Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic.

And, as a Libertarian, I'm sick of such douchebags invoking "personal liberty".
Perhaps you should relocate yourself to a country without "personal liberty" then.

Without? I think you misread my post.
Perhaps it wasn't clear.

I do not care for intentionally ignorant people or the rudeness coming into play either but that is what people have become indoctrinated to accept as daily routine. They have also been conditioned to sell themselves for little of nothing in order to have a job with the corporate fascist that have infiltrated the country throughout.

Still not clear. And I'm still sick of Trumpsters tarnishing the values of limited-government conservatism with their floundering.
What does your complaint have to do with the mandates of wearing worthless mask or forcing people (children especially) to cover their faces?

My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".
The dot representing the virus is actually much larger in this picture than the actual virus would be in comparison with the mesh of a face mask. That is simple truth not propaganda that a mask isn't going to stop the virus spread. Now whether or not you accept that is a different issue.

View attachment 373496
Come on. You cannot really be this stupid. The virus isn't freely roaming through the air. It is bound up inside water droplets. Goddamn, are we REALLY this stupid of a country, now? The pandemic data suggests.... yes.
Why are Dimwingers letting felons out of prison instead of just giving them masks?

None of you Mask Lemmings have addressed this.
My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".

Yet another leftist Fauci challenger. Consider yourself cancelled. You don't exist to us here.

And for those who are willing to be mislead keep in mind this is just an initial stage ofView attachment 373306 this attack of your personal liberties.
STFU you moronic dick. God I'm sick of you know it alls who have absolutely no science or education to back up your assertions....twat.
Piss off it as it comes from the New England Medical Journal. All you ignorant idiots have to do is learn to read and do the research of the articles, studies, etc... and then you wouldn't sound like such ignorant idjits.

View attachment 373476
So now you're an anti-vaxxer twat? You're liberties stopped being 'individual' when they encroach on mine.
Unless you wear a N95 mask duct taped to your face or wear something even better than that and goggles you ain't stopping shit from entering into your air space.
That's not the point of wearing masks en masse. After so many months how can you be so completely ignorant of this? Goddamn we are a nation of idiots, and you deserve your idiot award.

The point of masks is to reduce the amount of water droplets in the air which carry the virus. Less virus in the air = less transmission.

This is like talking to children. Angry, ignorant children that think they have outsmarted scientists.
The dynamics of mass hysteria are never pleasant. There are examples throughout history of absurd behavior among human groups that defy explanation. Sociologists describe this affliction as mass psychogenic illness, Mass psychogenic Disorder, or Epidemic hysteria But until a pathogen was released from a lab in Wuhan China in late 2019 or early 2020, mass hysteria/conversion disorder had been the business of children or adolescents not adults and had never gone worldwide.

Now the stability of the entire planet is under threat as otherwise normal human beings cover their faces with masks, follow arrows in public markets, sit under the blazing sun in pot-holed parking lots to eat in public, and close elementary schools. The US is particularly vulnerable to the disorder as many citizens who were already cerebrally weakened by a presidential derangement syndrome, riot in the streets, Firebomb police stations and topple statues over a presidential election.

Local city governments are getting in on the act with another manifestation called CYA as they mobilize to pass Halloween ordinances requiring mandatory mask-wearing in public. No matter that the sainted icon of the hysteria, Dr. Anthony Fauci, first advised against mask wearing. No matter that fauci has ties directly to the both the labs in China where the concocted, DNA-spliced, gain-of-function, germ has all the earmarks of an unnatural manufactured agent.

Mass sociogenic illness (hysteria) among the population makes an excellent smokescreen to hide the real perpetrators whose motives are economic, political, and ideological not medical. In a state of chaos and confusion mask wearing has become the tin foil hat of a manipulated population. Big Pharma and its collusion with the People’s Republic of China foster the great lie that an American president is a menace to world health by calling for a return to domestic control of industry and in particular, drug manufacturing.

The foolish and worthless practice of mask wearing has become so engrained in the public psyche that the fact that it does nothing to prevent viral spread is lost like the plot in a panic porn movie. Citizens are advised not to succumb to the foisted fear imposed on them by a dark and treacherous status quo trying to overthrow the results of the last US presidential election.

Wear your mask in public. Not to prevent illness but to calm the natives before November when common sense returns to the masses.
And for those who are willing to be mislead keep in mind this is just an initial stage ofView attachment 373306 this attack of your personal liberties.
STFU you moronic dick. God I'm sick of you know it alls who have absolutely no science or education to back up your assertions....twat.
Piss off it as it comes from the New England Medical Journal. All you ignorant idiots have to do is learn to read and do the research of the articles, studies, etc... and then you wouldn't sound like such ignorant idjits.

