mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Murder isn't a Christian value? Really? Because it's been a Christian value in many Christian circles for a long time..............all the way from the Crusades way back when, up to now where there are lots of Christians and Christian preachers calling for the killing of homosexuals or those who don't believe in God as the people calling for the killing do.
Peasant class Christians can do a number on themselves. However, the aristocrats, royalty, financiers and bankers of Europe controlled them. Just like they are going to do again as we see the globalism. They have used social justice and destruction of anyone opposing it or criticizing any craziness in it to attain that power.
And as I predicted.......the claim is that the shooter is now a 28 yr old trans activist....because why waste a good mass shooting when you can use it to demonize trans people....

Guns trump children. We have seen that is the case since Sandy Hook.
No government on Earth can guarantee safety, we can, however, guarantee the opportunity to defend ourselves. Just keep ignoring the root causes, I'm sure that will work out for you folks.
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And as I predicted.......the claim is that the shooter is now a 28 yr old trans activist....because why waste a good mass shooting when you can use it to demonize trans people....

Why am I not believing that tweet? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :eusa_think:
On what seemed like a typical summer day, August 1, 1966, a sniper rode the elevator to the top floor of the University of Texas Tower and opened fire, holding the campus hostage for 96 minutes. When the gunshots were finally silenced, the toll included 16 dead, three dozen wounded, and a shaken nation left trying to understand. Using a unique blend of historical archival footage, interviews and rotoscope animation, TOWER reveals the action-packed, untold stories of the witnesses, heroes, and survivors of America’s first mass school shooting, when the worst in one man brought out the best in so many others.

Gee I meant Public school shootings.

The Tower shooter had a Pecan sized tumor in his head and had a history being harmless to people before his massive headaches began in early 1966.

No government on Earth can guarantee safety, we can, however, guarantee the opportunity to defend ourselves. Just keep ignoring the root causes, I'm that will work out for you folks.
Amazing how all other governments seem to be doing better in this regard, eh?

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