we REALLY this stupid of a country, now? The pandemic data suggests.... yes.

2020 is kind of a national IQ test.

So far, we're failing.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".

Likewise, I'm tired of the lefts useless propaganda that masks DO work.
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".
The dot representing the virus is actually much larger in this picture than the actual virus would be in comparison with the mesh of a face mask. That is simple truth not propaganda that a mask isn't going to stop the virus spread. Now whether or not you accept that is a different issue.

View attachment 373496
The left doesnt give a shit about the mechanics and phsyics of the items in question. They are ignorant and suck up everything they are told by their media liars..
And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".
The dot representing the virus is actually much larger in this picture than the actual virus would be in comparison with the mesh of a face mask. That is simple truth not propaganda that a mask isn't going to stop the virus spread. Now whether or not you accept that is a different issue.

View attachment 373496
Come on. You cannot really be this stupid. The virus isn't freely roaming through the air. It is bound up inside water droplets. Goddamn, are we REALLY this stupid of a country, now? The pandemic data suggests.... yes.
I normally fully ignore all of your posts but just in case someone else is foolish enough to believe your hogwash I am going to this time around.

Unless you wear a N95 mask duct taped to your face or wear something even better than that and goggles you ain't stopping shit from entering into your air space. One is more likely to get a disease by eating food prepared by someone infected, touching a door knob and then touching their face, nose, eyes, etc...etc...etc...

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