View attachment 373476
So now you're an anti-vaxxer twat? You're liberties stopped being 'individual' when they encroach on mine.
I've never had a vaccine and have been called an "anti-vaxxer" on here for years. Your liberties do not include the right to encroach on mine to shoot toxins and disease into to me because of the fear you have of getting sick or dying. If you want to live in a collective fascist state move to China.
I've never had a vaccine and have been called an "anti-vaxxer" on here for years. Your liberties do not include the right to encroach on mine to shoot toxins and disease into to me because of the fear you have of getting sick or dying. If you want to live in a collective fascist state move to China.
I fully support your right to be stupid...The only ones you could possibly harm are others who made the same stupid choice you made... Feel free to respond about me saying you're stupid but save your energy and Internet bandwidth if you think about responding about the good or bad of vaccines. I'm not going to debate it
I've never had a vaccine and have been called an "anti-vaxxer" on here for years. Your liberties do not include the right to encroach on mine to shoot toxins and disease into to me because of the fear you have of getting sick or dying. If you want to live in a collective fascist state move to China.
I fully support your right to be stupid...The only ones you could possibly harm are others who made the same stupid choice you made... Feel free to respond about me saying you're stupid but save your energy and Internet bandwidth if you think about responding about the good or bad of vaccines. I'm not going to debate it
I'm well over sixty and have already survived SARS and most all the childhood diseases well. I have no need to debate you either and if you prefer to put your trust in junk science you are free to do that; as for me and my house we will trust the Holy Spirit will lead us in truth always; and the truth we've found is that vaccines are a scourge on humanity at this point.

I have a dear friend well into his eighties that worked for the pharmaceutical industry. He confirms often how corrupt, unconscionable and vile they are when they are pushing their crap medicines. He also has had a tough time overcoming the shame of being a part of, a portion and a piece of playing the sorcery aka paramecia money game.
No its not. In a dry atmosphere there may be no water.
Yes, it most certainly is. And the water droplets come from inside humans, genius.
You dont have a fucking clue, do you... In a dry atmosphere the water is evaported quickly leaving the virus to float in the air. The virus doesn't drop because it doesn't have the weight attached of water. This is why it lingers longer in a dry atmosphere..
The mask is not just to protect you
It is to protect others from your germs
If I go to the grocery store and am infected, and I touch a can of beans on the shelf and put it back and then you come pick up that can of beans and then you check out, go to your car, toss your mask, scratch your face, you have the virus and me wearing a mask did nothing for you.

The mask has very little to no protection in the 1% of risk cases - someone coughing - but it does absolutely nothing at all in the 99% of risk cases - touching something an infected person touched and then touching your face.
What if they got back to the car and used hand sanitizer? You should not be touching things you don't buy either!
No its not. In a dry atmosphere there may be no water.
Yes, it most certainly is. And the water droplets come from inside humans, genius.
You dont have a fucking clue, do you... In a dry atmosphere the water is evaported quickly leaving the virus to float in the air. The virus doesn't drop because it doesn't have the weight attached of water. This is why it lingers longer in a dry atmosphere..

That's flat out wrong, dumbass!
My complaint has nothing to do with mandates. I'm just sick of Trump's deplorablea deliberately spreading dangerous propaganda. Like "masks don't work".

Yet another leftist Fauci challenger. Consider yourself cancelled. You don't exist to us here.

What was the date on that interview?

Oh, it was in March when we didn't know anything about COVID-19!

Catch a fucking clue!
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No its not. In a dry atmosphere there may be no water.
Yes, it most certainly is. And the water droplets come from inside humans, genius.
You dont have a fucking clue, do you... In a dry atmosphere the water is evaported quickly leaving the virus to float in the air. The virus doesn't drop because it doesn't have the weight attached of water. This is why it lingers longer in a dry atmosphere..

That's flat out wrong, dumbass!
Again, You really need to see the CDC and the epidimeolgy reports. You are flat out wrong.. Have you ever been trained on biological weapons and agent dispersal? Until you have been I suggest you read up on the epidemiology of this virus and how it propagates in the atmosphere.
From a coroner's view


He then claimed that the Department of Health demands that these deaths be classified as a COVID death without reporting that many of these individuals were terminal prior to testing positive for the virus.

In his opinion, this has lead to “unnecessary fear” in the public and has caused stress to those across the country and the world.

Pounders said that because of this fear, he has seen a drastic increase in cardio/pulmonary death which he attributes to two things: stress due to the pandemic and the concern of leaving the home due to false reporting by politicians.

“They see what the news reporter who has no knowledge of what he is reporting broadcast to the world,” Pounders said. “They become scared to leave home and go to the hospitals for fear of a virus when they need medical care for a more serious condition and ultimately have a cardiac arrest at home.”
Libs, don't wear masks when you are marching and looting for BLM so we can take a great picture of you.

The OP doesn't understand it's about social distancing, washing hands thoroughly, AND wearing face covering to prevent COVID-19 spread. Smarter people have figured it out and duly advised.

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